VbzCart/docs/tables/cat depts
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- Purpose: catalog departments within a supplier. Not all suppliers split things into departments, but they still need one department record with a NULL PageKey.
- Future: This table should eventually go away, and its functionality replaced by Topics. If there are still any suppliers that use departments consistently as part of their catalog numbers, then we'll find a way to handle that using special topic fields.
<section begin=sql /><mysql> CREATE TABLE `cat_depts` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(64) COMMENT 'name of department as displayed', `ID_Supplier` INT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'cat_suppliers.ID', `isActive` BOOL COMMENT 'items.ID' COMMENT 'department is available for adding titles', `Sort` varchar(8) COMMENT 'listing order; default to CatKey', `CatKey` varchar(4) COMMENT 'use for building title catalog numbers', `PageKey` varchar(4) COMMENT 'use for building URL of Dept page', `Descr` varchar(255) COMMENT 'descriptive text for Dept page', PRIMARY KEY(`ID`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>
<section end=sql />