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<php> <?php /* ****

 FILE: smw-base-v2.php
 PURPOSE: Semantic MediaWiki interface classes for SMW schema version 2
   I'm calling it version 2 (instead of version 1) because there's evidence of at least one prior db schema version.
   It seems to apply to SMW versions prior to 1.18 or possibly 1.19.
   I will probably not be maintaining it any further.
 REQUIRES: data.php
 TODO: this goes directly to the DatabaseMysql class for some functions; needs to be generalized to use abstract wrappers.
   2012-01-22 started
   2012-09-17 useful pieces working
   2013-01-24 moved clsMWData and clsDataResult_MW from to mw-base.php
  • /


 PURPOSE: version-2-specific class methods for clsSMWData
  • /

class clsSMWData_version extends clsMWData {

     RETURNS: array of pages where the given property has the given value

(or, if iPropValue is left out, just having the given property)

     INPUT: $iarFilt is an array of properties and value restrictions, all of which must be met

[property name] => value filter value filter should be a comparison, e.g. >0 or ="things"

     RETURNS: array of rows\ arrays
     USED BY: psycrit.w3f_Show_Response_Header()

2012-11-01 revised to look up SMW ID first, reducing CPU. Return array format has SMW ID as key.

   public function GetPages_forPropVal($iPropName,$iPropValue) {

// look up property's SMW ID $sqlProp = SQLValue(static::NormalizeTitle($iPropName,SMW_NS_PROPERTY)); $sql = "SELECT smw_id FROM smw_ids WHERE (smw_title=$sqlProp) LIMIT 1;"; $rs = $this->DataSet($sql); if ($rs->HasRows()) { $rs->NextRow(); // should be only one row -- get it. $idProp = $rs->Value('smw_id'); } else { // TODO: some kind of indication that the property does not seem to even exist }

// look up value's SMW ID (TODO: this is not always applicable) $sqlVal = SQLValue(static::NormalizeTitle($iPropValue,SMW_NS_PROPERTY)); $sql = "SELECT smw_id FROM smw_ids WHERE (smw_title=$sqlVal) LIMIT 1;"; $rs = $this->DataSet($sql); if ($rs->HasRows()) { $rs->NextRow(); // should be only one row -- get it. $idVal = $rs->Value('smw_id'); } else { // TODO: some kind of indication that the value does not seem to even exist throw new exception('No rows returned for query "'.$sql.'"'); }

// find all pages where that property is set

// start with smw_rels2, which is properties that are titles (the default kind of property) // there are probably other tables we need to check, but this will do for immediate needs.

$sql = 'SELECT s_id,' .' s.smw_namespace AS s_namespace' .', CAST(s.smw_title AS char) AS s_title' //.', CAST(p.smw_title AS char) AS p_title' //.', CAST(o.smw_title AS char) AS o_title' .' FROM' .' (smw_rels2 AS r' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS s ON r.s_id=s.smw_id)' //.' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS p ON r.p_id=p.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS o ON r.o_id=o.smw_id' ." WHERE (o_id=$idVal) AND (p_id=$idProp);"; $rs = $this->DataSet($sql); if ($rs->HasRows()) { $arOut = array(); while ($rs->NextRow()) { $idPage = $rs->Value('s_id'); $arOut[$idPage] = $rs->Values(); } return $arOut; } else { // TODO: some kind of indication that the property was found but no pages matched return NULL; // nothing found }

   public function GetPages_forPropVal_OLD($iPropName,$iPropValue) {

$arOut = NULL;

// 1. check RELS

$sql = 'SELECT' // .' r.s_id,' .' s.smw_title AS page_name,' // needed for output .' s.smw_namespace AS page_space,' // needed for output // .' p.smw_title AS prop_name,' // needed for filter // .' o.smw_title AS prop_val,' // needed for filter .' s.smw_namespace' .' FROM ((smw_rels2 AS r' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS s ON r.s_id=s.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS p ON r.p_id=p.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS o ON r.o_id=o.smw_id' .' WHERE (p.smw_title="'.$iPropName.'") AND (o.smw_title="'.$iPropValue.'");';

$rs = $this->DataSet($sql); if ($rs->HasRows()) { while ($rs->NextRow()) { $objTitle = new w3smwPage($this); $objTitle->Use_Title_Keyed($rs->Value('page_name'),$rs->Value('page_space')); $arOut[] = $objTitle; } }

// 2. check ATTS $sql = 'SELECT' // .' a.s_id,' .' s.smw_title AS page_name,' // needed for output .' s.smw_namespace AS page_space,' // needed for output // .' p.smw_title AS prop_name,' // needed for filter // .' value_xsd AS prop_val,' // needed for filter .' value_num' // might be used later for filter .' FROM (smw_atts2 AS a' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS s ON a.s_id=s.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS p ON a.p_id=p.smw_id' .' WHERE (p.smw_title="'.$iPropName.'") AND (value_xsd="'.$iPropValue.'");';

$rs = $this->DataSet($sql); if ($rs->HasRows()) { while ($rs->NextRow()) { $objTitle = new w3smwPage($this); $objTitle->Use_Title_Keyed($rs->Value('page_name'),$rs->Value('page_space')); $arOut[] = $objTitle; } }

return $arOut;

     INPUT: $iarFilt is an array of properties and value restrictions, all of which must be met

[property name] => value filter value filter should be a comparison, e.g. >0 or ="things"

     I don't think this ever actually worked, but keep it until certain.
   public function GetPages_forProps_BAD(array $iarFilt) {

$sqlFilt = ; // convert filter into the format MediaWiki's Database class needs: foreach ($iarFilt as $fld => $req) { if ($sqlFilt != ) { $sqlFilt .= ' AND'; } $sqlFilt .= " ('$fld'$req)"; }

$sql = 'SELECT ip.smw_title AS PropName, it.smw_namespace AS PageSpace, it.smw_title AS PageName, t.value_blob AS Value' .' FROM (smw_text2 AS t' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS ip ON t.p_id=ip.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS it ON t.s_id=it.smw_id' .' WHERE'.$sqlFilt .' ORDER BY ip.smw_sortkey, it.smw_sortkey';

// in the future we can use the more operation-specific Database methods, but for now this is simpler: $rs = $this->DataSet($sql); return $rs;



class w3smwPage_version {


* Translate special properties such as "Date" -> "_dat". Is there a formal list somewhere? Do we have to always check all three tables, or can we assume that if a value is found in one table, it isn't in the others?

   public function GetPropData($iPropName) {

$strPageKey = $this->TitleKey(); $strPropKey = Title::capitalize($iPropName,SMW_NS_PROPERTY); $sqlPageKey = $this->Engine()->SafeParam($strPageKey); $sqlPropKey = $this->Engine()->SafeParam($strPropKey);

$intNSpace = (int)$this->Nspace();

// PART ONE: smw_atts2 $sql = 'SELECT value_xsd, value_num' .' FROM (smw_atts2 AS a' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS s ON a.s_id=s.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS p ON a.p_id=p.smw_id' .' WHERE' ." (p.smw_title = '$sqlPropKey') AND" ." (s.smw_title = '$sqlPageKey') AND" ." (s.smw_namespace = $intNSpace);"; $rs = $this->Engine()->DataSet($sql); $arOut['atts'] = $rs;

// PART TWO: smw_rels2 $sql = 'SELECT' .' r.*,' .' CAST(s.smw_title AS char) AS s_title,' .' CAST(p.smw_title AS char) AS p_title,' .' CAST(o.smw_title AS char) AS o_title' .' FROM' .' ((smw_rels2 AS r' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS s ON r.s_id=s.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS p ON r.p_id=p.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS o ON r.o_id=o.smw_id' .' WHERE' ." (p.smw_title = '$sqlPropKey') AND" ." (s.smw_title = '$sqlPageKey') AND" ." (s.smw_namespace = $intNSpace);"; $rs = $this->Engine()->DataSet($sql); $arOut['rels'] = $rs;

// PART THREE: smw_text2 $sql = 'SELECT' .' s_id,' .' p_id,' .' CAST(s.smw_title AS CHAR) AS s_title,' .' CAST(p.smw_title AS CHAR) AS p_title,' .' CAST(value_blob AS CHAR) AS value' .' FROM (smw_text2 AS t' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS s ON t.s_id=s.smw_id)' .' LEFT JOIN smw_ids AS p ON t.p_id=p.smw_id' .' WHERE' ." (p.smw_title = '$sqlPropKey') AND" ." (s.smw_title = '$sqlPageKey') AND" ." (s.smw_namespace = $intNSpace);"; $rs = $this->Engine()->DataSet($sql); $arOut['text'] = $rs; return $arOut;

     RETURNS: array[smw_id] = value
     ASSUMES: smw_sortkey is the non-underscored version of smw_title
     USAGE: when multiple values are expected to happen sometimes
   public function GetPropVals($iPropName) {

$ar = $this->GetPropData($iPropName);

$out = NULL; $idx = 0;

// first check ATTS $rs = $ar['atts']; if ($rs->HasRows()) { while ($rs->NextRow()) { $idx++; $strVal = $rs->Value('value_xsd'); $out[$idx] = $strVal; } }

// next check RELS $rs = $ar['rels']; if ($rs->HasRows()) { while ($rs->NextRow()) { $idx++; $strVal = $rs->Value('o_title'); $out[$idx] = clsSMWData::VisualizeTitle($strVal); } }

// next check TEXT $rs = $ar['text']; if ($rs->HasRows()) { while ($rs->NextRow()) { $idx++; $strVal = $rs->Value('value'); $out[$idx] = $strVal; } }

return $out;



class tblSMW_PageProps extends clsTable_indexed {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('smw_text2'); $this->ClassSng('rcSMW_PageProp');


} </php>