VbzCart/docs/v1/class/vcPageContent ckout/DoPage
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2019-05-05 Revised order of events:
- PHASE I: receive
- detect submitted page - $this->GetPageKey_forData();
- load controls to receive that
- receive form data
- save form data
- save back to blob -- the Cart should save the blob field on return
- PHASE II: display
- determine page to show - $this->HandlePageRequest();
- calculate if requested page should be displayed (if any required fields are missing, can't advance)
- load controls to display that
- load any saved values from blob
- DON'T display the page because that is handled by the Template:L/version/method() event.
- determine page to show - $this->HandlePageRequest();
Old notes:
- 2019-05-22 This has been renamed to DoPage() and substantially rewritten; other related objects gutted
- 2019-05-05 Order of events revised
- 2019-04-27 old notes archived
- Template:L/version/method() [protected; events system] calls...
- Internal states:
- {Set/Get}PageKey_Request() - the page requested by the user
- {Set/Get}PageKey_forShow() - the page to display
- Template:L/version/method()
PURPOSE: core form processing & page rendering
* dispatches to ParseInput_Login() & HandleInput_Login() to render/handle login controls
* logs a Cart event to record which page was displayed
* sets PageKey_forShow()
* dispatches to RenderPage() to render the page
* ParseInput_Login() and HandleInput_Login() were defined in files which have now
been removed from VbzCart. This *should* now be handled automatically by Ferreteria
if the right page component class is used.
* Also, PageKey_forShow_default() no longer exists; I'm going to assume
that we can just use PageKey_forShow().
TODO: Consider whether maybe this functionality should be moved into $oContent.
protected function ProcessPage() {
$gotPgDest = FALSE;
$gotPgSrce = FALSE;
// 2019-04-28 Should this bit be moved into HandlePageRequest()?
$sKey = fcHTTP::Request()->GetString(KSQ_ARG_PAGE_DEST);
if (is_null($sKey)) {
} else {
$gotPgDest = TRUE;
// [end of "this bit"]
// get actual page to display
$sShow = $this->GetPageKey_forShow();
$arEv = array(
fcrEvent::KF_CODE => 'PG-IN',
fcrEvent::KF_DESCR_FINISH => 'showing page "'.$sShow.'"',
fcrEvent::KF_WHERE => 'HandleInput()',
); */
$rcCart = $this->GetCartRecord_ifWriteable();
if (is_null($rcCart)) {
$sMsg = fcApp::Me()->MessagesString();
$wpCart = vcGlobals::Me()->GetWebPath_forCartPage();
if (is_null($sMsg)) {
// 2016-04-24 This can happen when browser fingerprint changes.
//throw new exception('In checkout with no current cart set, but there are no error messages.');
$sMsg = "You don't seem to have a shopping cart yet, so you can't check out. If you had one before, your IP address or browser version may have changed.";
} else {
//$rcEv = $rcCart->CreateEvent($arEv);
$rcEv = $rcCart->CreateEvent('PG-IN',"showing page '$sShow'"); // 2018-07-22 can add array (3rd arg) with additional info if needed
$this->doBackBtn = TRUE;
$this->doRefrBtn = FALSE;
// controls need to get added by this point
echo 'RECEIVING FORM IN ['.$this->GetName().']<br>';
$oRes = $this->GetFormObject()->Receive($_POST); // returns fcFormResult