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cloud1 v3
- created: 2020-10-21, see Log
- purpose: hypertwins domains stuff (email, xmpp, wiki)
- specs:
- 4 GB RAM / 80 GB HD
- $20/mo
- aux:
- volume-nyc1-01 - 100 GB, $10/mo
- usage: development server -- can move stuff off to home machine once home machine is upgraded... except for the Redmine site, which has historically been a PitA to move. I don't think I've ever succeeded. Redmine remains the only reason I haven't shut this down yet.
- specs:
- 3 GB RAM / 50 GB HD / $15/mo
- aux:
- cloud4-01 - 50 GB, $5/mo
- usage: primary "live" server
- specs:
- 8 GB RAM / 160 GB HD / 100 GB xHD / $40/mo
- aux:
- volume-nyc3-03 - 100 GB, $10/mo
- usage:
- serves (Mastodon only, not or
- also being used as emergency POP3 server for Harena, because anything newer doesn't support Eudora's outdated TLS
- httpd: Nginx (not supported by VirtualMin)
- db engine: PostgreSQL
- specs:
- 4 vCPUs / 8GB RAM / 160GB Disk / ($40/mo)
- CPU usage rarely over 33%, but "real memory" usage can ramp up sometimes (reboot helps)
This server is being held back at an older version of Ubuntu until we can solve the Eudora problem.
cloud1 v2
- usage: Minecraft server, Mattermost server, and one MediaWiki site that could easily be moved to cloud5.
- specs:
- 8 GB RAM / 160 GB HD~~
- $40/mo.~~
- Minecraft seems to hover pretty consistently at 25% of CPU power~~
cloud2 v1
- usage: email
and wiki(moved to cloud5 and later to cloud1 v3, Ubuntu 14.04 - specs:
- 4 GB RAM / 80 GB HD
- $20/mo
- very little CPU usage, despite email
- Also destroyed old snapshot "" ($1.98/mo)
- usage was going to be my 3rd-party server, but this no longer seems necessary. Very old system,
only another 2 sites left to move off - specs:
- 2 GB RAM / 40 GB HD
- $20/mo but could "resize" to get current price of $10 for about 10 minutes of work~~
- 2020-11-04 08:07 deleted volume-nyc3-01 from cloud5, having copied the data over to cloud1 and verified that there's a recent backup
- 2020-11-01 deleted cloud2 v1
- 2020-09-12 deleted cloud1 v2
- 2019-09-01 18:01 upgraded cloud4:
- old: 2 GB RAM / 1vCPU / $10/mo
- new: 3 GB RAM / 1vCPU / $15/mo
- 2019-07-09 deleted cloud3
- 2019-07-09 20:58 demoted cloud4:
- old: 4 GB RAM / 2vCPU / $20/mo
- new: 2 GB RAM / 1vCPU / $10/mo
- 2018-01: lots of resizing going on