< Ferreteria | v0.5 | layout | event(Redirected from Ferreteria/v0.5/layout/onrender)
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- tExecutableTwig defines it as a stub, so podling overrides can always call parent::OnRender() to ensure any parental dependencies are met.
- tRenderableTwig defines it as
NOTE: The remainder of this documentation is obsolete and needs updating.
cElement |
→ caNavElement
→ caLinkElement
→ ferret\cMenuLink
→ ferret\cArrayLink
→ ferret\caDynamicLink
→ ferret\cDropinLink |
This method is called by objects of the cEventNodeRender class. Its job is to funnel the object's output (typically from RenderOutput()) into the given Event object ($oe) via $oe->Append()
- Form:
public function OnRender(cEventNodeRender $oe) : void
- Classes:
- caNavElement: $this->RenderOutput()
- caTag: $this->RenderOutput()
- caPageContent: stashed content + $this->RenderOutput() + value element from ArgPod
- cSectionHeader: $this->RenderTitle(), $this->RenderMenu()
- \cDropinLink: $this->AddPageRendering() - expect this to change (2022-07-13)
- login\caWidget: specialized output process