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DoPage() is in the process of being rewritten; it doesn't currently work.


class clsDept extends {{l/same|clsDataSet}} {
// object cache
    private $objSupp;
    public function SuppObj() {
	if (is_object($this->objSupp)) {
	    return $this->objSupp;
	} else {
	    $idSupp = $this->ID_Supplier;
	    if ($idSupp) {
		$this->objSupp = $this->objDB->Suppliers()->GetItem($idSupp);
		return $this->objSupp;
	    } else {
		return NULL;
    // DEPRECATED -- use SuppObj()
    public function Supplier() {
	return $this->SuppObj();
    public function PageKey() {
	if ($this->PageKey) {
	    return $this->PageKey;
	} else {
	    return $this->CatKey;
      PURPOSE: loads data needed to display catalog views for this department
	2010-11-12 disabled automatic cache update
	2010-11-16 changed sorting field from cntInPrint to cntForSale
	2011-02-02 using _dept_ittyps now instead of qryItTypsDepts_ItTyps
	  Also added "AND (cntForSale)" to WHERE clause -- not listing titles with nothing to sell
    protected function Data_forStore() {	// was GetDeptData()
	//$objCache = $this->objDB->CacheMgr();
	//$objCache->Update_byName('_dept_ittyps','clsDept.DoListing() for ID='.$this->ID);
	//$sql = 'SELECT * FROM qryItTypsDepts_ItTyps WHERE (ID_Dept='.$this->ID.') ORDER BY cntForSale DESC';
	$sql = 'SELECT * FROM _dept_ittyps WHERE (ID_Dept='.$this->ID.') AND (cntForSale) ORDER BY cntForSale DESC';
	$objItTyps = $this->objDB->DataSet($sql,'clsItTyp');
	return $objItTyps;
      PURPOSE: Print this department's information as part of department list
	2010-11-16 $cntAvail is now cntForSale, not cntInPrint+qtyInStock
    public function DoListing() {
	$objItTyps = $this->Data_forStore();
	$isFirst = true;
	$out = '';
	while ($objItTyps->NextRow()) {
	    if ($isFirst) {
		$isFirst = false;
	    } else {
		$out .= ', ';
	    $cntInPrint = $objItTyps->cntInPrint;
	    $qtyInStock = $objItTyps->qtyForSale;
	    //$cntAvail = $cntInPrint + $qtyInStock;
	    $cntForSale = $objItTyps->cntForSale;
	    if ($cntAvail == 1) {
		$strName = $objItTyps->ItTyp_Sng;
	    } else {
		$strName = $objItTyps->ItTyp_Plr;
	    $out .= ' <b>'.$cntAvail.'</b> '.$strName;
	return $out;
      PURPOSE: Print page for current department
	* Iterates through item types available for this department.
	* For each item type, prints header and then a list of titles.
	2010-11-?? Started using cached table _title_ittyps instead of qryTitles_ItTyps_Titles
	2010-11-16 $cntAvail is now cntForSale, not cntInPrint+qtyInStock
	2011-02-02 $qtyInStock now set to Row['qtyInStock'], not Row['qtyForSale'] which didn't make sense anyway
    public function DoPage() {
	$out = '';
	$idDept = $this->ID;
	if (empty($idDept)) {
	    throw new exception('Department object has no ID');
	//$objSection = new clsPageOutput();
	// calculate the list of item types available in this department
	$objItTyps = $this->Data_forStore();
	$objTitles = new clsVbzTitle($this->objDB);
	//$objNoImgSect = new clsPageOutput();
	$objNoImgSect = new clsRTDoc_HTML();
	$cntSections = 0;
	while ($objItTyps->NextRow()) {
	    $cntInPrint = $objItTyps->Row['cntInPrint'];
	    $qtyInStock = $objItTyps->Row['qtyInStock'];
	    $cntAvail = $objItTyps->Row['cntForSale'];
	    if ($cntAvail) {
		$idItTyp = $objItTyps->Row['ID_ItTyp'];
	        $sql = 'SELECT *, ID_Title AS ID, TitleName AS Name, cntInStock FROM _title_ittyps WHERE ((cntForSale) AND (ID_ItTyp='.$idItTyp.') AND (ID_Dept='.$idDept.'));';
		//$sql = 'SELECT t.ID_Title AS ID, t.* FROM qryTitles_ItTyps_Titles AS t WHERE (ID_ItTyp='.$idItTyp.') AND (ID_Dept='.$idDept.');';
		$arTitles = NULL;
		if ($objTitles->hasRows()) {
		    while ($objTitles->NextRow()) {
			// add title to display list
			$arTitles[] = $objTitles->Values();	// save it in a list

  // We've generated the list of titles for this section; now display the section header and titles:
		    $out .= $this->objDB->ShowTitles($objItTyps->Row['ItTypNamePlr'].':',$arTitles,$objNoImgSect);
		} else {
		    echo 'ERROR: No titles found! SQL='.$sql;
	    } else {
		$out .= '<span class=main>Small coding error: this line should never happen.</span>'; // TO DO: log an error
	if (!$cntSections) {
	    $out .= '<span class=main>This department appears to have been emptied of all leftover stock. (Eventually there will be a way to see what items used to be here.)</span>';
	if ($objNoImgSect->inTbl) {
	    $out .= $objSection->out;
	return $out;
    public function URL_Rel() {
	$strURL = $this->Supplier()->URL();
	$strKey = $this->PageKey();
	if ($strKey) {
	    $strURL .= strtolower($strKey).'/';
	return $strURL;
    public function URL_Abs() {
	return KWP_ROOT.$this->URL_Rel();
    public function LinkName() {
	$strURL = $this->URL_Rel();
	return '<a href="'.$strURL.'">'.$this->Name.'</a>';
      RETURNS: The string which, when prepended to a Title's CatKey, would form the Title's catalog number
    public function CatPfx() {
	$strFull = strtoupper($this->Supplier()->CatKey);
	if ($this->AffectsCatNum()) {
	    $strFull .= '-'.strtoupper($this->CatKey);
	return $strFull.'-';
      RETURNS: TRUE if this department affects the catalog number (i.e. if CatKey is non-blank)
    public function AffectsCatNum() {
	return ($this->CatKey != '');