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  • History:
    • 2010-01-28 Adapted from MS Access version; consolidating WorkProject and WorkAcct tables
    • 2013-06-07 Added isActive field.
    • 2013-06-09 Changed isActive default from FALSE to b'1' (TRUE); added Notes field.
    • 2014-03-10 Adding ID_Rate
  • Fields:
    • ID_Rate: default Rate for new sessions
      • Ideally this should be something individual users can set, but that requires a "user preferences" infrastructure that should probably be part of the framework rather than provided by individual applications.
    • InvcPfx: If set, this indicates that the project is billable (otherwise it's just a category or sub-project)
    • isActive: This field can be set FALSE for inactive projects, to reduce clutter in various lists.


<mysql>DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `project`; CREATE TABLE `project` (

 `ID`        INT(4)           NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `ID_Parent` INT(4)       DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "Parent project (can be client or category)",
 `Name`      VARCHAR(63)      NOT NULL COMMENT "Name of project",
 `ID_Rate`   INT(4)       DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "ID of default rate to use for new sessions",
 `Notes`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "human-entered notes",
 `InvcPfx`   VARCHAR(7)   DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "prefix for invoice numbers",
 `isActive`  BIT(1)       DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT "TRUE = currently in use; FALSE = don't include in most lists",

) ENGINE=MyISAM;</mysql>