- 2011-03-27 last known update; current as of 2012-01-15
<php><?php abstract class clsStringTemplate { // Abstract version public $Value; protected $strStMark; protected $strFiMark;
function __construct($iStartMark, $iFinishMark) { $this->strStMark = $iStartMark; $this->strFiMark = $iFinishMark; } abstract protected function GetValue($iName); function Replace($iValue=NULL) { global $wxgDebug;
if (is_null($iValue)) { $out = $this->Value; } else { $out = $iValue; }
// do variable swapout:
$intStarts = 0;
do {
$isFound = false;
$posSt = strpos ( $out, $this->strStMark );
if ($posSt !== FALSE) {
$posFiVar = strpos ( $out, $this->strFiMark, $posSt );
if ($posFiVar !== FALSE) {
$isFound = true;
$posStVar = ($posSt+strlen($this->strStMark));
$varLen = $posFiVar - $posStVar;
$varName = substr($out, $posStVar, $varLen);
$posFi = ($posFiVar+strlen($this->strFiMark));
$varVal = $this->GetValue($varName); // virtual method to retrieve variable's value
$wxgDebug .= '
KEY=['.$varName.'] VAL=['.$varVal.']';
$out =
substr($out, 0, $posSt ) .
$varVal .
substr($out, $posFi );
} while ($isFound); $wxgDebug .= "\n* STARTS [".$this->strStMark."]: $intStarts"; return $out; } } class clsStringTemplate_array extends clsStringTemplate { // This version can be used if the values are in an associative array public $List;
public function __construct($iStartMark, $iFinishMark, array $iValues) { parent::__construct($iStartMark,$iFinishMark); $this->List = $iValues; } /* ACTION: Sets ->Value, ->strStMark, and ->strFiMark from iText INPUT: iText = prefix-delimited string where: [0] is the start mark [1] is the finish mark [2] is the template to process */ public function MarkedValue($iText) { $xts = new xtString; $xts->Value = $iText; $arIn = $xts->Xplode(); $this->strStMark = $arIn[0]; $this->strFiMark = $arIn[1]; $this->Value = $arIn[2]; } protected function GetValue($iName) { return $this->List[$iName]; } } /* class xtString {
public $Value; public function GetArray() {
$tok = substr ( $this->Value, 0, 1); // token for splitting if ($tok) { $tks = substr ( $this->Value, 1 ); // tokenized string $list = explode ( $tok, $tks ); // split the string return $list; } else { return NULL; }
- /</php>