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  PURPOSE: manager class for Cart field groups
    Handles blob data collectively and per-field
    2016-06-16 split off from cart.data.fg.php (formerly cart.xdata.php)
class vcCartDataManager {

    // ++ SETUP ++ //

//    public function __construct(vcrCart $rcCart, vcShipCountry $oZone) {
    public function __construct(vcrCart $rcCart, vcCartForm $oForm) {
    private $rcCart;
    protected function SetCartRecord(vcrCart $rcCart) {
	$this->rcCart = $rcCart;
    protected function GetCartRecord() {
	return $this->rcCart;
    private $oForm;
    protected function SetFormObject(vcCartForm $oForm) {
	$this->oForm = $oForm;
    protected function GetFormObject() : vcCartForm {
	return $this->oForm;
    // -- SETUP -- //
    // ++ INTERNAL OBJECTS ++ //
    protected function GetBlobObject() : fcBlobField {
	// GetFormObject() returns vcCartForm which inherits fcForm_blob
	return $this->GetFormObject()->GetBlobField();
    protected function GetBlobString() {
    echo 'SERIAL BLOB:<pre>'.$this->GetCartRecord()->GetSerialBlob().'</pre>';
	return $this->GetCartRecord()->GetSerialBlob();
    protected function SetBlobString($s) {
      ACTION: unserialize the blob and store it locally as an array
      PUBLIC because... well, maybe there's a better way to do this,
	but I don't know what it is. Cart objects need to be able to
	update the blob...
	2016-06-06 I have no idea why everything but the first line was commented out. Uncommented.
	2019-03-08 Not sure why the entire function was commented out -- it's needed. Uncommented.
    public function FetchBlob() {
	$sBlob = $this->GetBlobString();
	if (is_null($sBlob)) {
	    $this->SetBlobArray(array());	// no data yet
	} else {
	    $arBlob = unserialize($sBlob);
	* serialize the local array
	* save serialized array back to the blob object
	* save serialized array back to recordset field
	(Don't update recordset; caller should do that.)
      PUBLIC because... see FetchBlob()
    public function StoreBlob() {
	$sBlob = serialize($this->GetBlobArray());
//    private $arBlob;

    protected function GetBlobArray() {
	return $this->GetBlobObject()->GetArray();
      USED BY: $this->FetchBlob()
    protected function SetBlobArray(array $ar) {
	$this->arBlob = $ar;
    // -- INTERNAL OBJECTS -- //
    // ++ INTERNAL DATA ++ //

    private $arMissed;
    protected function AddMissing(array $arMissed) {
	$this->arMissed = array_merge($this->GetMissingArray(),$arMissed);
    public function GetMissingArray() {
	if (empty($this->arMissed)) {
	    $this->arMissed = array();
	return $this->arMissed;

    // -- INTERNAL DATA -- //
    // ++ SUBSETS ++ //
    private $oBuyer = NULL;
    // PUBLIC so the shopping cart object can access
    public function GetBuyerObject() {
	if (is_null($this->oBuyer)) {
	    $this->oBuyer = new vcCartData_Buyer($this->GetFormObject());
	return $this->oBuyer;
    private $oRecip = NULL;
    // PUBLIC so the shopping cart object can access
    public function GetRecipObject() {
	if (is_null($this->oRecip)) {
	    $this->oRecip = new vcCartData_Recip($this->GetFormObject());
	return $this->oRecip;

    // -- SUBSETS -- //
    // ++ PAGES ++ //
	* *rendering* a page includes loading any existing values so they can be displayed.
	* *capturing* a page includes loading any existing values so they are not overwritten by blanks.
	  This has to be done by the objects, though, since the field objects are not yet defined here.
      // SHIPPING //
    public function RenderShippingPage() {
	echo 'GOT TO RenderShippingPage()<br>';
	//$oCDMgr = $this->FieldsManager();
	$oCDMgr = $this;

	$oCD_Buyer = $oCDMgr->GetBuyerObject();
	$oCD_Recip = $oCDMgr->GetRecipObject();

	$out =
	  (new fcSectionHeader('Buyer information:'))->Render()
	  .$oCD_Buyer->RenderContact(TRUE)	// edit email/phone
	  .(new fcSectionHeader('Shipping information:'))->Render()
	  .$oCD_Recip->RenderShipping(TRUE)	// edit shipping address / instructions
	return $out;
    public function CaptureShippingPage() {
	echo 'GOT TO CaptureShippingPage()<br>';
	//$oCDMgr = $this->FieldsManager();
	$oCDMgr = $this;
	$oCD_Buyer = $oCDMgr->GetBuyerObject();
	$oCD_Recip = $oCDMgr->GetRecipObject();
	$arStat = $this->GetFormObject()->Receive($_POST);

	$oCD_Buyer->CaptureContact($arStat);	// email/phone
	$oCD_Recip->CaptureShipping($arStat);	// shipping address / instructions

	// calculate resulting blob
	//echo 'BLOB AFTER FETCH: '.$oCDMgr->RenderBlob();
	echo 'UPDATING BUYER -> BLOB<br>';
	echo 'UPDATING RECIP -> BLOB<br>';
	echo 'STORING BLOB<br>';
	//echo 'SHIPPING VALUES:'.fcArray::Render($this->Values());
	//echo 'SHIPPING UPDATE ARRAY:'.fcArray::Render($this->UpdateArray());
	$rcCart = $this->GetCartRecord();
	//echo 'SHIPPING SAVE SQL: ['.$this->sqlExec.']<br>';
      // BILLING //
    public function RenderBillingPage() {
	echo 'GOT TO RenderBillingPage()<br>';
	//$oCDMgr = $this->FieldsManager();
	$oCDMgr = $this;
	$oCDMgr->FetchBlob();	// fetch blob data from db
	$oCD_Buyer = $oCDMgr->GetBuyerObject();
	$oHdr = new fcSectionHeader('Payment information:');
	$out =
	  .$oCD_Buyer->RenderPayment(TRUE)	// edit payment information
	return $out;
    public function CaptureBillingPage() {
	echo 'GOT TO CaptureBillingPage()<br>';
	//$oCDMgr = $this->FieldsManager();
	$oCDMgr = $this;
	$oCD_Buyer = $oCDMgr->GetBuyerObject();
	$oCD_Buyer->CapturePayment();	// card #/exp, and I *think* name/address
	// calculate resulting blob
      // PAYMENT TYPE //
    public function RenderPayTypeSection() {
	$oPage = $this->GetPageObject();
	//$oCDMgr = $this->FieldsManager();
	$oCDMgr = $this;
	$oCD_PayType = $oCDMgr->PayTypeObject();
	$sWhere = __METHOD__.'() in '.__FILE__;
	$out =
	  "\n<!-- vv $sWhere vv -->"
	  .$oPage->SectionHeader('Payment type:')
	  ."\n<table class='form-block' id='pay-type'>"

	$isShipCardSame = $this->FieldsObject()->IsShipToCard();
	$htChecked = $isShipCardSame?' checked':'';

	$out .= "\n<tr><td align=center>\n"
	  .'<input name=payType value="'.KSF_CART_PTYP_CARD_HERE.'" type=radio checked disabled> Visa / MasterCard / Discover / American Express - pay here'
	  .'<br>&emsp;<input name="'.KSF_SHIP_IS_CARD.'" type=checkbox value=1'.$htChecked.'>billing address is same as shipping address above'
	  ."<hr>More payment options will be available soon.\n"

	$out .=
	  ."\n<!-- ^^ $sWhere ^^ -->"
	return $out;
    // -- PAGES -- //
    // ++ FORM I/O ++ //
      USAGE: Call FetchBlob() before calling this, and StoreBlob() when done with all updates.
    public function UpdateBlob(vcCartDataFieldGroup $oData) {
	$arForm = $oData->GetFormArray();
	echo 'FORM DATA FOR BLOB:'.fcArray::Render($arForm);
	if (is_array($arForm)) {
//	    $this->SetBlobArray(array_merge($this->GetBlobArray(),$ar));
	    $oBlob = $this->GetBlobObject();
      ACTION: Call UpdateBlob() for any data groups that have been modified.
	For now, we just call it for both of them. Maybe this is more maintainable regardless.
    public function UpdateBlobs() {
    // -- FORM I/O -- //