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Revision as of 15:28, 3 February 2020 by htyp>Woozle (Woozle moved page Ferreteria/v3/class/cFieldRowMemory to Ferreteria/v0.3/class/cFieldRowMemory: version renumbering)
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  NOTE: this is sort of a hybrid between a cIORow and a cPortalRow.
    It's probably not the best way to do things, since maybe we'd actually want
    proper Porals for input (from memory) and output (to screen), but maybe
    it's easier to work with in a hurry (at least until I'm more familiar
    with this wacky system I've devised).
abstract class cFieldRowMemory extends cFieldRow_internal {
    use tKeyedRow;
    use tSingleKey_Row;
    use tInternalStorage;