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displaying a form

See Template:L/vc/code for a working example of a full-page form, and Template:L/vc/code for building a template.

template example

    private $tpPage;
    protected function PageTemplate() {
	if (empty($this->tpPage)) {
	    $sTplt = <<<__END__
  <tr><td align=right><b>ID</b>:</td><td>[[ID]]</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Status</b>:</td><td>[[Status]]</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Cart</b>:</td><td>[[Cart]]</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Ship $ quoted</b>:</td><td>[[QuoShip]]</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Final $ quoted</b>:</td><tr>[[QuoFinal]]</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=center colspan=2>
	    $this->tpPage = new fcTemplate_array('[[',']]',$sTplt);
	return $this->tpPage;

without templates

It can also be done without templates by retrieving the control and asking it to render itself:

	    $oForm = $this->EditForm();   // retrieve the form object (build it if needed)
	    $oForm->LoadRecord();         // copy values from {memory image of record} to {form fields}
	    $ftTag	= $oForm->ControlObject('Name')->Render($doEdit);
	    $ftCust	= $oForm->ControlObject('ID_Cust')->Render($doEdit);
	    $ftAddr	= $oForm->ControlObject('ID_Addr')->Render($doEdit);
	    $ftName	= $oForm->ControlObject('ID_Name')->Render($doEdit);

...(and so on), then manually plugging the rendered controls into the desired output format:

	$out .= <<<__END__
  <tr><td align=right><b>ID</b>:</td><td>$id</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Tag</b>:</td><td>$ftTag</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Status</b>:</td><td>$ftStatus</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Customer</b>:</td><td>$ftCust</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Address</b>:</td><td>$ftAddr</td></tr>
  <tr><td align=right><b>Name</b>:</td><td>$ftName</td></tr>

...but note that calling LoadRecord() causes the Field objects to return TRUE from IsChanged() if the loaded value is non-NULL. This overrides POST data in $oForm->Save(), so presumably you'll need to build the update query manually or else clear the form fields somehow (currently not supported, but maybe it should be).