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Revision as of 16:45, 22 May 2022 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported: moving this project here)
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  • public function GetSeparatorCharacter()
    • RETURNS: character for separating multiple keys in a single string
    • PUBLIC so recordset can access it
  • abstract public function GetKeyNames();
    • NEW
    • PUBLIC so Records can access
    • RETURNS: array of key field names
  • public function GetRecord_forKey($id)
    • INPUT: $id = value which uniquely identifies the wanted row (primary keys combined in a separable way)
    • ASSUMES: For now --
      • values of keys in multi-key tables do not include $this->GetSeparatorCharacter()
      • in key strings, key values will always be separated by $this->GetSeparatorCharacter()


  PURPOSE: tables with multiple keys, and their recordsets
    2017-01-06 started
    2017-03-24 some rearrangements to make GetRecord_forKeyString() possible
    2017-04-04 moved multi-key stuff into ftMultiKeyedTable
trait ftMultiKeyedTable {
    use ftKeyedTable;

    // ++ SETUP ++ //

      RETURNS: character for separating multiple keys in a single string
      PUBLIC so recordset can access it
    public function GetSeparatorCharacter() {
	return '.';
      PUBLIC so Records can access
      RETURNS: array of key field names
    abstract public function GetKeyNames();

    // -- SETUP -- //
    // ++ RECORDS ++ //

      INPUT: $id = value which uniquely identifies the wanted row (primary keys combined in a separable way)
      ASSUMES: For now --
	* values of keys in multi-key tables do not include $this->GetSeparatorCharacter()
	* in key strings, key values will always be separated by $this->GetSeparatorCharacter()
    public function GetRecord_forKey($id) {
	$arVals = explode($this->GetSeparatorCharacter(),$id);
	$arNames = $this->GetKeyNames();
	$sqlFilt = NULL;
	$db = $this->GetConnection();
	foreach ($arVals as $nVal) {
	    if (!is_null($sqlFilt)) {
		$sqlFilt .= ' AND ';
	    $sName = array_shift($arNames);
	    $sqlVal = $db->Sanitize_andQuote($nVal);
	    $sqlFilt .= "(`$sName`=$sqlVal)";
	$rc = $this->SelectRecords($sqlFilt);
	if ($rc->RowCount() == 0) {
	    $rc->ClearFields();	// so HasRow() will return FALSE
	} else {
	    $rc->NextRow();	// advance to first (only) row
	return $rc;

    // -- RECORDS -- //
