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Large Language Model AI (LLMs)

I often use these for answering questions (usually technical, occasionally political).

commercial services


  • LLMs could make federated search (of which I think YaCy is currently the only exemplar) actually workable/useful:
    • You type in your search -- either as keywords or as a natural-language query.
    • A search is done (however LLMs do it currently -- I don't know if they fine-tune the search parameters or just pass them on to a search engine).
    • The LLM then processes/glosses the top results to look for pages that seem to be most applicable to the request. If nothing passes a threshold test, it looks at the next bunch of results. If it can't find anything likely, it summarizes what it did find and notes that it may not be what you're looking for.
  • I'd like to see an LLM browser plugin that can find tabs based on natural-language queries -- "where's the one with that medical form?" "Have I stashed any tabs about...[subject]?". Similarly, an app or library which can take a URL, load the corresponding web page, and produce a summary and keywords would also be hella useful.
  • (long-standing wish which now seems within reach) I need an LLM which can make phone calls to do basic adulting tasks, e.g. making appointments, renewing prescriptions, getting information ("is the car ready for pickup?").


Code Sources

  • Auto-GPT «chains together LLM "thoughts", to autonomously achieve whatever goal you set.»
    • Downside: not fully autonomous; still depends on OpenAI
  • privateGPT


  1. the sense that LLMs in general are not really what the term "AI" means to me.