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- file: Template:L/project
- extended by: Template:L/version
class vcCartDataFieldGroup {
use ftFrameworkAccess;
public function __construct(fcBlobField $oBlob) {
// ++ I/O ++ //
//++internal data++//
private $oBlob;
protected function SetDataBlob(fcBlobField $oBlob) {
$this->oBlob = $oBlob;
protected function GetDataBlob() {
return $this->oBlob;
// PURPOSE: debugging
public function DumpArray() {
return fcArray::Render($this->GetDataBlob()->GetArray());
protected function GetValue($id) {
return $this->GetDataBlob()->GetValue($id);
protected function SetValue($id,$sValue) {
//--internal data--//
// -- I/O -- //
// ++ FORMS ++ //
private $oForm = NULL;
protected function FormObject() {
if (is_null($this->oForm)) {
// create fields & controls
$this->oForm = new fcForm_blob('cart',$this->GetDataBlob()); // 2019-02-24 actually not sure if "cart" is what is wanted
return $this->oForm;
2018-07-24 Replaed call to GetRecordValues_asNative() with call to GetFieldArray_toWrite_native().
The former does not seem to exist in the blob-form class. Hope the latter is appropriate.
public function GetFormArray() {
$oForm = $this->FormObject();
//return $oForm->GetRecordValues_asNative();
return $oForm->GetFieldArray_toWrite_native();
private $arMissed;
protected function AddMissing(array $ar=NULL) {
if (!is_null($ar)) {
$this->arMissed = array_merge($this->GetMissingArray(),$ar);
NOTE: These two methods ^^ vv are essentially duplicates of methods in vcrShopCart.
I *think* the way it works is that the Cart object is collating missing-lists from
vcCartDataFieldGroup forms. Maybe missing-lists should be their own class?
public function GetMissingArray() {
if (empty($this->arMissed)) {
$this->arMissed = array();
return $this->arMissed;
NOTE: These methods are kind of a kluge necessitated by limitations in Ferreteria Forms v2.
protected function CopyFieldToArray(fcFormField $oField) {
$id = $oField->GetNameString();
$val = $oField->GetValue();
protected function CopyArrayToField(fcFormField $oField) {
$id = $oField->GetNameString();
I originally thought we'd only want to return values we actually received, otherwise
stored values kept in one form-instance might overwrite values actually received by
another form-instance (though I'm not sure what actual usage this might reflect).
I also wrote --
However, if we do that here, then we can't set anything beforehand; it gets wiped out.
Canonically, the way around this would just be to have a form field for any additional
data -- but in the case of the input-mode thingy (new vs. old), the value is set by
pressing a button, which doesn't really conform to any pre-existing kind of form control.
So I'd have to write one just for this.
-- but I'm kind of vague on what I thought I meant.
It now (2016-06-19) turns out that we *need* to keep the existing data because otherwise
a form which is being re-displayed after having been saved earlier won't show the saved
values, which is definitely problematic.
2016-06-19 Commenting out the $this->GetDataBlob()->ClearArray() line (see NOTES).
protected function CopyFieldsToArray() {
$oForm = $this->FormObject();
// see NOTE - clear the output array before copying received data:
foreach ($oForm->GetFieldArray() as $key => $oField) {
// NOTE: Copies only the fields for which there are objects defined
// TODO: Is this the same functionality as $this->FormObject()->LoadFields_fromBlob()?
protected function CopyArrayToFields() {
$oForm = $this->FormObject();
foreach ($oForm->GetFieldArray() as $key => $oField) {
// -- FORMS -- //