Ferreteria/v0.3/class/tSelectable Source
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PURPOSE: Table-like object from which records can be selected but not necessarily a Table
Basically, a query.
trait tSelectable_Source {
abstract public function FieldsString_forSelect();
abstract public function SourceString_forSelect();
function GetStoragePortals() {
ACTION: For each record in the current record source, the field values
are added to an array which is keyed by the given field.
INPUT: $sField = name of field to use as the array key
RETURNS: keyed array
public function SelectRows_asArray($sField) {
RETURNS: Array consisting of just the values of the given field as found within the current recordset
2017-05-27 written for title-topic display in VbzCart, because I couldn't find a replacement for ColumnValues_array().
This should be equivalent to what ColumnValues_array() used to do.
public function SelectColumnValues_asArray($sField) {
// 2017-03-18 created for EventPlex
public function GetRows_forKeyList($sqlIDs) {