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<php><?php /*

 FILE: base.cat.php -- VbzCart catalog classes
   2012-05-08 split off from store.php
   2012-05-13 moved clsCatPages here from pages.php
  • /

class clsCatPages extends clsVbzTable {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('cat_pages'); // cache //$this->Name('qryCat_pages'); // live data $this->KeyName('AB'); $this->ClassSng('clsCatPage');

   public function GetItem_byKey($iKey) {

CallEnter($this,__LINE__,__CLASS__.'.GetItem_byKey('.$iKey.')'); $strKey = trim($iKey,'/'); $strKey = str_replace('-','/',$strKey); $sqlCatKey = $this->objDB->SafeParam($strKey); // This function is named wrong, and needs to be rewritten anyway // $this->Touch('clsCatPages.GetItem_byKey('.$iKey.')'); $objItem = $this->GetData('Path="'.$sqlCatKey.'"');

   //    $objRec = $this->objDB->Query($sql);

assert('is_object($objItem)'); if ($objItem->NextRow()) { DumpValue('objItem NumRows',$objItem->hasRows()); CallExit('clsCatPages.GetItem_byKey('.$iKey.') -> Page '.$objItem->AB); } else { CallExit('clsCatPages.GetItem_byKey('.$iKey.') -> no data'); } return $objItem;


} // just for paral;ellism, at this point class clsCatPage extends clsDataSet { }

class clsSuppliers extends clsVbzTable { // ==== STATIC SECTION


   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('cat_supp'); $this->KeyName('ID'); $this->ClassSng('clsSupplier'); $this->ActionKey('supp');

   public function GetItem_byKey($iKey) {

CallEnter($this,__LINE__,__CLASS__.'.GetItem_byKey('.$iKey.')'); $sqlCatKey = $this->objDB->SafeParam($iKey); $objItem = $this->GetData('CatKey="'.$sqlCatKey.'"'); CallExit(__CLASS__.'.GetItem_byKey('.$iKey.') -> new supplier'); return $objItem;


2010-11-12 disabled automatic cache update

   protected function DataSet_forStore($iClass=NULL) {

//$objCache = $this->objDB->CacheMgr(); //$objCache->Update_byName('_supplier_ittyps','clsSuppliers.DoHomePage()'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _supplier_ittyps ORDER BY Name, ItemCount DESC'; $objRows = $this->objDB->DataSet($sql,$iClass);

return $objRows;



class clsSupplier extends clsDataSet {

     ACTION: Finds the Item for this Supplier with the given supplier CatNum
     RETURNS: object of type requested by user; defaults to clsItem. NULL if not found.
     DEPRECATED -- use GetItem_bySCatNum()
   public function GetItem_bySuppCatNum($iCatNum,$iClass=NULL) {

return $this->GetItem_bySCatNum($iCatNum);

     ACTION: Checks the given catalog number to see if it corresponds to a given item for the current supplier
     INPUT: supplier catalog number
     OUTPUT: item object (if found) or NULL (if not found)

2011-01-09 Moved here from VbzAdminSupplier; replaces GetItem_bySuppCatNum()

   public function GetItem_bySCatNum($iSCat) {

$objTblItems = $this->objDB->Items();

$sqlFind = '(ID_Supp='.$this->ID.') AND (Supp_CatNum="'.$iSCat.'")'; $objItem = $objTblItems->GetData($sqlFind); if ($objItem->HasRows()) { $objItem->NextRow(); return $objItem; } else { return NULL; }

     ACTION: Finds the Title for this Supplier with the given CatKey
     RETURNS: object of type requested by user; defaults to clsVbzTitle. NULL if not found.

2010-11-07 Created for Title editing page -- need to check for duplicate CatKey before saving.

   public function GetTitle_byCatKey($iCatKey,$iClass='clsVbzTitle') {

$sqlCatKey = $this->objDB->SafeParam($iCatKey); $sqlFilt = '(ID_Supplier='.$this->ID.') AND (CatKey="'.$sqlCatKey.'")'; $objTitle = $this->objDB->Titles_Cat()->GetData($sqlFilt,$iClass); if ($objTitle->HasRows()) { $objTitle->NextRow(); return $objTitle; } else { return NULL; }

     ACTION: Searches for Titles whose CatKeys include the given string
     PURPOSE: used during renaming of supplier-recycled catalog numbers, so we can see if that number

has been recycled before and avoid having to repeatedly try new names


2010-11-08 Created for title editing page

   public function GetTitles_byCatKey($iCatKey,$iClass='clsVbzTitle') {

$sqlCatKey = $this->objDB->SafeParam($iCatKey); $sqlFilt = '(ID_Supplier='.$this->ID.') AND (CatKey LIKE "%'.$sqlCatKey.'%")'; $objTitle = $this->objDB->Titles_Cat()->GetData($sqlFilt,$iClass); if ($objTitle->HasRows()) { $objTitle->NextRow(); return $objTitle; } else { return NULL; }

   protected function DeptsData_forCount($iClass='clsDept') {

$objTbl = $this->objDB->Depts(); $objRows = $objTbl->GetData('isActive AND (ID_Supplier='.$this->ID.')',$iClass,'Sort'); return $objRows;

     ACTION: builds an array of item type data for the supplier, broken down by department.

Caches the results in memory.

     USED BY: $this->DoPiece_ItTyp_Summary(), $this->DoPiece_Dept_ItTyps()
     RETURNS: array of data for the current supplier

array[rows] = source dataset -- each row is an ItTyp within a Department array[depts][ID_Dept][ID_ItTyp] = count of items for sale by department and item type array[supp][ID_ItTyp] = count of items for sale by item type


2011-02-02 switched data source from qryItTypsDepts_ItTyps to _dept_ittyps Page was not displaying at all. Some additional changes were necessary.

   protected function DeptsData_forStore() {

if (is_null($this->arDeptsData)) { //$objRows = $this->objDB->DataSet('SELECT * FROM qryItTypsDepts_ItTyps WHERE ID_Supplier='.$this->ID); $objRows = $this->objDB->DataSet('SELECT * FROM _dept_ittyps WHERE ID_Supp='.$this->ID); while ($objRows->NextRow()) { $idItTyp = $objRows->ID_ItTyp; $intCntForSale = $objRows->cntForSale;

if (!isset($arObjs[$idItTyp])) { $objItTyp = $this->Engine()->ItTyps()->SpawnItem(); $arObjs[$idItTyp] = $objItTyp;

$objItTyp->Row['NameSng'] = $objRows->Value('ItTypNameSng'); $objItTyp->Row['NamePlr'] = $objRows->Value('ItTypNamePlr'); $objItTyp->Row['cntForSale'] = 0; // initialize the count }

   // accumulate the list of everything this supplier has:

$idSupp = $objRows->ID_Supplier; $objItTyp->Row['cntForSale'] += $intCntForSale;

   // accumulate the department listing:

$idDept = $objRows->Value('ID_Dept'); $arDeptCntForSale[$idDept][$idItTyp] = $intCntForSale; } $arOut['rows'] = $objRows; $arOut['depts'] = $arDeptCntForSale; $arOut['supp'] = $arObjs; $this->arDeptsData = $arOut; } return $this->arDeptsData;

     ACTION: Generates the item-type-count summary for the Supplier's index page
   public function DoPiece_ItTyp_Summary() {

$arData = $this->DeptsData_forStore(); $arObjs = $arData['supp'];

$outRow = ; foreach ($arObjs as $id=>$obj) { $objTyp = $obj; $cnt = $objTyp->Value('cntForSale'); if ($cnt > 0) { $strType = $objTyp->Name($cnt); if ($outRow != ) { $outRow .= ', '; } $outRow .= ''.$cnt.' '.$strType; } } $out = ''.$outRow.''; return $out;

   public function DoPage() {

$out = ; assert('$this->ID');

   // first, check how many departments supplier has:

//$objDeptTbl = $this->objDB->Depts(); //$objDepts = $objDeptTbl->GetData('isActive AND (ID_Supplier='.$this->ID.')','clsDept','Sort'); $objDepts = $this->DeptsData_forCount(); $intRows = $objDepts->RowCount();

if ($intRows == 1) {

   // if there's only one department, display that instead of a department listing

$objDepts->NextRow(); // get the first/only dept $out = $objDepts->DoPage(); } else { $out .= $this->DeptsPage_forStore(); }

return $out;

   public function ShopLink($iText=NULL) {

if (is_null($iText)) { $strText = $this->Name; } else { $strText = $iText; } $out = '<a href="'.$this->URL().'">'.$strText.'</a>'; return $out;

   public function Link() { return $this->ShopLink(); }
   public function URL() {

return KWP_CAT_REL.strtolower($this->CatKey).'/';




 PURPOSE: extends clsSuppliers to handle store UI interactions
  • /

class clsSuppliers_StoreUI extends clsSuppliers {

   private $objPage;
   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->ClassSng('clsSupplier_StoreUI');

   public function Page(clsVbzSkin $iPage=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iPage)) { $this->objPage = $iPage; } if (!is_object($this->objPage)) { throw new exception('Internal error: must set page before trying to read it.'); } return $this->objPage;

   public function DoHomePage() {

$rc = $this->DataSet_forStore(); if ($rc->hasRows()) { $objPage = $this->Page(); $objPage->NewSection('Suppliers'); $objTbl = $objPage->NewTable(); $objTbl->ClassName('catalog-summary'); $strKeyLast = $outCell = ; while ($rc->NextRow()) { $strKey = $rc->Value('CatKey'); if ($strKey != $strKeyLast) { // supplier has changed $strKeyLast = $strKey; $strKeyLink = strtolower($strKey).'/'; if ($outCell) { // dump accumulated list in 2nd column $objRow->NewCell($outCell); $outCell = ; } // start a new row $objRow = $objTbl->NewRow(); $objRow->NewCell('<a href="'.$strKeyLink.'">'.$rc->Value('Name').'</a>'); $isFirst = true; } if ($isFirst) { $isFirst = false; } else { $outCell .= ', '; } $strItType = $rc->Value('ItemType'); if ($strItType == ) { $strItType = '?id'.$rc->KeyString(); } $outCell .= ' '.$rc->Value('ItemCount').' '.$strItType; } $objRow->NewCell($outCell); }



class clsSupplier_StoreUI extends clsSupplier {


2012-05-10 extracted from clsSuppliers and renamed from DeptsPage_forStore() to DoDeptsPage() 2012-05-11 no longer returns rendered output, but leaves it in Doc() object

   public function DoDeptsPage() {

$this->DoPiece_ItTyp_Summary(); $this->Table()->Page()->NewSection('Departments:'); $this->DoPiece_Dept_ItTyps();

     ACTION: Generates the table of departments and the summary of items available for each
   public function DoPiece_Dept_ItTyps() {

$arData = $this->DeptsData_forStore(); $arObjs = $arData['supp']; $arDeptCntForSale = $arData['depts']; $objPage = $this->Table()->Page();

$objTbl = $objPage->NewTable(); $objTbl->ClassName('depts');

$isOdd = FALSE; $fpSupp = KWP_CAT_REL.strtolower($this->Value('CatKey')).'/'; $arAttrCell = array('valign' => 'top'); foreach ($arDeptCntForSale as $idDept=>$arCnts) { $isOdd = !$isOdd;

$outRow = ; foreach ($arCnts as $id=>$cnt) { if ($cnt > 0) { $objTyp = $arObjs[$id]; $strType = $objTyp->Name($cnt); if ($outRow != ) { $outRow .= ', '; } $outRow .= ''.$cnt.' '.$strType; } } if ($outRow != ) { $objDept = $this->objDB->Depts()->GetItem($idDept); $strPageKey = $objDept->PageKey(); $strName = $objDept->Name;

$objRow = $objTbl->NewRow(); if ($isOdd) { $objRow->ClassName('catalog-stripe'); } else { $objRow->ClassName('catalog'); }

$objCell = $objRow->NewCell('<a href="'.$fpSupp.strtolower($strPageKey).'/">'.$strName.'</a>'); $objCell->SetAttrs($arAttrCell); $objCell = $objRow->NewCell($outRow); $objCell->SetAttrs($arAttrCell); } }



class clsDepts extends clsVbzTable {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('cat_depts'); $this->KeyName('ID'); $this->ClassSng('clsDept'); $this->ActionKey('dept');

   protected function _newItem() {

CallStep('clsDepts._newItem()'); return new clsDept($this);



   public function DoListing_forSupp($iSuppID) {


//$objRows = $this->objDB->DataSet('SELECT * FROM qryItTypsDepts_ItTyps WHERE ID_Supplier='.$iSuppID); $objRows = $this->Data_forStore(); while ($objRows->NextRow()) { $idItTyp = $objRows->ID_ItTyp; $intCntForSale = $objRows->cntForSale; $arTypSng[$idItTyp] = $objRows->ItTyp_Sng; $arTypPlr[$idItTyp] = $objRows->ItTyp_Plr;

// accumulate the list of everything this supplier has: $idSupp = $objRows->ID_Supplier; if (isset($arSuppCntForSale[$idItTyp])) { $arSuppCntForSale[$idItTyp] += $intCntForSale; } else { $arSuppCntForSale[$idItTyp] = $intCntForSale; }

// accumulate the department listing: $idDept = $objRows->ID_Dept; $arDeptCntForSale[$idDept][$idItTyp] = $intCntForSale; }

// Now present the accumulated data:


$outRow = ; foreach ($arSuppCntForSale as $idType=>$cnt) { if ($cnt == 1) { $strType = $arTypSng[$idType]; } else { $strType = $arTypPlr[$idType]; } if ($outRow != ) { $outRow .= ', '; } $outRow .= ''.$cnt.' '.$strType; } $out = ''.$outRow.'';


$out .= '



$isOdd = FALSE; foreach ($arDeptCntForSale as $idDept=>$arCnts) { $isOdd = !$isOdd; if ($isOdd) {

$cellOpen = ''.$cellOpen.'<a href="'.strtolower($strPageKey).'/">'.$strName.'</a>'; $outRow = ; foreach ($arCnts as $idType=>$cnt) { if ($cnt == 1) { $strType = $arTypSng[$idType]; } else { $strType = $arTypPlr[$idType]; } if ($outRow != ) { $outRow .= ', '; } $outRow .= ''.$cnt.' '.$strType; } $out .= $cellOpen.$outRow.''; } $out .= '

} else {

$cellOpen = '


$objDept = $this->objDB->Depts()->GetItem($idDept); $strPageKey = $objDept->PageKey(); $strName = $objDept->Name;

$out .= '


CallExit('clsDepts.DoListing_forSupp()'); return $out;


/**/ } class clsDept extends clsDataSet { // object cache

   private $objSupp;
   public function SuppObj() {

if (is_object($this->objSupp)) { return $this->objSupp; } else { $idSupp = $this->ID_Supplier; if ($idSupp) { $this->objSupp = $this->objDB->Suppliers()->GetItem($idSupp); return $this->objSupp; } else { return NULL; } }

   // DEPRECATED -- use SuppObj()
   public function Supplier() {

return $this->SuppObj();

   public function PageKey() {

if ($this->PageKey) { return $this->PageKey; } else { return $this->CatKey; }

     PURPOSE: loads data needed to display catalog views for this department

2010-11-12 disabled automatic cache update 2010-11-16 changed sorting field from cntInPrint to cntForSale 2011-02-02 using _dept_ittyps now instead of qryItTypsDepts_ItTyps Also added "AND (cntForSale)" to WHERE clause -- not listing titles with nothing to sell

   protected function Data_forStore() {	// was GetDeptData()

//$objCache = $this->objDB->CacheMgr(); //$objCache->Update_byName('_dept_ittyps','clsDept.DoListing() for ID='.$this->ID); //$sql = 'SELECT * FROM qryItTypsDepts_ItTyps WHERE (ID_Dept='.$this->ID.') ORDER BY cntForSale DESC'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _dept_ittyps WHERE (ID_Dept='.$this->ID.') AND (cntForSale) ORDER BY cntForSale DESC'; $objItTyps = $this->objDB->DataSet($sql,'clsItTyp'); return $objItTyps;

     PURPOSE: Print this department's information as part of department list

2010-11-16 $cntAvail is now cntForSale, not cntInPrint+qtyInStock

   public function DoListing() {

assert('$this->ID'); $objItTyps = $this->Data_forStore(); $isFirst = true; $out = ; while ($objItTyps->NextRow()) { if ($isFirst) { $isFirst = false; } else { $out .= ', '; } $cntInPrint = $objItTyps->cntInPrint; $qtyInStock = $objItTyps->qtyForSale; //$cntAvail = $cntInPrint + $qtyInStock; $cntForSale = $objItTyps->cntForSale; if ($cntAvail == 1) { $strName = $objItTyps->ItTyp_Sng; } else { $strName = $objItTyps->ItTyp_Plr; } $out .= ' '.$cntAvail.' '.$strName; } return $out;

     PURPOSE: Print page for current department

* Iterates through item types available for this department. * For each item type, prints header and then a list of titles.


2010-11-?? Started using cached table _title_ittyps instead of qryTitles_ItTyps_Titles 2010-11-16 $cntAvail is now cntForSale, not cntInPrint+qtyInStock 2011-02-02 $qtyInStock now set to Row['qtyInStock'], not Row['qtyForSale'] which didn't make sense anyway

   public function DoPage() {

$out = ; $idDept = $this->ID; if (empty($idDept)) { throw new exception('Department object has no ID'); } $objSection = new clsPageOutput(); // calculate the list of item types available in this department $objItTyps = $this->Data_forStore(); $objTitles = new clsVbzTitle($this->objDB); $objNoImgSect = new clsPageOutput(); $cntSections = 0; while ($objItTyps->NextRow()) { $cntInPrint = $objItTyps->Row['cntInPrint']; $qtyInStock = $objItTyps->Row['qtyInStock']; $cntAvail = $objItTyps->Row['cntForSale']; if ($cntAvail) { $cntSections++; $idItTyp = $objItTyps->Row['ID_ItTyp']; $sql = 'SELECT *, ID_Title AS ID, TitleName AS Name, cntInStock FROM _title_ittyps WHERE ((cntForSale) AND (ID_ItTyp='.$idItTyp.') AND (ID_Dept='.$idDept.'));'; //$sql = 'SELECT t.ID_Title AS ID, t.* FROM qryTitles_ItTyps_Titles AS t WHERE (ID_ItTyp='.$idItTyp.') AND (ID_Dept='.$idDept.');'; $objTitles->Query($sql);

$arTitles = NULL; if ($objTitles->hasRows()) { while ($objTitles->NextRow()) { // add title to display list $arTitles[] = $objTitles->Values(); // save it in a list } assert('is_array($arTitles)');

 // We've generated the list of titles for this section; now display the section header and titles:

$out .= $this->objDB->ShowTitles($objItTyps->Row['ItTypNamePlr'].':',$arTitles,$objNoImgSect); } else { echo 'ERROR: No titles found! SQL='.$sql; } $objSection->Clear(); } else { $out .= 'Small coding error: this line should never happen.'; // TO DO: log an error } } if (!$cntSections) { $out .= 'This department appears to have been emptied of all leftover stock. (Eventually there will be a way to see what items used to be here.)'; } if ($objNoImgSect->inTbl) { $objNoImgSect->EndTable(); $objSection->AddText($objNoImgSect->out); $objSection->EndTable(); $out .= $objSection->out; } return $out;

   public function URL_Rel() {

$strURL = $this->Supplier()->URL(); $strKey = $this->PageKey(); if ($strKey) { $strURL .= strtolower($strKey).'/'; } return $strURL;

   public function URL_Abs() {

return KWP_ROOT.$this->URL_Rel();

   public function LinkName() {

$strURL = $this->URL_Rel(); return '<a href="'.$strURL.'">'.$this->Name.'</a>';

     RETURNS: The string which, when prepended to a Title's CatKey, would form the Title's catalog number
   public function CatPfx() {

$strFull = strtoupper($this->Supplier()->CatKey); if ($this->AffectsCatNum()) { $strFull .= '-'.strtoupper($this->CatKey); } return $strFull.'-';

     RETURNS: TRUE if this department affects the catalog number (i.e. if CatKey is non-blank)
   public function AffectsCatNum() {

return ($this->CatKey != );



class clsVbzTitles extends clsVbzTable {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('cat_titles'); $this->KeyName('ID'); $this->ClassSng('clsVbzTitle');

   public function Search_forText_SQL($iFind) {

return '(Name LIKE "%'.$iFind.'%") OR (`Desc` LIKE "%'.$iFind.'%")';

   public function Search_forText($iFind) {

$sqlFilt = $this->Search_forText_SQL($iFind); $rs = $this->GetData($sqlFilt); return $rs;



ACTION: Finds a Title from a CatNum and returns an object for it
   Rename to Get_byCatNum()
   Stop using v_titles
  • /

/* 2010-11-07 Is anything actually using this?

 public function GetItem_byCatNum($iCatNum) {
   global $objDataMgr;
   $sqlCatNum = strtoupper(str_replace('.','-',$iCatNum));
   $sqlCatNum = $this->objDB->SafeParam($sqlCatNum);
   $sql = 'SELECT * FROM v_titles WHERE CatNum="'.$sqlCatNum.'"';

// $objTitle = new clsVbzTitleExt($this);

   $objTitle = new clsVbzTitle($this);
   // make sure _titles (part of v_titles) is up-to-date
   // get data from v_titles
   $idTitle = $objTitle->ID;
   if ($objTitle->RowCount()) {
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM titles WHERE ID='.$idTitle;
     $objTitle->dontLoadBasic = true;
     CallExit('clsVbzTitles.GetItem_byCatNum() -> ok');
     return $objTitle;
   } else {
     CallExit('clsVbzTitles.GetItem_byCatNum() -> NULL');
     return NULL;
  • /

} class clsVbzTitle extends clsDataSet { // object cache

   private $objDept;
   private $objSupp;

// options

   public $hideImgs;
   public function Dept() {

$doLoad = FALSE; if (empty($this->objDept)) { $doLoad = TRUE; } else if (is_object($this->objDept)) { if ($this->ID_Dept != $this->objDept->ID) { $doLoad = TRUE; } } else { $doLoad = TRUE; } if ($doLoad) { $idDept = $this->ID_Dept; if (empty($idDept)) { $objDept = NULL; } else { $objDept = $this->objDB->Depts()->GetItem($idDept); assert('is_object($objDept)'); } $this->objDept = $objDept; } return $this->objDept;

     RETURNS: ID of this title's supplier

2011-09-28 revised to get ID directly from the new ID_Supp field instead of having to look up the Dept and get it from there.

   public function Supplier_ID() {

/* $objDept = $this->Dept(); $idSupp = $objDept->ID_Supplier;

  • /

$idSupp = $this->Value('ID_Supp'); return $idSupp;

   // DEPRECATED -- use SuppObj()
   public function Supplier() {

return $this->SuppObj();

   public function SuppObj() {

$doLoad = FALSE; if (empty($this->objSupp)) { $doLoad = TRUE; } else if (is_object($this->objSupp)) { if ($this->ID_Supplier != $this->objSupp->ID) { $doLoad = TRUE; } } else { $doLoad = TRUE; } if ($doLoad) { $idSupp = $this->Supplier_ID(); if (empty($idSupp)) { $objSupp = NULL; } else { $objSupp = $this->objDB->Suppliers()->GetItem($idSupp); assert('is_object($objSupp)'); } $this->objSupp = $objSupp; } return $this->objSupp;

   public function Items() {

$sqlFilt = 'ID_Title='.$this->ID; $objTbl = $this->objDB->Items(); $objRows = $objTbl->GetData($sqlFilt); return $objRows;

   public function Topics() {

$objTbl = $this->Engine()->TitleTopic_Topics(); $objRows = $objTbl->GetTitle($this->KeyValue()); return $objRows;

   public function DoPage() {

$idTitle = $this->KeyValue(); assert('$idTitle'); $objSection = new clsPageOutput();

// show "small" images for this title if (!$this->hideImgs) { $ht = $this->ShopPage_Images(); if (is_null($ht)) { $objSection->ShowImgUnavail(); } else { $objSection->AddText($ht); } }

// list topics for this title $out = $this->ShopPage_Topics(); $objSection->AddText($out);

// list available items as table $out = $this->ShopPage_Items(); $objSection->AddText($out);

/* if (is_null($out)) { $objSection->SectionHdr('This title is currently unavailable'); }

  • /

return $objSection->out."\n\n";

   protected function ShopPage_Topics() {

$db = $this->Engine(); $tbl = $db->TitleTopic_Topics(); $tbl->doBranch(TRUE); $rs = $tbl->GetTitle($this->KeyValue()); if ($rs->hasRows()) {

$txt = '


$txt .= ''.$db->Topics()->IndexLink('Topics').':'; while ($rs->NextRow()) { $txt .= '
- '.$rs->ShopLink(); }

$txt .= '


return $txt; } else { return NULL; }

   protected function ShopPage_Images() {

$objImgs = $this->ListImages('sm'); $out = NULL; if ($objImgs->hasRows()) { while ($objImgs->NextRow()) { $strImgTag = $objImgs->AttrDispl; $urlRel = $objImgs->Spec; $idImg = $objImgs->ID; //$strImg = '<img src="'.KWP_IMG_MERCH.$urlRel.'"'; $strImg = '<img src="'.$objImgs->WebSpec().'"'; if ($strImgTag) { $strImg .= ' title="'.$strImgTag.'"'; } $strImg .= '>'; $objImgBig = $objImgs->ImgForSize('big'); if (is_object($objImgBig)) { if ($objImgBig->FirstRow()) { $strImg = $objImgBig->Href().$strImg.'</a>'; } } $out .= $strImg; } } return $out;


2012-02-10 began rewriting to go straight to data (no cache)

   protected function ShopPage_Items() {

$idTitle = $this->KeyValue(); $out = NULL;

//$sql = 'SELECT * FROM qryTitles_ItTyps_ItTyps WHERE (ID_Title='.$idTitle.') ORDER BY ItTyp_Sort IS NULL, ItTyp_Sort;'; //$sql = 'SELECT * FROM _title_ittyps WHERE (ID_Title='.$idTitle.') ORDER BY ItTypSort IS NULL, ItTypSort;'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM' .' (cat_items AS i' .' LEFT JOIN cat_ittyps AS it ON i.ID_ItTyp=it.ID)' .' LEFT JOIN cat_ioptns AS io ON i.ID_ItOpt=io.ID' .' WHERE isForSale AND i.ID_Title='.$idTitle .' ORDER BY it.Sort,GrpSort,GrpDescr,i.ItOpt_Sort, io.Sort;'; // sorting may need to be tweaked $tblItems = $this->Engine()->Items(); $rs = $tblItems->DataSQL($sql); $isItem = FALSE; if ($rs->hasRows()) { if (KF_CART_ABSOLUTE) { $urlCart = KWP_CART_ABS; } else { $urlCart = KWP_CART_REL; } $out .= '<form method=post action="'.$urlCart.'"><input type=hidden name=from value=browse-multi>';

$flagDisplayTogether = false; // hard-coded for now

$txtTblHdr = $tblItems->Render_TableHdr(); $txtInStock = $txtOutStock = $txtBoth = ;

$idItTyp_old = NULL; $strGrp_old = NULL; $this->cntInStk = 0; $this->cntOutStk = 0;

while ($rs->NextRow()) { $idItTyp = $rs->Value('ID_ItTyp'); if ($idItTyp_old != $idItTyp) { $idItTyp_old = $idItTyp; // new type -- render type headers $ar = $this->ShopPage_Items_TypeSection($rs); $txtInStock .= NzArray($ar,'in'); $txtOutStock .= NzArray($ar,'out'); $txtBoth .= NzArray($ar,'both'); }

$strGrp = $rs->Value('GrpDescr'); $qtyStk = $rs->Value('QtyIn_Stk'); if ($strGrp != $strGrp_old) { $strGrp_old = $strGrp; // new group -- render group header

$strGrpCode = $rs->Value('GrpCode');

$out = ''; $out .= ' — '.$strGrp;

if ($strGrpCode) { $out .= ' ('.$strGrpCode.')'; }

$out .= ''; $out .= ''; // this should probably be a subroutine... if ($flagDisplayTogether) { $txtBoth .= $out; } else { if ($qtyStk > 0) { $txtInStock .= $out; } else { $txtOutStock .= $out; } } } // END new group $txtLine = $rs->Render_TableRow(); if ($flagDisplayTogether) { $txtBoth .= $txtLine; } else { if ($qtyStk > 0) { $txtInStock .= $txtLine; } else { $txtOutStock .= $txtLine; } } } // END while next row // format all the accumulated bits of text into one large string: $txtTblOpen = '

<tbody>'; $txtTblFtr = ''; $txtTblShut = '</tbody>
<input value="Add to Cart" type="submit">


if ($flagDisplayTogether) { // Display in-stock and backordered items together $out .= $txtTblOpen.$txtTblHdr.$txtBoth.$txtTblFtr.$txtTblShut; } else { if ($this->cntInStk) { $txtClause = Pluralize($qtyStk,'This item is','These items are'); $out .= $txtTblOpen;

$out .= ''.$txtClause.' in stock:';

$out .= $txtTblHdr.$txtInStock.$txtTblFtr.$txtTblShut; }

if ($this->cntOutStk) { if (!empty($txtInStock)) {

$out .= '

'; } $txtClause = Pluralize($this->cntOutStk,'This item is','These '.$this->cntOutStk.' items are'); $out .= $txtTblOpen; $out .= ''.$txtClause.' <a href="'.KWP_HELP_NO_STOCK_BUT_AVAIL.'">not in stock</a>';

$txtClause = Pluralize($this->cntOutStk,'it','them');

$out .= ', but we can (probably) <a href="'.KWP_HELP_POLICY_SHIP.'">get '.$txtClause.'</a>:'; $out .= $txtTblHdr.$txtOutStock.$txtTblFtr.$txtTblShut; } } $out .= '</form>'; } else { $out .= clsPageOutput::SectionHeader('This title is currently unavailable'); } return $out; } protected function ShopPage_Items_TypeSection($rs) { $txtTypPlur = $rs->Value('NamePlr'); $txtLine = "\n$txtTypPlur:";

$flagDisplayTogether = FALSE; // hard-coded for now if ($flagDisplayTogether) { // displaying all items in a single listing $arOut['both'] = $txtLine; } else { // set flags to determine which stock-status sections to show $qtyInStk = $rs->Value('QtyIn_Stk'); $isForSale = $rs->Value('isForSale'); $isOutStk = (($qtyInStk == 0) && $isForSale);

if ($qtyInStk > 0) { // list in the "in stock" section $arOut['in'] = $txtLine; // add to count of lines in stock $this->cntInStk++; } if ($isOutStk) { // list in the "out of stock" section $arOut['out'] = $txtLine; // add to count of lines out of stock $this->cntOutStk++; } } return $arOut;

   protected function ShopPage_Items_OLD() {

$idTitle = $this->KeyValue(); $out = NULL;

//$sql = 'SELECT * FROM qryTitles_ItTyps_ItTyps WHERE (ID_Title='.$idTitle.') ORDER BY ItTyp_Sort IS NULL, ItTyp_Sort;'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _title_ittyps WHERE (ID_Title='.$idTitle.') ORDER BY ItTypSort IS NULL, ItTypSort;'; $rsTypes = $this->Engine()->DataSet($sql); $isItem = FALSE; if ($rsTypes->hasRows()) { if (KF_CART_ABSOLUTE) { $urlCart = KWP_CART_ABS; } else { $urlCart = KWP_CART_REL; } $out .= '<form method=post action="'.$urlCart.'"><input type=hidden name=from value=browse-multi>';

$flagDisplayTogether = false; // hard-coded for now

//$objStk = $this->Engine()->Items_Stock(); $tblItems = $this->Engine()->Items();

//$txtTblHdr = 'OptionStatusPriceOrder

$txtTblHdr = $tblItems->Render_TableHdr(); $txtInStock = $txtOutStock = ;

while ($rsTypes->NextRow()) { $idItTyp = $rsTypes->Value('ID_ItTyp'); assert('$idItTyp'); $sqlFilt = '(ID_Title='.$idTitle.') AND (ID_ItTyp='.$idItTyp.')'; $sqlSort = 'GrpSort,GrpDescr,ItOpt_Sort'; $rsItems = $tblItems->GetData($sqlFilt,NULL,$sqlSort); //$idItType = 0;

$txtLine = ''.$rsTypes->Value('ItTypNamePlr').':';

if ($flagDisplayTogether) { // displaying all items in a single listing $txtBoth .= $txtLine; } else { // set flags to determine which stock-status sections to show $cntInStock = $rsTypes->Value('cntInStock'); $cntForSale = $rsTypes->Value('cntForSale'); $cntOutStock = $cntForSale - $cntInStock;

if ($cntInStock > 0) { $txtInStock .= $txtLine; } if ($cntOutStock > 0) { $txtOutStock .= $txtLine; } } // iterate through items for this type: $strGrpLast = ; while ($rsItems->NextRow()) { $strGrp = $rsItems->Value('GrpDescr'); $qtyStk = $rsItems->Value('QtyIn_Stk'); if ($strGrp != $strGrpLast) { $strGrpLast = $strGrp; $strGrpCode = $rsItems->Value('GrpCode');

$out = ''; $out .= ' — '.$strGrp;

if ($strGrpCode) { $out .= ' ('.$strGrpCode.')'; }

$out .= ''; $out .= ''; // this should probably be a subroutine... if ($flagDisplayTogether) { $txtBoth .= $out; } else { if ($qtyStk > 0) { $txtInStock .= $out; } else { $txtOutStock .= $out; } } } //echo '
GOT TO #1 - qty='.$qtyStk; if ($rsItems->Value('isForSale')) { $isItem = TRUE; $txtLine = $rsItems->Render_TableRow(); if ($flagDisplayTogether) { $txtBoth .= $txtLine; } else { if ($qtyStk > 0) { $txtInStock .= $txtLine; } else { $txtOutStock .= $txtLine; } } } } } if ($isItem) { // format all the accumulated bits of text into one large string: $txtTblOpen = '

<tbody>'; $txtTblFtr = ''; $txtTblShut = '</tbody>
<input value="Add to Cart" type="submit">


if ($flagDisplayTogether) { // Display in-stock and backordered items together $out .= $txtTblOpen.$txtTblHdr.$txtBoth.$txtTblFtr.$txtTblShut; } else { if ($txtInStock != ) { $txtClause = Pluralize($cntInStock,'This item is','These items are'); $out .= $txtTblOpen;

$out .= ''.$txtClause.' in stock:';

$out .= $txtTblHdr.$txtInStock.$txtTblFtr.$txtTblShut; }

if (!empty($txtOutStock)) { if (!empty($txtInStock)) {

$out .= '

'; } $txtClause = Pluralize($cntOutStock,'This item is','These items are'); $out .= $txtTblOpen; $out .= ''.$txtClause.' <a href="'.KWP_HELP_NO_STOCK_BUT_AVAIL.'">not in stock</a>';

$txtClause = Pluralize($cntOutStock,'it','them');

$out .= ', but we can (probably) <a href="'.KWP_HELP_POLICY_SHIP.'">get '.$txtClause.'</a>:'; $out .= $txtTblHdr.$txtOutStock.$txtTblFtr.$txtTblShut; } /**/ } } else { $out .= clsPageOutput::SectionHeader('This title is currently unavailable'); } $out .= '</form>'; } return $out; } /*---- RETURNS: Array containing summary information about this title */ public function Indicia(array $iarAttr=NULL) { $objItems = $this->Items(); $intActive = 0; $intRetired = 0; if ($objItems->HasRows()) { while ($objItems->NextRow()) { if ($objItems->isForSale) { $intActive++; } else { $intRetired++; } } } // "dark-bg" brings up link colors for a dark background $arLink = array('class'=>'dark-bg'); // merge in any overrides or additions from iarAttr: if (is_array($iarAttr)) { $arLink = array_merge($arLink,$iarAttr); } $htLink = $this->Link($arLink); $txtCatNum = $this->CatNum(); $txtName = $this->Name; $arOut['cnt.active'] = $intActive; $arOut['cnt.retired'] = $intRetired; $arOut['txt.cat.num'] = $txtCatNum; $arOut['ht.link.open'] = $htLink; $arOut['ht.cat.line'] = $htLink.$txtCatNum.'</a> '.$txtName; return $arOut; } /*---- RETURNS: Array containing summaries of ItTyps in which this Title is available array['text.!num'] = plaintext version with no numbers (types only) array['text.cnt'] = plaintext version with line counts array['html.cnt'] = HTML version with line counts array['html.qty'] = HTML version with stock quantities HISTORY: 2011-01-23 written */ public function Summary_ItTyps($iSep=', ') { $dsRows = $this->DataSet_ItTyps(); $outTextNoQ = $outTextType = $outTextCnt = $outHTMLCnt = $outHTMLQty = NULL; if ($dsRows->HasRows()) { $isFirst = TRUE; while ($dsRows->NextRow()) { $cntType = $dsRows->Value('cntForSale'); if ($cntType > 0) { $qtyStk = $dsRows->Value('qtyInStock'); $txtSng = $dsRows->Value('ItTypNameSng'); $txtPlr = $dsRows->Value('ItTypNamePlr'); $strType = Pluralize($cntType,$txtSng,$txtPlr); if ($isFirst) { $isFirst = FALSE; } else { $outTextType .= $iSep; $outTextCnt .= $iSep; $outHTMLCnt .= $iSep; if (!is_null($outHTMLQty)) { $outHTMLQty .= $iSep; } } $outTextType .= $txtSng; $outTextCnt .= $cntType.' '.$strType; $outHTMLCnt .= ''.$cntType.' '.$strType; if (!empty($qtyStk)) { $outHTMLQty .= ''.$qtyStk.' '.Pluralize($qtyStk,$txtSng,$txtPlr); } } } } $arOut['text.!num'] = $outTextType; $arOut['text.cnt'] = $outTextCnt; $arOut['html.cnt'] = $outHTMLCnt; $arOut['html.qty'] = $outHTMLQty; return $arOut; } // LATER: change name to DataSet_Images() to clarify that this returns a dataset, not a text list or array public function ListImages($iSize) { $sqlFilt = '(ID_Title='.$this->ID.') AND (Ab_Size="'.$iSize.'") AND isActive'; $objImgs = $this->objDB->Images()->GetData($sqlFilt,'clsImage','AttrSort'); return $objImgs; } /*---- RETURNS: dataset of item types for this title USES: _title_ittyps (cached table) HISTORY: 2011-01-19 written */ public function DataSet_ItTyps() { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _title_ittyps WHERE ID_Title='.$this->KeyValue(); $obj = $this->Engine()->DataSet($sql,'clsTitleIttyp'); return $obj; } /*---- HISTORY: 2010-10-19 added optimization to fetch answer from CatKey field if it exists. This may cause future problems. Remove $iSep field and create individual functions if so. 2012-02-02 allowed bypass of Dept if it isn't set */ public function CatNum($iSep='-') { if (empty($this->Row['CatNum'])) { $objDept = $this->Dept(); $objSupp = $this->SuppObj(); if (is_object($objDept)) { $strDeptKey = $objDept->CatKey; $strOut = $objSupp->CatKey; if ($strDeptKey) { $strOut .= $iSep.$strDeptKey; } } else { if (is_object($objSupp)) { $strOut = $objSupp->CatKey; } else { $strOut = '?'; } } $strOut .= $iSep.$this->CatKey; } else { $strOut = $this->CatNum; } return strtoupper($strOut); } public function URL_part() { return strtolower($this->CatNum('/')); } public function URL($iBase=KWP_CAT_REL) { return $iBase.$this->URL_part(); } public function Link(array $iarAttr=NULL) { $strURL = $this->URL(); $htAttr = ArrayToAttrs($iarAttr); return '<a'.$htAttr.' href="'.$strURL.'">'; } public function LinkAbs() { $strURL = $this->URL(KWP_CAT); return '<a href="'.$strURL.'">'; } public function LinkName() { return $this->Link().$this->Name.'</a>'; } /* 2010-11-06 if this is needed, use a method in SpecialVbzAdmin public function LinkName_wt() { // TO DO: make this more configurable $out = '[[vbznet:cat/'.$this->URL_part().'|'.$this->Name.']]'; return $out; }

  • /

} /*==== PURPOSE: TITLE/ITTYP hybrid TABLE: _title_ittyps

  • /

class clsTitleIttyp extends clsDataSet { // object cache private $objIttyp; public function Ittyp() { if (is_null($this->objIttyp)) { $this->objIttyp = VbzClasses::ItTyps()->GetItem($this->ID_ItTyp); } return $this->objIttyp; } } /* -------------------- *\ ITEM classes \* -------------------- */ class clsItems extends clsVbzTable { public function __construct($iDB) { parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('cat_items'); $this->KeyName('ID'); $this->ClassSng('clsItem'); } /*---- ACTION: Finds the Item with the given CatNum, and returns a clsItem object */ public function Get_byCatNum($iCatNum) { $sqlCatNum = $this->objDB->SafeParam(strtoupper($iCatNum)); $objItem = $this->GetData('CatNum="'.$sqlCatNum.'"'); if ($objItem->HasRows()) { $objItem->NextRow(); return $objItem; } else { return NULL; } } public function Search_byCatNum($iCatNum) { $sqlCatNum = $this->objDB->SafeParam(strtoupper($iCatNum)); $objItem = $this->GetData('CatNum LIKE "%'.$sqlCatNum.'%"'); if ($objItem->HasRows()) { return $objItem; } else { return NULL; } } /*---- RETURNS: Table header for list of available items on catalog Title pages HISTORY: 2011-01-24 created/corrected from code in Title page-display function */ public function Render_TableHdr() { return '' .'Option' .'Status' .'List
Price' .'Our
Price' .'Order
Qty.' .''; } } /* =============== CLASS: clsItem NOTES: * "in stock" always refers to stock for sale, not stock which has already been purchased * 2009-12-03: The above note does not clarify anything. * Four methods were moved here from clsShopCartLine in shop.php: ItemSpecs(), ItemDesc(), ItemDesc_ht(), ItemDesc_wt() They are used for displaying a full description of an item, in both shop.php and SpecialVbzAdmin

  • /

class clsItem extends clsDataSet { // object cache private $objTitle; private $objItTyp; private $objItOpt; public function CatNum() { return $this->Value('CatNum'); } public function DescSpecs(array $iSpecs=NULL) { if (is_null($iSpecs)) { $this->objTitle = $this->Title(); $this->objItTyp = $this->ItTyp(); $this->objItOpt = $this->ItOpt(); $out['tname'] = $this->objTitle->Name; $out['ittyp'] = $this->objItTyp->Name($this->Qty); $out['itopt'] = $this->objItOpt->Descr; return $out; } else { return $iSpecs; } } public function DescLong(array $iSpecs=NULL) { // plaintext if (is_null($this->Value('Descr'))) { $sp = $this->DescSpecs($iSpecs); $strItOpt = $sp['itopt']; $out = '"'.$sp['tname'].'" ('.$sp['ittyp']; if (!is_null($strItOpt)) { $out .= ' - '.$strItOpt; } $out .= ')'; } else { $out = $this->Value('Descr'); } return $out; } public function DescLong_ht(array $iSpecs=NULL) { // as HTML $sp = $this->DescSpecs($iSpecs); $htTitleName = ''.$this->Title()->LinkName().''; $strItOpt = $sp['itopt']; $out = $htTitleName.' ('.$sp['ittyp']; if (!is_null($strItOpt)) { $out .= ' - '.$strItOpt; } $out .= ')'; return $out; } /*----- ASSUMES: This item is ForSale, so isForSale = true and (qtyForSale>0 || isInPrint) = true HISTORY: 2011-01-24 Renamed Print_TableRow() -> Render_TableRow; corrected to match header */ public function Render_TableRow() { $arStat = $this->AvailStatus(); $strCls = $arStat['cls']; $out = ''; $out .= ' '.$this->Value('ItOpt_Descr').''; $out .= ''.$arStat['html'].''; $out .= ''.DataCurr($this->Value('PriceList')).''; $out .= ''.DataCurr($this->Value('PriceSell')).''; $out .= ''.'<input size=3 name="qty-'.$this->Value('CatNum').'">'; $out .= ''; return $out; } /*---- ACTION: Returns an array with human-friendly text about the item's availability status RETURNS: array['html']: status text, in HTML format array['cls']: class to use for displaying item row in a table USED BY: Render_TableRow() NOTE: This probably does not actually need to be a separate method; I thought I could reuse it to generate status for titles, but that doesn't make sense. Maybe it will be easier to adapt, though, as a separate method. HISTORY: 2010-11-16 Modified truth table for in-print status so that if isInPrint=FALSE, then status always shows "out of print" even if isCurrent=FALSE. What happens when a supplier has been discontinued? Maybe we need to check that separately. Wait for an example to come up, for easier debugging. 2011-01-24 Corrected to use cat_items fields */ private function AvailStatus() { //echo 'SQL=['.$this->sqlMake.']'; //echo '



     $qtyInStock = $this->Value('QtyIn_Stk');

if ($qtyInStock) { $strCls = 'inStock'; $strStk = $qtyInStock.' in stock'; } else { $strCls = 'noStock'; $strStk = 'none in stock'; } $isInPrint = $this->Value('isInPrint'); if ($isInPrint) { if ($this->Value('isCurrent')) { if ($qtyInStock) { $txt = $strStk.'; more available'; } else { $txt = '<a title="explanation..." href="'.KWP_HELP_NO_STOCK_BUT_AVAIL.'">available, not in stock</a>'; } } else { if ($qtyInStock) { $txt = $strStk.'; in-print status uncertain'; } else { $txt = $strStk.'; availability uncertain'; } } } else { if (is_null($isInPrint)) { $txt = ''.$strStk.' - possibly out of print'; } else { $txt = ''.$strStk.' - out of print!'; } } $arOut['html'] = $txt; $arOut['cls'] = $strCls; return $arOut;

   // DEPRECATED - use TitleObj()
   public function Title() {

return $this->TitleObj();

   public function TitleObj() {

$doLoad = TRUE; if (is_object($this->objTitle)) { if ($this->objTitle->ID == $this->ID_Title) { $doLoad = FALSE; } } if ($doLoad) { $this->objTitle = $this->objDB->Titles()->GetItem($this->ID_Title); } return $this->objTitle;

 public function Supplier() {
     return $this->TitleObj()->Supplier();
 public function ItTyp() {
     $doLoad = TRUE;
     if (is_object($this->objItTyp)) {

if ($this->objItTyp->ID == $this->ID_ItTyp) { $doLoad = FALSE; }

     if ($doLoad) {

$this->objItTyp = $this->objDB->ItTyps()->GetItem($this->ID_ItTyp);

     return $this->objItTyp;
 public function ItOpt() {
   $doLoad = TRUE;
   if (is_object($this->objItOpt)) {
     if ($this->objItOpt->ID == $this->ID_ItOpt) {
       $doLoad = FALSE;
   if ($doLoad) {
     $this->objItOpt = $this->objDB->ItOpts()->GetItem($this->ID_ItOpt);
   return $this->objItOpt;
   // DEPRECATED - use ShipCostObj()
   public function ShCost() {

return $this->ShipCostObj();


2010-10-19 created from contents of ShCost()

   public function ShipCostObj() {

$doLoad = FALSE; if (empty($this->objShCost)) { $doLoad = TRUE; } elseif ($this->objShCost->ID != $this->ID_ShipCost) { $doLoad = TRUE; } if ($doLoad) { $this->objShCost = $this->objDB->ShipCosts()->GetItem($this->ID_ShipCost); } return $this->objShCost;

     RETURNS: The item's per-item shipping price for the given shipping zone
     FUTURE: Rename to ShPerItm_forZone()
   public function ShipPriceItem($iZone) {

global $listItmFactors;

$fltZoneFactor = $listItmFactors[$iZone]; $objSh = $this->ShipCostObj(); return $objSh->PerItem * $fltZoneFactor;

     RETURNS: The item's per-package shipping price for the given shipping zone
     FUTURE: Rename to ShPerPkg_forZone()
   public function ShipPricePkg($iZone) {

global $listPkgFactors;

$fltZoneFactor = $listPkgFactors[$iZone]; return $this->ShipCostObj()->PerPkg * $fltZoneFactor;

     RETURNS: The item's per-item shipping price, with no zone calculations
     FUTURE: need to handle shipping zone more gracefully and rigorously

This function is currently only used in the admin area, so does not need to be infallible.

   public function ShPerItm() {

return $this->ShipCostObj()->Value('PerItem');

     RETURNS: The item's per-package shipping price, with no zone calculations
     FUTURE: need to handle shipping zone more gracefully and rigorously

This function is currently only used in the admin area, so does not need to be infallible.

   public function ShPerPkg() {

return $this->ShipCostObj()->Value('PerPkg');


} /*====

 PURPOSE: clsItems with additional catalog information
  • /

class clsItems_info_Cat extends clsItems {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('qryCat_Items'); //$this->ClassSng('clsItem_info_Cat');


} /* -------------------- *\

   ITEM TYPE classes

\* -------------------- */ class clsItTyps extends clsVbzTable {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('cat_ittyps'); $this->KeyName('ID'); $this->ClassSng('clsItTyp');

   // BOILERPLATE - cache
   protected $objCache;
   protected function Cache() {

if (!isset($this->objCache)) { $this->objCache = new clsCache_Table($this); } return $this->objCache;

   public function GetItem_Cached($iID=NULL,$iClass=NULL) {

return $this->Cache()->GetItem($iID,$iClass);



   public function GetData_Cached($iWhere=NULL,$iClass=NULL,$iSort=NULL) {

return $this->Cache()->GetData($iWhere,$iClass,$iSort);

  • /

* This method really belongs with Admin functions, since it will never be used in the standalone store * If table ever grows to a significant size, we might end up changing the filtering criteron.


2010-11-21 Adapted from clsFolders.

   public function DropDown($iName=NULL,$iDefault=NULL,$iChoose=NULL) {

$strName = is_null($iName)?($this->Table->ActionKey()):$iName; $arRows = $this->Cache()->GetData_array('isType',NULL,'Sort, NameSng'); $out = $this->DropDown_for_array($arRows,$strName,$iDefault,$iChoose); return $out;

     ACTION: same as clsItTyp::DropDown_for_rows, but takes an array

2011-02-11 wrote

   public function DropDown_for_array(array $iRows,$iName=NULL,$iDefault=NULL,$iChoose=NULL) {

$strName = is_null($iName)?($this->Table->ActionKey()):$iName; $objRow = $this->SpawnItem(); foreach($iRows as $key => $row) { $objRow->Values($row); $arList[$key] = $objRow->Name(); } return DropDown_arr($strName,$arList,$iDefault,$iChoose);


} /*====

 CLASS: Item Type (singular)
  • /

class clsItTyp extends clsDataSet_bare {


2011-02-02 removed the IsNew() check because sometimes we want to use this on data which has not been associated with an ID

   public function Name($iCount=NULL) {

if (is_null($iCount)) { if (isset($this->Row['cntInPrint'])) { $iCount = $this->Row['cntInPrint']; } else { $iCount = 1; // default: use singular } } $strSng = NzArray($this->Row,'NameSng'); if ($iCount == 1) { $out = $strSng; } else { $out = NzArray($this->Row,'NamePlr',$strSng); } return $out;

     ACTION: Shows a drop-down selection box contining the rows in the current dataset

* This method really belongs with Admin functions, since it will never be used in the standalone store

   public function DropDown_for_rows($iName=NULL,$iDefault=NULL,$iChoose=NULL) {

$strName = is_null($iName)?($this->Table->ActionKey()):$iName; if ($this->HasRows()) { $out = '<select name="'.$strName.'">'; if (!is_null($iChoose)) { $out .= '<option>'.$iChoose.'</option>'; } while ($this->NextRow()) { $id = $this->Row['ID']; if ($id == $iDefault) { $htSelect = " selected"; } else { $htSelect = ; } $out .= '<option'.$htSelect.' value="'.$id.'">'.$this->Name().'</option>'; } $out .= '</select>'; } else { $out = 'No item types found.'; } return $out;


} /* -------------------- *\

   ITEM OPTION classes

\* -------------------- */ class clsItOpts extends clsVbzTable {

 public function __construct($iDB) {
   // ==BOILERPLATE - cache
   protected $objCache;
   protected function Cache() {

if (!isset($this->objCache)) { $this->objCache = new clsCache_Table($this); } return $this->objCache;

   public function GetItem_Cached($iID=NULL,$iClass=NULL) {

return $this->Cache()->GetItem($iID,$iClass);


* This method really belongs with Admin functions, since it will never be used in the standalone store * If table ever grows to a significant size, we might end up changing the filtering criteron. * Actually, this should be a boilerplate function with a helper class. The only change from clsItTyps is the GetData filter and sorting.


2010-11-21 Adapted from clsItTyps

   public function DropDown($iName=NULL,$iDefault=NULL,$iChoose=NULL) {

$strName = is_null($iName)?($this->Table->ActionKey()):$iName; $arRows = $this->Cache()->GetData_array(NULL,NULL,'Sort'); $out = $this->DropDown_for_array($arRows,$strName,$iDefault,$iChoose); return $out;

     ACTION: same as clsItTyp::DropDown_for_rows, but takes an array

2011-02-11 wrote

   public function DropDown_for_array(array $iRows,$iName=NULL,$iDefault=NULL,$iChoose=NULL) {

$strName = is_null($iName)?($this->Table->ActionKey()):$iName; $objRow = $this->SpawnItem(); foreach($iRows as $key => $row) { $objRow->Values($row); $arList[$key] = $objRow->ChoiceLine(); } return DropDown_arr($strName,$arList,$iDefault,$iChoose);


} class clsItOpt extends clsDataSet {

     RETURNS: Approximately as much description as will fit nicely into a choice line for a drop-down or selection box
   public function ChoiceLine() {

return $this->Value('CatKey');

     RETURNS: A longer description for when horizontal space is not tight
   public function DescrFull() {

return $this->Value('CatKey').' - '.$this->Value('Descr');


} /* -------------------- *\

   SHIP COST classes

\* -------------------- */ class clsShipCosts extends clsVbzTable {

 public function __construct($iDB) {
   // ==BOILERPLATE - cache
   protected $objCache;
   protected function Cache() {

if (!isset($this->objCache)) { $this->objCache = new clsCache_Table($this); } return $this->objCache;

   public function GetItem_Cached($iID=NULL,$iClass=NULL) {

return $this->Cache()->GetItem($iID,$iClass);


* This method really belongs with Admin functions, since it will never be used in the standalone store * If table ever grows to a significant size, we might end up changing the filtering criteron. * Actually, this should be a boilerplate function with a helper class. The only change from clsItTyps is the GetData filter and sorting.


2010-11-21 Adapted from clsItTyps

   public function DropDown($iName=NULL,$iDefault=NULL,$iChoose=NULL) {

$strName = is_null($iName)?($this->Table->ActionKey()):$iName; $arRows = $this->Cache()->GetData_array(NULL,NULL,'Sort'); $out = $this->DropDown_for_array($arRows,$strName,$iDefault,$iChoose); return $out;

     ACTION: same as clsItTyp::DropDown_for_rows, but takes an array

2011-02-11 wrote

   public function DropDown_for_array(array $iRows,$iName=NULL,$iDefault=NULL,$iChoose=NULL) {

$strName = is_null($iName)?($this->Table->ActionKey()):$iName; $objRow = $this->SpawnItem(); foreach($iRows as $key => $row) { $objRow->Values($row); $arList[$key] = $objRow->ChoiceLine(); } return DropDown_arr($strName,$arList,$iDefault,$iChoose);


} class clsShipCost extends clsDataSet {

     RETURNS: Approximately as much description as will fit nicely into a choice line for a drop-down or selection box
   public function ChoiceLine() {

return $this->Value('Descr');


} /* -------------------- *\

   STOCK ITEM classes

\* -------------------- */ /*====

 CLASS PAIR: Items_Stock
 PURPOSE: items with stock information (from a query or cache)
   Similar to clsItem, but with different fields
   2011-01-24 disabled -- use cat_items (has all necessary fields cached)
  • /

/* class clsItems_Stock extends clsItems {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('qryCat_Items_Stock'); //$this->Name('_title_ittyps'); // WRONG! This GROUPS the data, no Items. $this->KeyName('ID'); $this->ClassSng('clsItem_Stock');

   public function Render_TableHdr() {

return '' .'Option' .'Status' .'Price' .'Order
Qty.' .'list
price' .''; } }

  • /

//class clsItem_Stock extends clsItem { /*----- ASSUMES: This item is ForSale, so isForSale = true and (qtyForSale>0 || isInPrint) = true This item's data was generated by clsItems_Stock TO DO: create a separate clsItem_Stock class and move this method there. TO DO: this method isn't named or structured canonically; consider refactoring. Whatever that means. HISTORY: 2011-01-24 moved from clsItem to clsItem_Stock */ /* public function Render_TableRow() { $arStat = $this->AvailStatus(); $strCls = $arStat['cls']; $out = ''; $out .= ' '.$this->ItOpt_Descr.''; $out .= ''.$arStat['html'].''; $out .= ''.DataCurr($this->PriceSell).''; $out .= ''.'<input size=3 name="qty-'.$this->CatNum.'">';

if ($this->PriceList) {

$out .= ''.DataCurr($this->PriceList).'';


$out .= ''; return $out; }

  • /

/*---- ACTION: Returns an array with human-friendly text about the item's availability status RETURNS: array['html']: status text, in HTML format array['cls']: class to use for displaying item row in a table USED BY: Print_TableRow() NOTE: This probably does not actually need to be a separate method; I thought I could reuse it to generate status for titles, but that doesn't make sense. Maybe it will be easier to adapt, though, as a separate method. HISTORY: 2010-11-16 Modified truth table for in-print status so that if isInPrint=FALSE, then status always shows "out of print" even if isCurrent=FALSE. What happens when a supplier has been discontinued? Maybe we need to check that separately. Wait for an example to come up, for easier debugging. 2011-01-24 Adapted from clsItem (was it being used there, for real?) to clsItem_Stock */ /* private function AvailStatus() { //echo 'SQL=['.$this->sqlMake.']'; //echo '



     $qtyInStock = $this->Value('qtyForSale');

if ($qtyInStock) { $strCls = 'inStock'; $strStk = $qtyInStock.' in stock'; } else { $strCls = 'noStock'; $strStk = 'none in stock'; } if ($this->Value('isInPrint')) { if ($this->Value('isCurrent')) { if ($qtyInStock) { $txt = $strStk.'; more available'; } else { $txt = '<a title="explanation..." href="'.KWP_HELP_NO_STOCK_BUT_AVAIL.'">available, not in stock</a>'; } } else { if ($qtyInStock) { $txt = $strStk.'; in-print status uncertain'; } else { $txt = $strStk.'; availability uncertain'; } } } else { $txt = ''.$strStk.' - out of print!'; } $arOut['html'] = $txt; $arOut['cls'] = $strCls; return $arOut;



  • /

/* -------------------- *\

   IMAGE classes

\* -------------------- */ class clsVbzFolders extends clsVbzTable {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('cat_folders'); $this->KeyName('ID'); $this->ClassSng('clsVbzFolder');


* This method really belongs with Admin functions, since it will never be used in the standalone store * If table ever grows to a significant size, we might end up changing the filtering criteron.

   public function DropDown($iName,$iDefault=NULL) {

$dsRows = $this->GetData('Descr IS NOT NULL'); return $dsRows->DropDown_for_rows($iName,$iDefault);

     PURPOSE: Finds the folder record which matches as much of the given URL as possible
     RETURNS: object for that folder, or NULL if no match found
     ASSUMES: folder list is not empty
     TO DO:

does not yet handle adding new folders does not recursively check subfolders for improved match


2011-01-30 created -- subfolders not implemented yet because no data to test with

   public function FindBest($iURL) {

if (strlen($iURL) > 0) { $slURL = strlen($iURL); $rs = $this->GetData('ID_Parent IS NULL'); // start with root folders $arrBest = NULL; $slBest = 0; while ($rs->NextRow()) { $fp = $rs->Value('PathPart'); $pos = strpos($iURL,$fp); // does the folder appear in the URL? if ($pos === 0) { $slFldr = strlen($fp); if ($slFldr > $slBest) { $arrBest = $rs->Values(); $slBest = $slFldr; } } } if (is_array($arrBest)) { $rsFldr = $this->SpawnItem(); $rsFldr->Values($arrBest); return $rsFldr; } } return NULL;


} class clsVbzFolder extends clsDataSet {

   public function Spec() {

$out = ; if (!is_null($this->ID_Parent)) { $out = $this->ParentObj()->Spec(); } $out .= $this->PathPart; return $out;

   protected function ParentObj() {

return $this->Table->GetItem($this->ID_Parent);

     ACTION: Shows a drop-down selection box contining the rows in the current dataset

* This method really belongs with Admin functions, since it will never be used in the standalone store

   public function DropDown_for_rows($iName,$iDefault=NULL) {

if ($this->HasRows()) { $out = '<select name="'.$iName.'">'; while ($this->NextRow()) { if ($this->ID == $iDefault) { $htSelect = " selected"; } else { $htSelect = ; } $out .= '<option'.$htSelect.' value="'.$this->ID.'">'.$this->Spec().'</option>'; } $out .= '</select>'; } else { $out = 'No shipments matching filter'; } return $out;

     RETURNS: The rest of the URL after this folder's PathPart is removed from the beginning
     USED BY: bulk image entry admin routine
   public function Remainder($iSpec) {

$fsFldr = $this->Value('PathPart'); $slFldr = strlen($fsFldr); $fsRest = substr($iSpec,$slFldr); return $fsRest;


} class clsImages extends clsVbzTable {

   public function __construct($iDB) {

parent::__construct($iDB); $this->Name('cat_images'); $this->KeyName('ID'); $this->ClassSng('clsImage');

   public function Update(array $iSet,$iWhere) {

$iSet['WhenEdited'] = 'NOW()'; parent::Update($iSet,$iWhere); $this->Touch(__METHOD__.' WHERE='.$iWhere);

   public function Insert(array $iData) {

$iData['WhenAdded'] = 'NOW()'; parent::Insert($iData); $this->Touch(__METHOD__);

   public function Thumbnails($iTitle,array $iarAttr=NULL) {

$sqlFilt = '(ID_Title='.$iTitle.') AND (Ab_Size="th") AND isActive'; $objTbl = $this->objDB->Images(); $objRows = $objTbl->GetData($sqlFilt,NULL,'AttrSort'); return $objRows->Images_HTML($iarAttr);


} class clsImage extends clsVbzRecs { // object cache

   protected $objTitle;

2010-11-16 Modified to use new cat_folders data via ID_Folder

   public function WebSpec() {

//return KWP_IMG_MERCH.$this->Spec; return $this->FolderPath().$this->Spec;


2010-11-16 Created

   public function FolderObj() {

return $this->objDB->Folders()->GetItem($this->ID_Folder);


2010-11-16 Created

   public function FolderPath() {

return $this->FolderObj()->Spec();

     ACTION: Generate the HTML code to display all images in the current dataset
   public function Images_HTML(array $iarAttr=NULL) {

if ($this->HasRows()) { $out = ; while ($this->NextRow()) { $out .= $this->Image_HTML($iarAttr); } return $out; } else { return NULL; }

     ACTION: Generate the HTML code to display an image for the current row
   public function Image_HTML(array $iarAttr=NULL) {

$htDispl = $this->AttrDispl; if (!empty($htDispl)) { nzApp($iarAttr['title'],' - '.$htDispl); } $iarAttr['src'] = $this->WebSpec(); $htAttr = ArrayToAttrs($iarAttr); return '<img'.$htAttr.'>';

     ACTION: Get the image with the same title and attribute but with the given size
   public function ImgForSize($iSize) {

if ($this->AttrFldr) { $sqlAttr = '="'.$this->AttrFldr.'"'; } else { $sqlAttr = ' IS NULL'; } $sqlFilt = '(ID_Title='.$this->ID_Title.') AND (AttrFldr'.$sqlAttr.') AND (Ab_Size="'.$iSize.'")'; $objImgOut = $this->objDB->Images()->GetData($sqlFilt); return $objImgOut;

   public function Title() {
     if (!is_object($this->objTitle)) {

$this->objTitle = $this->objDB->Titles()->GetItem($this->ID_Title);

     return $this->objTitle;
     ACTION: outputs a standalone page for larger image sizes - does not use skin
   public function DoPage() {

global $vbgImgSize;

$objTitle = $this->Title(); $strCatNum = $objTitle->CatNum(); $strTitle = $objTitle->Name; $htTitleHref = $objTitle->Link(); $htmlTitle = KS_STORE_NAME.' - '.$strCatNum.' “'.$strTitle.'”'; echo ''.$htmlTitle.''; echo "\n'; echo '

'; echo ''.$htTitleHref.$strTitle.'
'.$strCatNum.' - title ID #'.$this->ID_Title.''; // show list of available image sizes (except th and sm) $objImgs = $this->ListImages_sameAttr(); $strSizes = NULL; if ($objImgs->hasRows()) { $strImgCount = 0; while ($objImgs->NextRow()) { $strImgType = $objImgs->Ab_Size; if (!empty($strImgType)) { if (($strImgType != 'th') && ($strImgType != 'sm')) { $strImgCount++; $strDesc = $vbgImgSize[$strImgType]; if ($objImgs->ID == $this->ID) { $strImgTag = ''.$strDesc.''; } else { $strImgTag = $objImgs->Href(TRUE).$strDesc.''; } if (!empty($strSizes)) { $strSizes .= ' .. '; } $strSizes .= $strImgTag; } } } if ($strImgCount > 1) { $ftSizes = '' .'sizes :' .''.$strSizes.'' .': sizes' .''; } else { $ftSizes = NULL; } } // show list of available images for this title at this size $strAttrs = NULL; $objImgs = $this->ListImages_sameSize(); //echo 'test'; if ($objImgs->NextRow()) { $intImgs = 0; if ($objImgs->hasRows()) { $idx = 0; while ($objImgs->NextRow()) { $idx++; $strImgFldr = $objImgs->AttrFldr; $strImgDescr = $objImgs->AttrDispl.'('.$idx.')'; $intImgs++; if (!empty($out)) { $strAttrs .= ' .. '; } if ($objImgs->ID == $this->ID) { $strAttrs .= ''.$strImgDescr.''; } else { $strAttrs .= $objImgs->Href(TRUE).$strImgDescr.''; } } if ($intImgs > 1) { $ftAttrs = '' .'views :' .''.$strAttrs.'' .': views' .''; } else { $ftAttrs = NULL; } } } if ((!empty($ftSizes)) || (!empty($ftAttrs))) { echo '
'; echo $ftSizes.$ftAttrs; echo '
'; } else { echo '
'; } echo $htTitleHref.'ordering page
'; echo $this->Image_HTML(); echo "\n\n";

 public function ListImages_sameAttr() {
   $sqlFilt = 'isActive AND (ID_Title='.$this->ID_Title.')';
   if ($this->AttrFldr) {
     $sqlFilt .= ' AND (AttrFldr="'.$this->AttrFldr.'")';
   $objImgOut = $this->objDB->Images()->GetData($sqlFilt);
   return $objImgOut;
   public function ListImages_sameSize() {

$sqlFilt = 'isActive AND (ID_Title='.$this->ID_Title.') AND (Ab_Size="'.$this->Ab_Size.'")'; //echo 'SQL: '.$sqlFilt; $objImgOut = $this->objDB->Images()->GetData($sqlFilt); return $objImgOut;

   public function Href($iAbs=false) {

$strFldrRel = $this->AttrFldr; if ($strFldrRel) { $strFldrRel .= '-'; } $strFldrRel .= $this->Ab_Size;

if ($iAbs) { $strFldr = $this->Title()->URL().'/'.$strFldrRel; } else { $strFldr = $strFldrRel; } return '<a href="'.$strFldr.'/">';

