VbzCart/docs/queries/qryCat Titles Item count
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- Purpose: Subquery to count items for each title record
- Used by: a one-time maintenance query which might eventually become part of the catalog-building process. The objective was to be able to distinguish between (a) items which need a CatSfx added to the Title's CatKey because there are more than one of them per title. and (b) items whose catalog numbers can be generated without a CatSfx. If an item falls into the former category but its CatSfx is NULL, this represents a maintenance issue -- probably leftover data from before that field was created, but might also indicate a bug in the catalog building.
- Note: This is very similar to Template:Vbzcart/query, but does not bring in stock information -- therefore faster and possibly including more records.
- History:
- 2010-11-11 Created.
<section begin=sql /><mysql>CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qryCat_Titles_Item_count AS SELECT
ID_Title, ID_Dept, DateAdded AS WhenAdded, COUNT(i.ID) AS cntItems, SUM(IF(i.isForSale,1,0)) AS cntForSale, SUM(IF(i.isInPrint,1,0)) AS cntInPrint, MIN(i.PriceSell) AS currMinSell, MAX(i.PriceSell) AS currMaxSell, t.Name
FROM cat_items AS i LEFT JOIN cat_titles AS t ON i.ID_Title=t.ID GROUP BY i.ID_Title;</mysql> <section end=sql />
maintenance query
This is the temporary query for which this query was created: <mysql>SELECT
i.ID, i.ID_Title, i.CatNum, i.CatSfx, t.cntItems
FROM cat_items AS i
LEFT JOIN qryCat_Titles_Item_count AS t ON t.ID_Title=i.ID_Title WHERE (CatSfx IS NULL) AND (NOT isPulled) AND (cntItems>1);</mysql>