VbzCart/docs/queries/qryStock containers
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- Purpose: Stock codes used by Template:Vbzcart/table, and by anything that needs to look up what those codes refer to
- History:
- 2008-12-27 Adapting from stored procedure which didn't include packages or restocks because they hadn't been migrated yet
<section begin=sql /><mysql>CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qryStock_containers AS SELECT
CONCAT("P.",p.ID) AS IDS, "P" AS Type, p.ID AS ID_forType, CONCAT(o.Number,"-",p.Seq) AS Name, s.WhenShipped AS TimeStamp FROM (ord_pkgs AS p LEFT JOIN core_orders AS o ON p.ID_Order=o.ID) LEFT JOIN Shipments AS s ON p.ID_Shipment=s.ID; UNION /**/ SELECT CONCAT("L.",l.ID) AS IDS, "L" AS Type, l.ID AS ID_forType, l.Code AS Name, l.WhenCreated AS TIMESTAMP FROM stk_bins AS l UNION /* SELECT CONCAT("R.",r.ID) AS IDS, "R" AS Type, r.ID AS ID_forType, "po"&r.PurchOrdNum&"/ord"&SuppOrdNum&"/inv"&SuppInvcNum AS Name, RestockEffDate(r.ID) AS TimeStamp FROM Restocks AS r UNION /**/ SELECT CONCAT("M.",i.ID) AS IDS, "M" AS Type, i.ID AS ID_forType, i.CatNum AS Name, NULL AS TIMESTAMP FROM cat_items AS i WHERE i.IsMaster;</mysql>
<section end=sql />