<php><?php /*
LIBRARY: menu.php - a few classes for managing menus HISTORY: 2009-08-09 Extracted from SpecialVbzAdmin.php 2009-11-04 clsArgs 2010-02-20 clsWikiSection::SectionAdd(), ::ToggleAdd()
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//if (!function_exists('clsMenu::WikiText')) { class clsMenu {
public $Page; private $SubNodes; private $AllNodes; protected $Action; protected $Selected;
public function __construct($iWikiPage) {
$this->Page = $iWikiPage;
} public function WikiText($iAction) {
$this->Action = $iAction; if (isset($this->AllNodes[$iAction])) { $this->AllNodes[$iAction]->Activate(); } $out = $this->WikiText_SubMenu($iAction); return $out;
} public function WikiText_SubMenu($iAction) {
$out = NULL; foreach ($this->SubNodes as $objNode) { if (!is_null($out)) { $out .= ' | '; } $out .= $objNode->WikiText($iAction); } return $out;
} public function Add(clsMenuNode $iNode) {
$this->SubNodes[$iNode->Name] = $iNode; $this->Root()->AllNodes[$iNode->Name] = $iNode; $iNode->Parent = $this;
} protected function Root() {
return $this;
} protected function Activate() { } // do nothing public function Execute() {
if (isset($this->Selected)) { $out = $this->Selected->DoAction(); } else { $out = NULL; } return $out;
abstract class clsMenuNode extends clsMenu {
public $Name; protected $Text; protected $DoSpec; public $Parent; protected $IsActive;
public function __construct($iText, $iDo) {
$this->Name = $iDo; $this->Text = $iText; $this->DoSpec = $iDo;
} public function Root() {
return $this->Parent->Root();
} abstract public function DoAction(); protected function Activate() {
$this->IsActive = TRUE; $this->Parent->Activate();
} public function WikiText($iAction) {
$wtSelf = $this->Root()->Page; $wtItem = "[[$wtSelf/page".KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN."{$this->DoSpec}|{$this->Text}]]"; // if ($iAction == $this->DoSpec) { if ($this->IsActive) { $out = "$wtItem"; $this->Root()->Selected = $this; } else { $out = $wtItem; } return $out;
class clsMenuRow extends clsMenuNode {
public function DoAction() {
$out = "
{$this->Text}: ";
$out .= $this->WikiText_SubMenu($this->Root()->Action);
return $out;
class clsMenuItem extends clsMenuNode {
public function DoAction() {
// later: actually implement menu item action
// A way of passing a variable number of options to a function // Possibly this should be in a separate library // 2010-02-20 ok, this is kind of stupid; just the usual array syntax is simple enough. Is any code using this? // Currently ruling out SpecialVbzAdmin...
class clsArgs {
private $arArgs;
public function __construct(array $iPairs=NULL) {
if (!is_null($iPairs)) { foreach ($iPairs as $key=>$val) { $this->Add($key,$val); } }
public function Add($iName, $iValue=NULL) {
$this->arArgs[$iName] = $iValue;
} public function Value($iName, $iValue=NULL) {
if (!is_null($iValue)) { $this->arArgs[$iName] = $iValue; } if (isset($this->arArgs[$iName])) { return $this->arArgs[$iName]; } else { return NULL; }
} // link-data functions function SelfLink_Path(array $iData) {
$out = ; foreach ($iData AS $key => $val) {
if ($val !== FALSE) { if ($val === TRUE) { $out .= '/'.$key; } else { $out .= '/'.$key.KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN.$val; } }
} return $out;
} function SelfLink_WT(array $iData,$iShow) {
if (is_null($iShow)) {
return NULL;
} else {
$strPath = SelfLink_Path($iData); return ''.$iShow.'';
} function SelfLink_HTML(array $iData,$iShow,$iPopup=NULL) {
if (is_null($iShow)) {
return NULL;
} else {
$strPath = SelfLink_Path($iData); $htPopup = is_null($iPopup)?:(' title="'.$iPopup.'"'); return '<a href="'.$strPath.'"'.$htPopup.'>'.$iShow.'</a>';
} //} class SpecialPageApp extends SpecialPage {
protected $objRT_HTML,$objRT_Wiki;
public function __construct($iName) {
global $wgTitle;
parent::__construct($iName); $objTitleMe = $this->getTitle(); $strFullName = $objTitleMe->getPrefixedText(); $this->objRT_HTML = new clsHTML($strFullName); $this->objRT_Wiki = new clsWikiText($strFullName);
} public function UseHTML() {
global $vgOut;
$vgOut = $this->objRT_HTML;
} public function UseWiki() {
global $vgOut;
$vgOut = $this->objRT_Wiki;
} public function RichTextObj() {
return $vgOut;
} protected function GetArgs($par) {
PURPOSE: Parses variable arguments from the URL The URL is formatted as a series of arguments /arg=val/arg=val/..., so that we can always refer directly to any particular item as a wiki page title while also not worrying about hierarchy/order.
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$args_raw = split('/',$par); foreach($args_raw as $arg_raw) { if (strpos($arg_raw,KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN) !== FALSE) { list($key,$val) = split(KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN,$arg_raw); $this->args[$key] = $val; } else { $this->args[$arg_raw] = TRUE; } }
} public function Arg($iName) {
if (isset($this->args[$iName])) { return $this->args[$iName]; } else { return FALSE; }
} /*===== RETURNS: Just the path after the page name, not the whole wiki title */ private function SelfLink_Path(array $iAdd) {
$arData = $this->args; foreach ($iAdd AS $key => $val) { $arData[$key] = $val; // override any matching keys } return SelfLink_Path($arData);
} /*===== RETURNS: Relative path, ready for use in an href */ public function SelfURL(array $iAdd=NULL,$iClear=FALSE) {
global $wgTitle;
if (is_array($iAdd)) { if ($iClear) { $strPath = SelfLink_Path($iAdd); } else { $strPath = $this->SelfLink_Path($iAdd); } } else { $strPath = ; } return '/'.$wgTitle->getPrefixedText().$strPath;
} public function SelfLink_WT(array $iAdd, $iShow) {
$arData = $this->args; foreach ($iAdd AS $key => $val) { $arData[$key] = $val; // override any matching keys } $out = SelfLink_WT($arData,$iShow); return $out;
} public function SelfLink_HTML(array $iAdd, $iShow, $iClear=FALSE, $iPopup=NULL) {
$urlPath = $this->SelfURL($iAdd,$iClear); $htPopup = is_null($iPopup)?:(' title="'.$iPopup.'"'); $out = '<a href="'.$urlPath.'"'.$htPopup.'>'.$iShow.'</a>'; return $out;
} /*========== | FORM CLASSES | Trying not to be too ambitious at first, but eventually could be separate library file
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class clsWikiFormatter {
private $mwoPage;
public function __construct(SpecialPageApp $iPage) {
$this->mwoPage = $iPage;
} public function Page() {
return $this->mwoPage;
} class clsWikiSection {
// STATIC public static $arKeepDefault = array('page','id');
// DYNAMIC private $strName; // short name for header text private $strDescr; // longer description for popups private $intLevel; // level of header; defaults to 2 private $objFmt; // page-formatter object private $arMenu; // menu entries private $arKeep; // arguments to preserve (in every menu item) from the current page
public function __construct(clsWikiFormatter $iFmt,$iName,$iDescr=NULL,$iLevel=2,array $iMenu=NULL) {
$this->objFmt = $iFmt; $this->strName = $iName; $this->strDescr = is_null($iDescr)?$iName:$iDescr; $this->intLevel = $iLevel; $this->arMenu = $iMenu; $this->arKeep = self::$arKeepDefault;
} public function ArgsToKeep(array $iKeep) {
$this->arKeep = $iKeep;
} /*----- PURPOSE: Add an action link to the menu */ public function SelfArray() {
$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); if (is_array($this->arKeep)) { foreach ($this->arKeep as $key) { $arLink[$key] = $objPage->Arg($key); } } return $arLink;
} public function SelfURL() {
$arLink = $this->SelfArray(); $objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); $wpPath = $objPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE); return $wpPath;
} public function ActionAdd($iDisp,$iPopup=NULL,$iActive=NULL,$iKey=NULL,$iIsDefault=FALSE,array $iArArgs=NULL) {
$strPopup = is_null($iPopup)?($iDisp.' '.$this->strDescr):$iPopup;
$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); $arLink = $this->SelfArray(); if (is_array($iArArgs)) { $arLink = array_merge($arLink,$iArArgs); }
$strKey = is_null($iKey)?$iDisp:$iKey; $arLink['do'] = $strKey; $wpPath = $objPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE); $isActive = is_null($iActive)?($objPage->Arg('do')==$strKey):$iActive;
$arEntry = array( 'type' => 'action', 'path' => $wpPath, 'popup' => $strPopup, 'displ' => $iDisp, 'active' => $isActive, 'isdef' => $iIsDefault ); $this->arMenu[] = $arEntry;
} public function SectionAdd($iDisp) {
$arEntry = array( 'type' => 'section', 'displ' => $iDisp ); $this->arMenu[] = $arEntry;
} public function ToggleAdd($iDisp,$iPopup=NULL,$iKey=NULL) {
$strPopup = is_null($iPopup)?($iDisp.' '.$this->strDescr):$iPopup; $strKey = is_null($iKey)?$iDisp:$iKey;
$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); $arLink = $this->SelfArray();
$isActive = $objPage->Arg($strKey); // active state is indicated by presence of key $arLink[$strKey] = !$isActive; $wpPath = $objPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE);
$arEntry = array( 'type' => 'toggle', 'path' => $wpPath, 'popup' => $strPopup, 'displ' => $iDisp, 'active' => $isActive ); $this->arMenu[] = $arEntry;
} public function Generate() {
$out = '<h'.$this->intLevel.'>'; if (is_array($this->arMenu)) { $arMenu = array_reverse($this->arMenu); // right-alignment reverses things foreach ($arMenu as $arLink) { $strType = $arLink['type']; switch ($strType) { case 'action': $htPath = $arLink['path']; $htPopup = $arLink['popup']; $htDispl = $arLink['displ']; $isActive = !empty($arLink['active']) || $arLink['isdef']; $htFmtOpen = $isActive?'':; $htFmtShut = $isActive?'':; $out .= ''; $out .= $htFmtOpen.'['; $out .= '<a href="'.$htPath.'" title="'.$htPopup.'">'.$htDispl.'</a>'; $out .= ']'.$htFmtShut; $out .= ''; break; case 'toggle': $htPath = $arLink['path']; $htPopup = $arLink['popup']; $htDispl = $arLink['displ']; $isActive = !empty($arLink['active']); $htFmtOpen = $isActive?'':; $htFmtShut = $isActive?'':; $out .= ''; $out .= $htFmtOpen.'['; $out .= '<a href="'.$htPath.'" title="'.$htPopup.'">'.$htDispl.'</a>'; $out .= ']'.$htFmtShut; $out .= ''; break; case 'section': $htDispl = $arLink['displ']; $out .= ''; $out .= '| '.$htDispl.':'; $out .= ''; break; } } } $out .= ''.$this->strName.'</h'.$this->intLevel.'>'; return $out;
} public function FormOpen() {
$out = '<form method=post action="'.$this->SelfURL().'">'; return $out;
// This class is DEPRECATED; replacing with clsWikiFormatter / clsWikiSection class clsWikiAdminSection {
private $strTitle; private $strDescr; private $doEdit; private $arKeep; //private $htPath; public static $arKeepDefault = array('page','id');
public function __construct($iTitle, $iDescr=NULL, array $iKeep=NULL) {
global $vgPage;
$this->strTitle = $iTitle; $this->strDescr = is_null($iDescr)?$iTitle:$iDescr; $this->arKeep = is_null($iKeep)?(self::$arKeepDefault):$iKeep; $this->doEdit = $vgPage->Arg('edit'); //$this->htPath = $vgPage->SelfURL(array('edit'=>!$this->doEdit)); $this->htPath = $vgPage->SelfURL();
} public function HeaderHtml(array $iMenu=NULL) {
$out = '
'; if (is_array($iMenu)) { foreach ($iMenu as $arLink) { $htPath = $arLink['path']; $htPopup = $arLink['popup']; $htDispl = $arLink['displ']; $isActive = !empty($arLink['active']); $out .= ''; if ($isActive) { $out .= ''; } $out .= '['; if ($isActive) { $out .= ''; } $out .= '<a href="'.$htPath.'" title="'.$htPopup.'">'.$htDispl.'</a>'; if ($isActive) { $out .= ''; } $out .= ']'; if ($isActive) { $out .= ''; } $out .= ' '; } } else { $out = ; } $out .= ''.$this->strTitle.'
return $out;
} public function HeaderHtml_OLD() {
$out = '
'; if (!$this->doEdit) { $out .= '[<a href="'.$this->htPath.'" title="Edit '.$this->strDescr.'">edit</a>] '; } $out .= ''.$this->strTitle.'
return $out;
} public function HeaderHtml_Edit(array $iMenu=NULL) {
global $vgPage;
if (is_array($this->arKeep)) { foreach ($this->arKeep as $key) { $arLink[$key] = $vgPage->Arg($key); } }
$arLink['edit'] = TRUE; $wpPathEd = $vgPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE);
$arLink['edit'] = FALSE; $wpPathVw = $vgPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE);
// generate standard part of menu: $arMenu = array( array( 'path' => $wpPathEd, 'popup' => 'edit '.$this->strDescr, 'displ' => 'edit', 'active' => $this->doEdit), array( 'path' => $wpPathVw, 'popup' => 'view '.$this->strDescr, 'displ' => 'view', 'active' => !$this->doEdit));
if (is_array($iMenu)) { $arMenu = array_merge($arMenu,$iMenu); // append passed menu }
return $this->HeaderHtml($arMenu);
} public function FormOpen() {
if ($this->doEdit) { $out = '<form method=post action="'.$this->htPath.'">'; } else { $out = NULL; } return $out;
NOTES: There's probably a better way of doing this (e.g. using the same code used by the User Preferences page), but for now this uses the Tabber extension.
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function TabsOpen() {
global $wgScriptPath,$wgOut;
$path = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/tabber/'; $htmlHeader = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$path.'tabber.js"></script>'
. '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$path.'tabber.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen">'
. '
} function TabsShut() {
global $wgOut;$wgOut->addHTML('
} function TabOpen($iName) {
global $wgOut;
} function TabShut() {
global $wgOut;$wgOut->addHTML('