Ferreteria/v0.3/class/cPortalRow database

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class cPortalRow_database extends cPortalRow_storage {
    use tSourcedStorage;
    use tSequentialAccess;
    public function RewindRows() {
      ACTION: Retrieves the current row data and advances to the next
      RETURNS: row data as an array, or NULL if no more rows
    public function NextRow() {
      RETURNS: number of rows in the resultset
    public function GetFoundRowCount() {
    // TODO: rename to something like IsAnyRowFound()
    public function IsRowFound() {
      RETURNS: Nothing
      OUTPUT: $this and $this->GetRowObject()
    public function FetchRows($sql) {
      RETURNS: nothing
      OUTPUT: same as $this->FetchRows()
    public function SelectRows($sqlWhere=NULL,$sqlSort=NULL,$sqlOther=NULL) : cResultRows {
    public function GetRow_forKey($id) {
    protected function FigureSelectSQL($sqlWhere=NULL,$sqlSort=NULL,$sqlOther=NULL) {}