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<hide> page type::documentation thing type::software thing type::MediaWiki extension purpose::personal financial management status::incomplete </hide>


FerretMyMoney (FMM) is a MediaWiki extension which is intended to fill in some missing or poorly-implemented functions in KMyMoney (KMM). It works with a KMyMoney database which has been exported to MySQL (later versions of KMyMoney are capable of working with the data in this format, so the export only needs to be done once).


Apparently KMM renumbers the IDs for its transactions at export time, which means that there is no rigorous way to keep external data synchronized with KMM's transaction data. It's not clear whether this is true if KMM is using MySQL data directly. Given this problem, however, FMM needs to generate its own unique transaction IDs and keep a fingerprint of the KMM transaction records to which those IDs apply, so that they can be re-linked any time KMM renumbers the transation IDs.


  • tracking of the date on which the bank shows each transaction (separate from either the actual date of the transaction and the date on which the transaction was entered in KMM), so KMM's data can be shown sorted in the same order the bank shows it, allowing for easier balance reconciliation
  • ability to force the calculated balance to match the bank's balance at any point, allowing better handling of missing bank records and statements
