VbzCart/docs/tables/cat depts
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- Purpose: catalog departments within a supplier. Not all suppliers split things into departments, but they still need one department record with a NULL PageKey.
<section begin=sql /><mysql> CREATE TABLE `cat_depts` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(64) COMMENT 'name of department as displayed', `ID_Supplier` INT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'cat_suppliers.ID', `isActive` BOOL COMMENT 'items.ID' COMMENT 'department is available for adding titles', `Sort` varchar(8) COMMENT 'listing order; default to CatKey', `CatKey` varchar(4) COMMENT 'use for building title catalog numbers', `PageKey` varchar(4) COMMENT 'use for building URL of Dept page', `Descr` varchar(255) COMMENT 'descriptive text for Dept page', PRIMARY KEY(`ID`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>
<section end=sql />