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Data Schemae


This table keeps track of all the things -- a taxonomy in the form of a branching hierarchy. One guideline to remember: there's no need to put a thing under another thing unless that's necessary in order to disambiguate between two homonymous things.

  `things` (
    `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `WhenNew`    timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
    `ID_Base`    int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID of parent record',
    `ID_Extern`  int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'external reference, if any',
    `Name`       varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'label, e.g. for using in lists',
  ) ENGINE = InnoDB


These tables are for stuff about the things -- a set of semantic values that can be set for any Thing.

This table records the different types of Stuff that we can record -- a common name for each type of attribute, along with its data-type (so the UI knows which table to use for values).

CREATE TABLE `stuff` (
    `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `WhenNew`    tmestamp              NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
    `Name`       varchar(255)      DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'name of attribute',
    `Type`       varchar(255)          NOT NULL COMMENT 'code for data-type',
  ) ENGINE = InnoDB


This is Stuff that is integer values.

CREATE TABLE `stuff_int`
  ID_Thing   int(10) unsigned      NOT NULL COMMENT 'the Thing to which this value applies',
  ID_Stuff   int(10) unsigned      NOT NULL COMMENT 'what type of Stuff this value is',
  `Value`    int(10)                        COMMENT 'might eventually want this to be a longint; unsure of syntax',
  ) ENGINE = InnoDB


This is Stuff that is string values.

CREATE TABLE `stuff_str`
  ID_Thing   int(10) unsigned      NOT NULL COMMENT 'the Thing to which this value applies',
  ID_Stuff   int(10) unsigned      NOT NULL COMMENT 'what type of Stuff this value is',
  `Value`    VARCHAR                        COMMENT 'the string value, of course',
  ) ENGINE = InnoDB


This is Stuff that is absolute time values. For relative values, use an integer or float quantity of the number of applicable time-units.

CREATE TABLE  `stuff_time`
  ID_Thing   int(10) unsigned      NOT NULL COMMENT 'the Thing to which this value applies',
  ID_Stuff   int(10) unsigned      NOT NULL COMMENT 'what type of Stuff this value is',
/* TODO: Value */
  ) ENGINE = InnoDB


This tracks external data repositories. I'm not sure this is the right way to do it, but it seems specialized enough to have earned its own table.

  `extern` (
    `ID`       int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `WhenNew`  timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() COMMENT 'when this record was added',
    `SID_Type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'slug for thing-type (matches coded external data)',
    `Name`     varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'single line for lists',
  ) ENGINE = InnoDB