VbzCart/docs/archive/code/VBA/Form sfrmPackageItems

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Option Explicit
Public Property Get PkgItem() As clsPackageItem
    If IsNull(Me.ID) Then
        Set PkgItem = Nothing
        Set PkgItem = clsPackageItems.Item(Me.ID)
    End If
End Property
Public Function QtyNotPackedEver() As Variant
' ACTION:  returns the quantity of the current item which hasn't yet been packed at all (before or after this package)
    Dim objPkgItm As clsPackageItem
    Dim objOrdItm As clsOrderItem
    If ItemExists Then
        Set objPkgItm = Me.PkgItem
        If objPkgItm Is Nothing Then
            QtyNotPackedEver = "new"
            If objPkgItm.WasOrdered Then
                Set objOrdItm = objPkgItm.OrderItem
                If objOrdItm Is Nothing Then
                    QtyNotPackedEver = "n/a"
                    With objOrdItm
                        QtyNotPackedEver = .QtyOrd - .QtyDone
                    End With
                End If
                QtyNotPackedEver = "n/a"
            End If
        End If
        QtyNotPackedEver = Null
    End If
End Function
Public Function QtyNotYetPacked() As Variant
' ACTION: returns the quantity of the current item which had not been packed as of this package's timestamp
    Dim objItem As clsPackageItem  ' package item
    If IsNull(Me.ID) Then
        QtyNotYetPacked = Null
        Set objItem = Me.PkgItem
        If objItem Is Nothing Then
            QtyNotYetPacked = "n/a"
            With objItem
                If .WasOrdered Then
                    QtyNotYetPacked = .QtyYetToPack
                    QtyNotYetPacked = "sub"
                End If
            End With
        End If
    End If
End Function
Private Property Get ItemExists() As Boolean
    ItemExists = Not IsNull(Me.ID)
End Property
Private Property Let Status(iText As String)
    With Me.lblStatus
        If iText = "" Then
            .Visible = False
            .Caption = iText
            .Visible = True
        End If
    End With
End Property
Private Sub btnPullItem_Click()
' ACTION: Allow user to select quantity to pull and location to pull from.
    Dim objPLine As clsPackageItem

    Set objPLine = clsPackageItems.Item(Me.ID)
    With clsForms.Dlg_SelectLocation_andQty
        .Item_ID = Me.ID_Item
            If .doFetch("select location and quantity") Then
                objPLine.FetchFromLocation .Location, .Qty
                Status = .Qty & " items fetched; " & objPLine.QtyShipped & " items in pkg to ship"
            End If
        Loop Until .isDone
    End With
    Status = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cbxItem_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
    clsForms.ItemView.Locate Me.cbxItem
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
    Dim glWd As Single

    With Me.editNotes
        glWd = Me.InsideWidth - .Left - 300
        If glWd > 0 Then
            .Width = glWd
            Me.Width = .Width
        End If
    End With
End Sub