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Shows a set of toggles. Library code currently does not properly highlight active options. <php> global $vgPage;


$objPage = new clsWikiFormatter($vgPage);

$objSection = new clsWikiSection_std_page($objPage,'Orders',3); //$objSection->ArgsToKeep(array('show','page','id')); $objSection->PageKeys(array('page','id')); //$objSection->ToggleAdd('edit','edit the list of groups','edit.ctg'); $objLink = $objSection->AddLink_local(new clsWikiSectionLink_keyed(array('show.pulled'=>TRUE),'pulled')); $objLink->Popup('show pulled orders'); $objLink = $objSection->AddLink_local(new clsWikiSectionLink_keyed(array('show.shut'=>TRUE),'shut')); $objLink->Popup('show orders which have been closed'); $objLink = $objSection->AddLink_local(new clsWikiSectionLink_keyed(array('show.open'=>TRUE),'open')); $objLink->Popup('show orders which have not been completed'); $out = $objSection->Render();

/* check the flags */ if ($vgPage->Arg('show.open')) { // ...and so on </php> Example from WorkFerret -- adds links like this: do: [invoice] [new] | view: [invoiced] <php> $arOpts = array('context'=>'session','do'=>NULL); $objPage = new clsWikiFormatter($vgPage);

$objSection = new clsWikiSection_std_page($objPage,'Sessions',3); $objSection->PageKeys(array('page','id','show.invoiced')); // add "show.invoiced" to the list of page-identifiers

$objLink = $objSection->AddLink(new clsWikiSection_section('do')); $objLink = $objSection->AddLink_local(new clsWikiSectionLink_option($arOpts,'invc','do','invoice')); $objLink->Popup('create an invoice'); $objLink = $objSection->AddLink_local(new clsWikiSectionLink_option($arOpts,'new','do')); $objLink->Popup('create/edit new session'); $objLink = $objSection->AddLink(new clsWikiSection_section('view')); $objLink = $objSection->AddLink_local(new clsWikiSectionLink_keyed(array(),'invoiced','show.invoiced')); $objLink->Popup('show invoiced sessions');

$out = $objSection->Render(); </php>


<php><?php /*

 LIBRARY: menu.php - a few classes for managing menus
 REQUIRES: richtext.php
   2009-08-09 Extracted from SpecialVbzAdmin.php
   2009-11-04 clsArgs
   2010-02-20 clsWikiSection::SectionAdd(), ::ToggleAdd()
     * General reconciliation with edited non-dev version
     * Done earlier but not logged here:

clsWikiSection::ArgsToAdd() (ported from other copy of menu.php) clsAdminTable, clsAdminData, clsAdminData_Logged, clsAdminEvents, clsAdminEvent

   2010-06-17 StartEvent() / FinishEvent() now keep the event ID in $this->idEvent
     Reconciling with dev:
     * Minor improvements; split() is deprecated; small bugfixes
   2010-10-07 reconstructed clsDataSet::_AdminLink(), which apparently got lost during reconciliation
   2010-10-17 Expanded SpecialPageApp::Args() to allow returning a limited set of arguments
   2013-01-04 clsDataSet isn't in this file, so why is the note about clsDataSet::_AdminLink() here?
   2013-06-02 fixed Values_forLink() - toggles on as well as off now
   2013-06-06 rework of menu link classes complete -- working now
   2010-09-13 When there are multiple toggles, they don't preserve each other's states
     http://wiki.vbz.net/Special:VbzAdmin/page:order/id:4263/receipt -- "email" cancels out "receipt"
   2012-05-27 lots of tweaks and fixes and some new classes to replace old ones; see code comments
   2012-07-08 explicit prepping of mw.menus module
  • /

clsLibMgr::Add('mw.menus', KFP_MW_LIB.'/richtext.php',__FILE__,__LINE__);

 clsLibMgr::AddClass('clsHTML', 'mw.menus');
 clsLibMgr::AddClass('clsWikiText', 'mw.menus');

if (!defined('KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN')) {

   define('KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN',':');	// default


//if (!function_exists('clsMenu::WikiText')) { class clsMenu {

   public $Page;
   private $SubNodes;
   private $AllNodes;
   protected $Action;
   protected $Selected;
   protected $isSubActive;
   public function __construct($iWikiPage) {

$this->Page = $iWikiPage; $this->isSubActive = FALSE;

   public function WikiText($iAction) {

$this->Action = $iAction; if (isset($this->AllNodes[$iAction])) { $this->AllNodes[$iAction]->Activate(); $this->isSubActive = TRUE; } $out = $this->WikiText_SubMenu($iAction); return $out;

   public function WikiText_SubMenu($iAction) {

$out = NULL; foreach ($this->SubNodes as $objNode) { if (!is_null($out)) { $out .= ' | '; } $out .= $objNode->WikiText($iAction); } return $out;

   public function Add(clsMenuNode $iNode) {

$this->SubNodes[$iNode->Name] = $iNode; $this->Root()->AllNodes[$iNode->Name] = $iNode; $iNode->Parent = $this;

   protected function Root() {

return $this;

   protected function Activate() {    }	// do nothing
   public function Execute() {

if (isset($this->Selected)) { $out = $this->Selected->DoAction(); } else { $out = NULL; } return $out;

     RETURNS: TRUE if the current input has activated a sub-menu
   public function IsSubMenuActive() {

return $this->isSubActive;



abstract class clsMenuNode extends clsMenu {

   public $Name;
   protected $Text;
   protected $DoSpec;
   public $Parent;
   protected $IsActive;
   public function __construct($iText, $iDo) {

$this->Name = $iDo; $this->Text = $iText; $this->DoSpec = $iDo;

   public function Root() {

return $this->Parent->Root();

   abstract public function DoAction();
   protected function Activate() {

$this->IsActive = TRUE; $this->Parent->Activate();

   public function WikiText($iAction) {

$wtSelf = $this->Root()->Page; $wtItem = "[[$wtSelf/page".KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN."{$this->DoSpec}|{$this->Text}]]"; // if ($iAction == $this->DoSpec) { if ($this->IsActive) { $out = "$wtItem"; $this->Root()->Selected = $this; } else { $out = $wtItem; } return $out;



class clsMenuRow extends clsMenuNode {

   public function DoAction() {

$out = "
{$this->Text}: "; $out .= $this->WikiText_SubMenu($this->Root()->Action); return $out;



class clsMenuItem extends clsMenuNode {

   public function DoAction() {

// later: actually implement menu item action



// A way of passing a variable number of options to a function // Possibly this should be in a separate library // 2010-02-20 ok, this is kind of stupid; just the usual array syntax is simple enough. Is any code using this? // Currently ruling out SpecialVbzAdmin...

class clsArgs {

   private $arArgs;
   public function __construct(array $iPairs=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iPairs)) { foreach ($iPairs as $key=>$val) { $this->Add($key,$val); } }

   public function Add($iName, $iValue=NULL) {

$this->arArgs[$iName] = $iValue;

   public function Value($iName, $iValue=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iValue)) { $this->arArgs[$iName] = $iValue; } if (isset($this->arArgs[$iName])) { return $this->arArgs[$iName]; } else { return NULL; }


} // link-data functions /*----

 RETURNS: the part of the path *after* the specialpage name
 USED BY: SelfURL(), which is used by clsWikiSection:ActionAdd()
  • /

function SelfLink_Path(array $iData) {

   $fp = ;
   foreach ($iData AS $key => $val) {

if ($val !== FALSE) { if ($val === TRUE) { $fp .= '/'.$key; } else { $fp .= '/'.$key.KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN.$val; } }

   $out = $fp;
   return $out;

} function SelfLink_WT(array $iData,$iShow) {

   if (is_null($iShow)) {

return NULL;

   } else {

$strPath = SelfLink_Path($iData); return ''.$iShow.'';


} /* 2010-10-01 NEED TO KNOW who uses this, so I can fix it function SelfLink_HTML(array $iData,$iShow,$iPopup=NULL) {

   if (is_null($iShow)) {

return NULL;

   } else {

$strPath = SelfLink_Path($iData); $htPopup = is_null($iPopup)?:(' title="'.$iPopup.'"'); return '<a href="'.$strPath.'"'.$htPopup.'>'.$iShow.'</a>';



  • /

//} /* ####

 FUTURE: This could eventually be split into a general page-type and one
   which uses page/id for most pages
   Also, the different RichText classes are now dependent on their creator
     (e.g. this class) to pass them the right kind of base URL. Not sure
     how to fix the conceptual model.
  • /

class SpecialPageApp extends SpecialPage {

   protected $args;	// URL arguments as an array
   private $arKeep;	// arguments to preserve (in every menu item) from the current page 
   private $arAdd;	// arguments to add to every menu item
   protected $objRT_HTML,$objRT_Wiki;
   public function __construct($iName=) {

//global $wgScriptPath; global $vgMWLibPfx; global $wgTitle,$wgUser; global $vgUserName;

parent::__construct($iName); // $vgPage = $this; $vgUserName = $wgUser->getName(); $mwoTitleMe = $this->getTitle();

$wpBase = $this->BaseURL(); $wkBase = $mwoTitleMe->getPrefixedText();

$this->objRT_HTML = new clsHTML($wpBase); // $this->objRT_HTML = new clsHTML(); $this->objRT_Wiki = new clsWikiText($wkBase); // OMGkluge $this->InitArKeep();

     PURPOSE: For some reason, parent::execute() resets $vgPage -- so we need to set it after that.

$vgPage was originally being set in __construct(), but that was getting overwritten.

     FUTURE: Make an application-object to hold $vgPage as a property, instead of having $vgPage as a global.
   public function execute( $subPage ) {

global $vgPage;

parent::execute($subPage); $vgPage = $this;

     RETURNS: URL of basic Special page with no URL arguments
   public function BaseURL() {

$mwoTitle = $this->getTitle(); $wp = $mwoTitle->getFullURL(); return $wp;

   protected function InitArKeep() {

$this->arKeep = array('page','id');

   public function UseHTML() {

global $vgOut;

$vgOut = $this->objRT_HTML;

   public function UseWiki() {

global $vgOut;

$vgOut = $this->objRT_Wiki;



   public function RichTextObj() {

return $vgOut;

  • /
   ACTION: Parses variable arguments from the URL
     The URL is formatted as a series of arguments /arg:val/arg:val/..., so that we can always refer directly

to any particular item as a wiki page title while also not worrying about hierarchy/order. An arg can also appear without a val (/arg/...), in which case it is treated as a flag set to TRUE.

   protected function GetArgs($par) {

$args_raw = preg_split('/\//',$par); foreach($args_raw as $arg_raw) { if (strpos($arg_raw,KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN) !== FALSE) { list($key,$val) = preg_split('/'.KS_CHAR_URL_ASSIGN.'/',$arg_raw); $this->args[$key] = $val; } else { $this->args[$arg_raw] = TRUE; } }

     RETURNS: array of all arguments found in URL,

or just the arguments listed in $iList

   public function Args(array $iList=NULL) {

if (is_array($iList)) { foreach ($iList as $name) { $arOut[$name] = $this->Arg($name); } return $arOut; } else { return $this->args; }

     RETURNS: value of single specified argument from URL

2012-02-26 changed default return from FALSE to NULL NULL is easier to test for.

   public function Arg($iName) {

if (isset($this->args[$iName])) { return $this->args[$iName]; } else { return NULL; }

     SECTION: link generation

2011-03-30 adapted from clsWikiSection to SpecialPageApp

   public function ArgsToKeep(array $iKeep) {

$this->arKeep = $iKeep;

   public function ArgsToAdd(array $iAdd) {

$this->arAdd = $iAdd;

   public function ArrayCheck(array $iarCheck) {

if (is_array($this->arAdd)) { $arOut = array_unique(array_merge($iarCheck,$this->arAdd)); } else { $arOut = $iarCheck; } return $arOut;

   public function SelfArray() {

$arLink = array(); if (is_array($this->arKeep)) { foreach ($this->arKeep as $key) { $arLink[$key] = $this->Arg($key); } } return $this->ArrayCheck($arLink);

     RETURNS: Just the path after the page name, not the whole wiki title
     USED BY: $this->SelfURL()
   private function SelfLink_Path(array $iAdd) {

$arData = $this->args; foreach ($iAdd AS $key => $val) { $arData[$key] = $val; // override any matching keys } return SelfLink_Path($arData);

     USED BY: clsWikiSection::ActionAdd
   public function SelfURL(array $iAdd=NULL,$iClear=TRUE) {

$arAddSave = $this->arAdd; $this->arAdd = $iAdd; $arLink = $this->SelfArray(); // this looks OK

//echo 'ARLINK:



$wpPath = $this->SelfURL_calc($arLink,$iClear); // problem happens there ^ //echo 'WPPATH=['.$wpPath.']'; $this->arAdd = $arAddSave; return $wpPath;

     NOTE: This has only been tested with SpecialPages; in theory it could be used on regular pages
   static public function URL_fromArray(array $iArgs) {

global $wgTitle; global $wgScriptPath;

$strPath = SelfLink_Path($iArgs); // the part after the page name return $wgScriptPath.'/'.$wgTitle->getPrefixedText().$strPath;

     RETURNS: Relative path, ready for use in an href
     USED BY: clsWikiSection:ActionAdd()

2011-03-30 renamed from SelfURL() to SelfURL_calc() 2012-02-24 dropped use of $wgScriptPath, because it doesn't work with MW1.18; rewrote path calculation.

   protected function SelfURL_calc(array $iAdd=NULL,$iClear=FALSE) {

global $wgTitle;

if (is_array($iAdd)) { if ($iClear) { $strPath = SelfLink_Path($iAdd); } else { $strPath = $this->SelfLink_Path($iAdd); } } else { $strPath = ; } //$wpPrefix = $wgTitle->getPrefixedText(); //$wpPrefix = $this->getName(); $mwoTitle = $this->getTitle(); $wpPrefix = $mwoTitle->getFullURL(); return $wpPrefix.$strPath;

   public function SelfLink_WT(array $iAdd, $iShow) {

$arData = $this->args; foreach ($iAdd AS $key => $val) { $arData[$key] = $val; // override any matching keys } $out = SelfLink_WT($arData,$iShow); return $out;


/* 2010-10-01 NEED TO KNOW who uses this, so I can fix it

   public function SelfLink_HTML(array $iAdd, $iShow, $iClear=FALSE, $iPopup=NULL) {

$urlPath = $this->SelfURL($iAdd,$iClear); $htPopup = is_null($iPopup)?:(' title="'.$iPopup.'"'); $out = '<a href="'.$urlPath.'"'.$htPopup.'>'.$iShow.'</a>'; return $out;

  • /
     USED BY: VbzAdminOrder.DoSetup()
   public function SelfLink(array $iAdd, $iShow, $iPopup=NULL) {

global $vgOut;

$arData = $this->args; foreach ($iAdd AS $key => $val) { $arData[$key] = $val; // override any matching keys } $out = $vgOut->SelfLink($arData,$iShow,$iPopup); return $out;

     ACTION: Displays a mini-menu from a list of possible values

$iArgName: name of argument whose value changes with each choice $iValues: array containing prefix-delimited list of data for each choice: iValue[URL value] = "\display value\popup text"

   public function SelfLinkMenu($iArgName,array $iValues,$iCur=NULL) {

global $vgOut;

$strCur = (is_null($iCur))?$this->Arg($iArgName):$iCur;

$objStr = new xtString; $strArg = $iArgName; $out = ; foreach ($iValues as $strURL => $xtData) { $objStr->Value = $xtData; $arVal = $objStr->Xplode(); $strDisp = $arVal[0]; $strPop = $arVal[1]; $arAdd[$strArg] = $strURL; $isSel = ($strURL == $strCur); $out .= $vgOut->Selected($isSel,'[ '.$this->SelfLink($arAdd,$strDisp,$strPop).' ]'); } return $out;


iarClassNames: array of names of classes to load

   public function RegObjs(array $iarClassNames) {

foreach ($iarClassNames as $strCls) { $tbl = $this->DB()->Make($strCls); $strAct = $tbl->ActionKey(); $arTbls[$strAct] = $tbl; } $this->arTbls = $arTbls;

     ACTION: handles arguments embedded in the URL
     REQUIRES: classes must be registered in $this->arTbls (use $this->RegObjs())

2011-10-15 moved here from SpecialVbzAdmin.php and renamed from doAdminLookup() to HandlePageArgs()

   protected function HandlePageArgs() {

if (isset($this->args['page'])) { $page = $this->args['page']; } else { $page = NULL; }

$idObj = NULL; $doObj = FALSE; $doNew = FALSE; if (!is_null($page)) { if (isset($this->args['id'])) { $doObj = TRUE; $idObj = $this->args['id']; if ($idObj == 'new') { // an ID of NULL tells GetItem() to create a new object rather than loading an existing record $idObj = NULL; $doNew = TRUE; } } } $this->page = $page; $this->doObj = $doObj; $this->idObj = $idObj;

$tbl = NULL; $obj = NULL; if (array_key_exists($page,$this->arTbls)) { $tbl = $this->arTbls[$page]; if ($doObj) { $obj = $tbl->GetItem($idObj); if (!$doNew && $obj->IsNew()) { $out = 'Internal Error: Record was expected, but none found. Check the URL.';

$out .= '

    '; $out .= '
  • requested ID: '.$idObj; global $sql; $out .= '
  • SQL used: '.$sql; $out .= '
  • Table class: '.get_class($tbl); $out .= '
  • Record class: '.get_class($obj); $out .= '


echo $out; $out=NULL; throw new exception('Expected record was not found.'); }

if (method_exists($obj,'PageTitle')) { $this->SetTitle($obj->PageTitle()); } } else { if (method_exists($tbl,'PageTitle')) { $this->SetTitle($tbl->PageTitle()); } } } $this->tbl = $tbl; $this->obj = $obj;



/*========== | FORM CLASSES | Trying not to be too ambitious at first, but eventually could be separate library file

  • /

class clsWikiFormatter {

   private $mwoPage;
   public function __construct(SpecialPageApp $iPage) {

$this->mwoPage = $iPage;

   public function Page() {

return $this->mwoPage;


} /*%%%%

 PURPOSE: revised clsWikiSection, taking into account usability lessons learned
   and implementing a more flexible link design.
  • /

class clsWikiSection2 {

   private $objFmt;	// page-formatter object
   private $arMenu;	// array of menu objects
   private $arPage;	// page keys array
   private $strTitle;	// title of section - for display
   private $intLevel;	// indentation level of section
   public function __construct(clsWikiFormatter $iFmt,$iTitle,$iLevel=2) {

$this->objFmt = $iFmt; $this->strTitle = $iTitle; $this->intLevel = $iLevel; $this->arMenu = NULL; $this->arPage = NULL;

     ACTION: set the list of keys that represent the current page spec.

Preserving these keys will keep the user on the current page even if other data changes.

   public function PageKeys(array $arKeys=NULL) {

if (!is_null($arKeys)) { $this->arPage = $arKeys; } return $this->arPage;

     RETURNS: array representing page-defining data (but not all URL values)
   public function PageData($iKey=NULL) {

$arArgs = $this->PageVals();

if (is_null($iKey)) { // return array of values for all the keys that identify the page foreach ($this->arPage as $idx => $key) { if (array_key_exists($key,$arArgs)) { // 2012-05-27 this seems to happen when a key is defined but not used in some circumstance $arOut[$key] = $arArgs[$key]; } } return $arOut; } else { return NzArray($arArgs,$iKey); }

   public function PageVals() {

$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); return $objPage->Args();

   public function AddLink(clsWikiSectionWidget $iLink) {

$this->arMenu[] = $iLink; // add Link to list of Links $iLink->Section($this); // pass Link a pointer back to $this return $iLink;

     PURPOSE: add a link to do something on the current page -- preserve page-significant data
   public function AddLink_local(clsWikiSectionLink_base $iLink) {

$this->AddPageDefaults_toLink($iLink); $this->AddLink($iLink); return $iLink;

     PURPOSE: add a link that preserves all other URL data (preserves the state of the page)
   public function AddLink_state(clsWikiSectionLink $iLink) {

$this->AddPageValues_toLink($iLink); $this->AddLink($iLink); return $iLink;

   public function AddPageDefaults_toLink(clsWikiSectionLink_base $iLink) {


   public function AddPageValues_toLink(clsWikiSectionLink $iLink) {


   public function Render() {

$tag = 'h'.$this->intLevel; $title = $this->strTitle;

$out = "\n


if (is_array($this->arMenu)) { $arMenu = array_reverse($this->arMenu); // right-alignment reverses things foreach ($arMenu as $objLink) { $out .= $objLink->Render(); } }

$out .= "\n$title</$tag>


return $out;

   public function FormOpen() {

$oForm = new clsWikiSectionForm($this->PageData()); return $oForm->Render();


} class clsWikiSection_std_page extends clsWikiSection2 {

   public function __construct(clsWikiFormatter $iFmt,$iTitle,$iLevel=2) {

parent::__construct($iFmt,$iTitle,$iLevel); $this->PageKeys(array('page','id'));


} /*%%%%

 PURPOSE: abstract handler for stuff that might go in the action/link area of a section header
  • /

abstract class clsWikiSectionWidget {

   protected $objSect;	// section object
   private $strPopup;	// popup text (if any)
     ACTION: render the link
   abstract public function Render();
   public function Popup($iPopup=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iPopup)) { $this->strPopup = $iPopup; } return $this->strPopup;

   public function Section(clsWikiSection2 $iSection=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iSection)) { $this->objSect = $iSection; } return $this->objSect;


} abstract class clsWikiSectionLink_base extends clsWikiSectionWidget {

   protected $arData;	// key:value pairs to always include in link
   public function __construct(array $iarData) {

$this->arData = $iarData;

     RETURNS: URL for this link
   public function SelfURL() {

global $vgOut;

$ar = $this->Values_forLink(); return $vgOut->SelfURL($ar);

   abstract protected function Values_forLink();
     ACTION: sets a bunch of values to be used as defaults

if there is not already a value for each key.

   public function Values_default(array $iarValues) {

foreach ($iarValues as $key => $val) { $this->arData[$key] = NzArray($this->arData,$key,$val); }

   public function Values(array $iValues=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iValues)) { $this->arData = $iValues; } return $this->arData;

   public function Value($iKey,$iVal=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iVal)) { $this->arData[$iKey] = $iVal; } return $this->arData[$iKey];


} /*%%%%

 PURPOSE: handles a single action-link (e.g. [edit]) on a section header
 TODO: This should be renamed; it's a particular type of link, possibly obsolete.
  • /

abstract class clsWikiSectionLink extends clsWikiSectionLink_base {

   protected $strDisp;	// text to display

iarData = list of URL values to always preserve iDisp = text to display

   public function __construct(array $iarData,$iDisp) {

parent::__construct($iarData); $this->strDisp = $iDisp; $this->objSect = NULL; $this->strPopup = NULL; $this->isActive = FALSE;

   protected function DisplayText() {

return $this->strDisp;

     RETURNS: TRUE if the current URL causes this link to be selected

May also return a value rather than TRUE/FALSE.

   abstract public function Selected();
     RETURNS: array of link's values, adjusted as needed for link behavior

i.e. if link should toggle OFF, then the appropriate array value is set FALSE.

     VERSION: removes key from link if it is currently active

This originally just returned $this->Values() It may be that this class should do that, and we need a clsWikiSectionLink_toggle to do what this one does now.

   protected function Values_forLink() {

$ar = $this->Values();

$key = $this->Key(); $ar[$key] = !$this->Selected();

return $ar;

     ACTION: render the link
   public function Render() {

$ftURL = $this->SelfURL();

$htPopup = htmlspecialchars($this->strPopup); $htDispl = htmlspecialchars($this->DisplayText());

$isActive = $this->Selected(); $htFmtOpen = $isActive?'':; $htFmtShut = $isActive?'':;

// $out = '


$out = ''; $out .= $htFmtOpen.'['; $out .= '<a href="'.$ftURL.'" title="'.$htPopup.'">'.$htDispl.'</a>'; $out .= ']'.$htFmtShut;

// $out .= '


$out .= '';

return $out;


} /*%%%%

 PURPOSE: handles links that have a "key", i.e. a particular identifying piece of data.
   Default behavior is to treat this like a toggle.
 DEPRECATED - use clsWikiSectionLink_option
  • /

class clsWikiSectionLink_keyed extends clsWikiSectionLink {

   protected $strKey;

iarData: not sure... other stuff to always appear in URL, probably iDisp: text to display for link iKey: key to look up in URL to see if link is activated

   public function __construct(array $iarData,$iDisp,$iKey=NULL) {

parent::__construct($iarData,$iDisp); $this->strKey = is_null($iKey)?$iDisp:$iKey; $this->isSelected = NULL;

   public function Key($iKey=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iKey)) { $this->strKey = $iKey; } return $this->strKey;

   public function Selected() {

$key = $this->Key(); $val = $this->objSect->PageData($key); return $val;


} /*%%%%

 PURPOSE: handles a form within a section.
   Right now, it actually just handles the opening form tag.
 USAGE: created internally by section object; not added to list
  • /

class clsWikiSectionForm extends clsWikiSectionLink_base {

     ACTION: render the form
   public function Render() {

$out = '<form method=post action="'.$this->SelfURL().'">'; return $out."\n";

   protected function Values_forLink() {

return $this->Values();


} /*%%%%

 PURPOSE: handles a group of links where only one link in the group can be activated at one time
   If no group key is specified, each link acts like a toggle.
 USAGE: added by caller
  • /

class clsWikiSectionLink_option extends clsWikiSectionLink_base {

   protected $sLKey;	// link key
   protected $sGKey;	// link group key
   protected $sDi0;	// display when not activated
   protected $sDi1;	// display when activated

iarData: other stuff to always appear in URL, regardless of section's menu state iLinkKey: value that the group should be set to when this link is activated iGroupKey: group's identifier string in URL (.../iGroupKey:iLinkKey/...) if NULL, then there is no group key, and presence of link key (.../iLinkKey/...) is a flag iDispOff: text to display when link is not activated - defaults to iLinkKey iDispOn: text to display when link is activated - defaults to iDispOff

   public function __construct(array $iarData,$iLinkKey,$iGroupKey=NULL,$iDispOff=NULL,$iDispOn=NULL) {

parent::__construct($iarData); $this->sGKey = $iGroupKey; $this->sLKey = $iLinkKey; $this->sDi0 = is_null($iDispOff)?$iLinkKey:$iDispOff; $this->sDi1 = is_null($iDispOn)?$this->sDi0:$iDispOn;

   protected function LinkKey() {

return $this->sLKey;

   protected function GroupKey() {

return $this->sGKey;

   protected function HasGroup() {

return !is_null($this->GroupKey());

   protected function GroupVal() {

$gk = $this->GroupKey(); // key for link's group return $this->objSect->PageData($gk); // return group's current value

   public function Selected() {

$lk = $this->LinkKey(); // key for this link if ($this->HasGroup()) { $gv = $this->GroupVal(); // current group value return ($gv==$lk); // does group value match link key? } else { return $this->objSect->PageData($lk); // return TRUE iff link key exists in URL }

   protected function DisplayText() {

if ($this->Selected()) { return $this->sDi1; } else { return $this->sDi0; }

     RETURNS: array of link's values, adjusted as needed for link behavior

i.e. if link should toggle OFF, then the appropriate array value is set FALSE.


if there is a group key: if selected, sets group key FALSE to remove it from URL if NOT selected, sets group key to link key if there is NO group key: if selected, sets link key FALSE to remove it from URL if NOT selected, sets link key TRUE to put it in the URL

   protected function Values_forLink() {

$ar = $this->Values();

$lk = $this->LinkKey(); if ($this->HasGroup()) { $gk = $this->GroupKey(); if ($this->Selected()) { $ar[$gk] = FALSE; } else { $ar[$gk] = $lk; } } else { $ar[$lk] = !$this->Selected(); }

return $ar;

     ACTION: render the link
   public function Render() {

$ftURL = $this->SelfURL();

$htPopup = htmlspecialchars($this->Popup()); $htDispl = htmlspecialchars($this->DisplayText());

$isActive = $this->Selected(); $htFmtOpen = $isActive?'':; $htFmtShut = $isActive?'':;

// $out = '


$out = ''; $out .= $htFmtOpen.'['; $out .= '<a href="'.$ftURL.'" title="'.$htPopup.'">'.$htDispl.'</a>'; $out .= ']'.$htFmtShut;

// $out .= '


$out .= '';

return $out;


} /*%%%%

 PURPOSE: handles links that express possible values of a single key
 DEPRECATED: Does anything use this successfully?
   clsWikiSectionLink_option is a rewrite to provide the same functionality.
  • /

class clsWikiSectionLink_choice extends clsWikiSectionLink_keyed {

   public function Selected() {

$key = $this->Key(); $valPage = parent::Selected(); $valLink = $this->Value($key); return $valPage == $valLink;


} /*%%%%

 PURPOSE: handles link-area subsections (static text)
  • /

class clsWikiSection_section extends clsWikiSectionWidget {

   protected $strDisp;
   public function __construct($iDisp) {

$this->strDisp = $iDisp;

   public function Render() {

$out = ''; $out .= '| '.$this->strDisp.':'; $out .= ''; return $out;



/* class clsWikiSectionLink_bool {

   public function __construct(array $iarData,$iDisp=NULL,$iPopup=NULL,$iKey=NULL) {
   public function Selected($iOn=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iOn)) { $isActive = !empty($arLink['active']) || $arLink['isdef']; } return NzArray($this->arData,'active');



  • /

class clsWikiSection {

   // STATIC
   public static $arKeepDefault = array('page','id');
   private $strName;	// short name for header text
   private $strDescr;	// longer description for popups
   private $intLevel;	// level of header; defaults to 2
   private $objFmt;	// page-formatter object
   private $arMenu;	// menu entries
   private $arKeep;	// arguments to preserve (in every menu item) from the current page 
   private $arAdd;	// arguments to add to every menu item
   public function __construct(clsWikiFormatter $iFmt,$iName,$iDescr=NULL,$iLevel=2,array $iMenu=NULL) {

$this->objFmt = $iFmt; $this->strName = $iName; $this->strDescr = is_null($iDescr)?$iName:$iDescr; $this->intLevel = $iLevel; $this->arMenu = $iMenu; $this->arKeep = self::$arKeepDefault;


/* 2011-03-30 who is using these? 2011-10-17 ArgsToKeep() and ArgsToAdd() were being used by SpecialWorkFerret clsWFSession.SectionHdr(); checking to see if actually needed...

 no, they aren't -- DEPRECATED -- use $vgPage-> functions instead.
   public function ArgsToKeep(array $iKeep) {

$this->arKeep = $iKeep;

   public function ArgsToAdd(array $iAdd) {

$this->arAdd = $iAdd;

   protected function ArrayCheck(array $iarCheck) {

if (is_array($this->arAdd)) { $arOut = array_unique(array_merge($iarCheck,$this->arAdd)); } else { $arOut = $iarCheck; } return $arOut;

   public function SelfURL() {

$arLink = $this->SelfArray(); $objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); $wpPath = $objPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE); return $wpPath;

   public function SelfArray() {

$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); if (is_array($this->arKeep)) { foreach ($this->arKeep as $key) { $arLink[$key] = $objPage->Arg($key); } } return $this->ArrayCheck($arLink);

  • /
     PURPOSE: Add an action link to the menu
     USED BY: any admin page that adds an action link to a section (e.g. "edit")

iDisp = text to display (usually short, preferably one word) iActive = TRUE shows the item as selected, FALSE shows it normally; default is to attempt to detect the state iKey = key to use in URL. If this is an array, then it is passed directly to SelfURL(), overriding any existing values.


2010-11-07 added array option for iKey

   public function ActionAdd($iDisp,$iPopup=NULL,$iActive=NULL,$iKey=NULL,$iIsDefault=FALSE) {

$strPopup = is_null($iPopup)?($iDisp.' '.$this->strDescr):$iPopup;

$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); $arLink = $objPage->ArrayCheck($objPage->SelfArray());

if (is_array($iKey)) { $wpPath = $objPage->SelfURL($iKey,TRUE); $isActive = is_null($iActive)?FALSE:$iActive; } else { $strKey = is_null($iKey)?$iDisp:$iKey; $arLink['do'] = $strKey; $arLink = $objPage->ArrayCheck($arLink); $wpPath = $objPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE); $isActive = is_null($iActive)?($objPage->Arg('do')==$strKey):$iActive; }

$arEntry = array( 'type' => 'action', 'path' => $wpPath, 'popup' => $strPopup, 'displ' => $iDisp, 'active' => $isActive, 'isdef' => $iIsDefault ); $this->arMenu[] = $arEntry;

     ACTION: adds a static-text separator to the section menu
     FUTURE: Rename this to SepAdd or DividerAdd
   public function SectionAdd($iDisp) {

$arEntry = array( 'type' => 'section', 'displ' => $iDisp ); $this->arMenu[] = $arEntry;

   public function ToggleAdd($iDisp,$iPopup=NULL,$iKey=NULL) {

$strPopup = is_null($iPopup)?($iDisp.' '.$this->strDescr):$iPopup; $strKey = is_null($iKey)?$iDisp:$iKey;

$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page();

$arLink = $objPage->SelfArray(); $isActive = $objPage->Arg($strKey); // active state is indicated by presence of key $arLink[$strKey] = !$isActive;

$arLink = $objPage->ArrayCheck($arLink); $wpPath = $objPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE);

//echo '



//echo 'WPPATH=['.$wpPath.']';

$arEntry = array( 'type' => 'toggle', 'path' => $wpPath, 'popup' => $strPopup, 'displ' => $iDisp, 'active' => $isActive ); $this->arMenu[] = $arEntry;

     PURPOSE: More flexible section link type

$iDisp = text to display $iArgs = arguments for link $iPopup = text for tooltip (optional)


2011-01-02 Created to allow section commands to link to new-record-creation pages

   public function CommandAdd($iDisp,array $iArgs,$iPopup=NULL) {

$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); $wpPath = $objPage->SelfURL($iArgs); $arEntry = array( 'type' => 'action', 'path' => $wpPath, 'popup' => $iPopup, 'displ' => $iDisp, 'isdef' => FALSE // I've forgotten what this does, but there's a warning if it's not set ); $this->arMenu[] = $arEntry;

   public function Generate() {

$out = '<h'.$this->intLevel.'>'; if (is_array($this->arMenu)) { $arMenu = array_reverse($this->arMenu); // right-alignment reverses things foreach ($arMenu as $arLink) { $strType = $arLink['type']; switch ($strType) { case 'action': $htPath = $arLink['path']; $htPopup = $arLink['popup']; $htDispl = $arLink['displ']; $isActive = !empty($arLink['active']) || $arLink['isdef']; $htFmtOpen = $isActive?'':; $htFmtShut = $isActive?'':; $out .= ''; $out .= $htFmtOpen.'['; $out .= '<a href="'.$htPath.'" title="'.$htPopup.'">'.$htDispl.'</a>'; $out .= ']'.$htFmtShut; $out .= ''; break; case 'toggle': $htPath = $arLink['path']; $htPopup = $arLink['popup']; $htDispl = $arLink['displ']; $isActive = !empty($arLink['active']); $htFmtOpen = $isActive?'':; $htFmtShut = $isActive?'':; $out .= ''; $out .= $htFmtOpen.'['; $out .= '<a href="'.$htPath.'" title="'.$htPopup.'">'.$htDispl.'</a>'; $out .= ']'.$htFmtShut; $out .= ''; break; case 'section': $htDispl = $arLink['displ']; $out .= ''; $out .= '| '.$htDispl.':'; $out .= ''; break; } } } $out .= ''.$this->strName.'</h'.$this->intLevel.'>'; return $out;

   public function FormOpen() {

$objPage = $this->objFmt->Page(); $url = $objPage->SelfURL(); $out = '<form method=post action="'.$url.'">'; return $out;


} class clsWikiAdminSection { // DEPRECATED; use clsWikiFormatter / clsWikiSection

   private $strTitle;
   private $strDescr;
   private $doEdit;
   private $arKeep;
   //private $htPath;
   public static $arKeepDefault = array('page','id');
   public function __construct($iTitle, $iDescr=NULL, array $iKeep=NULL) {

global $vgPage;

$this->strTitle = $iTitle; $this->strDescr = is_null($iDescr)?$iTitle:$iDescr; $this->arKeep = is_null($iKeep)?(self::$arKeepDefault):$iKeep; $this->doEdit = $vgPage->Arg('edit'); //$this->htPath = $vgPage->SelfURL(array('edit'=>!$this->doEdit)); $this->htPath = $vgPage->SelfURL();

   public function HeaderHtml(array $iMenu=NULL) {

$out = '

'; if (is_array($iMenu)) { foreach ($iMenu as $arLink) { $htPath = $arLink['path']; $htPopup = $arLink['popup']; $htDispl = $arLink['displ']; $isActive = !empty($arLink['active']); $out .= ''; if ($isActive) { $out .= ''; } $out .= '['; if ($isActive) { $out .= ''; } $out .= '<a href="'.$htPath.'" title="'.$htPopup.'">'.$htDispl.'</a>'; if ($isActive) { $out .= ''; } $out .= ']'; if ($isActive) { $out .= ''; } $out .= ' '; } } else { $out = ; } $out .= ''.$this->strTitle.'


return $out;

   public function HeaderHtml_OLD() {

$out = '

'; if (!$this->doEdit) { $out .= '[<a href="'.$this->htPath.'" title="Edit '.$this->strDescr.'">edit</a>] '; } $out .= ''.$this->strTitle.'


return $out;

   public function HeaderHtml_Edit(array $iMenu=NULL) {

global $vgPage;

if (is_array($this->arKeep)) { foreach ($this->arKeep as $key) { $arLink[$key] = $vgPage->Arg($key); } }

$arLink['edit'] = TRUE; $wpPathEd = $vgPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE);

$arLink['edit'] = FALSE; $wpPathVw = $vgPage->SelfURL($arLink,TRUE);

// generate standard part of menu: $arMenu = array( array( 'path' => $wpPathEd, 'popup' => 'edit '.$this->strDescr, 'displ' => 'edit', 'active' => $this->doEdit), array( 'path' => $wpPathVw, 'popup' => 'view '.$this->strDescr, 'displ' => 'view', 'active' => !$this->doEdit));

if (is_array($iMenu)) { $arMenu = array_merge($arMenu,$iMenu); // append passed menu }

return $this->HeaderHtml($arMenu);

   public function FormOpen() {

if ($this->doEdit) { $out = '<form method=post action="'.$this->htPath.'">'; } else { $out = NULL; } return $out;



 NOTES: There's probably a better way of doing this (e.g. using the same code used by the User Preferences page), but for now
   this uses the Tabber extension.
  • /

function TabsOpen() {

   global $wgScriptPath,$wgOut;
   $path = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/tabber/';
   $htmlHeader = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$path.'tabber.js"></script>'

. '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$path.'tabber.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen">'

. '


} function TabsShut() {

   global $wgOut;


} function TabOpen($iName) {

   global $wgOut;



} function TabShut() {

   global $wgOut;

