VbzCart/docs/tables/ord pkg lines
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- Purpose: What's in an order package (Template:Vbzcart/table)
- Refers to: Template:Vbzcart/table (parent), Template:Vbzcart/table, Template:Vbzcart/table
- Fields:
- QtyFromStock may be an obsolete field, as all package quantities should now come from stock.
- History:
- 2010-10-19 Adding CostShItm and CostSale fields to record prices charged (parallels ChgShipItm and ChgShipPkg in Template:Vbzcart/table)
- Those fields didn't exist until I created them just now (because I thought certain other fields were serving that function), but it's better to have too much data than too little for critical things like packages.
- 2011-10-08 Added WhenVoided field so we have a quick way of removing lines from the package to put them back into stock (while still keeping a record of what was there).
- 2010-10-19 Adding CostShItm and CostSale fields to record prices charged (parallels ChgShipItm and ChgShipPkg in Template:Vbzcart/table)
<mysql>CREATE TABLE `ord_pkg_lines` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ID_Pkg` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "ord_pkgs.ID", `ID_OrdLine` INT COMMENT "ord_lines.ID", `ID_Item` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "cat_items.ID", `QtyShipped` INT COMMENT "quantity shipped/charged in this package", `QtyExtra` INT COMMENT "quantity tossed in as freebies in this pkg", `QtyKilled` INT COMMENT "quantity fulfilled by being cancelled", `QtyNotAvail` INT COMMENT "quantity which can't be filled", `QtyFromStock` INT COMMENT "quantity which was moved from stock", `WhenVoided` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "when this line was voided", `CostSale` DECIMAL(9,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "price charged for this item", `CostShItm` DECIMAL(9,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "per-item shipping cost charged", `Notes` VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(`ID`)
) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>