VbzCart/docs/tables/cust cards
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- Purpose: for recording the information necessary to get paid by credit/debit cards
- Fields:
- if WhenInvalid is NOT NULL, then this number has been permanently destroyed/deactivated; any use of this number is therefore suspicious. Date is the earliest date it was known to be bad. Overrides isActive.
- Address may be no longer necessary, except for handling legacy data
- History:
- 2009-07-09 moved to separate wiki page; no design changes
- 2009-10-07
- 2011-11-22 added WhenEnt and WhenUpd fields
- removed CryptAddr, renamed CryptCard as Encrypted
- added ID_Name
- Future:
- Address should go away, probably without any need to verify that ID_Addr agrees with it
- Records with OwnerName need to have ID_Name set, and then the OwnerName field can be removed
- isActive should eventually go away; probably the best thing is to wait until all isActive=FALSE cards have expired (end of Feb 2010), then set WhenInvalid to each card's expiry date.
<section begin=sql /><mysql>CREATE TABLE `cust_cards` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `WhenEnt` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "date when record was first created", `WhenUpd` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "date when record was last updated", `Name` VARCHAR(31) COMMENT "human-assigned name for this card", `ID_Cust` INT COMMENT "core_custs.ID", `ID_Name` INT COMMENT "cust_names.ID", `ID_Addr` INT COMMENT "cust_addrs.ID of card's billing address", `CardNum` VARCHAR(31) COMMENT "charge card number", `CardExp` DATE COMMENT "expiration date", `CardCVV` VARCHAR(7) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "CVV(2) code", `OwnerName` VARCHAR(127) COMMENT "cardholder name, as it appears on card", `Address` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT "text of address, for redundancy", `Encrypted` VARCHAR(127) COMMENT "encrypted card number, CVV, expiration", `isActive` BOOL DEFAULT FALSE COMMENT "FALSE = don't use this number", `WhenInvalid` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "deactivation timestamp", `Notes` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "human-entered notes about this card", PRIMARY KEY(`ID`)
) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql> <section end=sql />