Ferreteria/v0.5/@cls/cKiosk admin

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class menu\cKiosk_admin
  • namespace: menu
  • source: menu/kiosk.php
  • purpose: a cKiosk that has to do its own figuring to separate out the path data from the full URL


access function name code (if short) purpose
public GetInputObject() : cArgs
protected MakeInputObject() : cArgs


  • fcDisplayForm::ReadFromPath() (forms/display/display-form.php) calls GetInputObject()
    • This is probably obsolete.
  • caWidget
    • ::Input_PathRequest() calls GetInputObject()->Cell(self::ksACTION_KEY)
  • fcHeaderChoiceGroup::GetChoiceValue() calls GetInputObject()
    • This is probably obsolete.
  • cPage::OnFigure() calls GetInputObject(), but then does nothing with it. ???


  • 2019-06-16 making SetPath() protected, because we seem to be getting in trouble by stacking and re-stacking paths on the same object; need to prevent that.