Software Uprising/name

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I had originally named it the Software Development Corps, but fon suggested that "Corps" is too militaristic; there seemed to be a consensus around that idea, and I tend to agree.

Why "Corps" in the First Place

I was thinking of The Peace Corps and even The Army Corps of Engineers -- a substantial workforce deployed for public good. Among the applicable definitions are: "a group trained for action; a group of persons associated or acting together".

Various Other Options

fon suggested "community".

That certainly could work. My first reaction was that it doesn't convey the sense of purpose and cohesion I want to get across (see definitions of "corps").

Other words which could be in the mix: crew, squad, team, society, foundation (requires a specific legal status), federation, union... possibly with additional adjectives.

Maybe "community" just needs a modifier to feel right to me... "Community for Progressive Software Development"...

I'm liking the idea of the word "federation", implying a collection of peers rather than a top-down org. I'm also working on a larger idea tentatively called The Union of Federated Peoples -- and using "federation" or "union" for the software thing would kind of dovetail nicely into that.

Lottie felt that "society" or "union" was good, so I went with "society" as a working title, with the official title to be worked out later by consensus.