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Database abstraction classes; used by VbzCart, SpamFerret, AudioFerret, WorkFerret


<php><?php /* ===========================



 2007-05-20 Wzl These classes have been designed to be db-engine agnostic, but I wasn't able

to test against anything other than MySQL nor was I able to implement the usage of the dbx_ functions, as the system that I was using didn't have them installed.

 2007-08-30 Wzl posting this version at http://htyp.org/User:Woozle/data.php
 2007-12-24 Wzl Some changes seem to have been made as recently as 12/17, so posting updated version
 2008-02-06 Wzl Modified to use either mysqli or (standard) mysql library depending on flag; the latter isn't working yet
 2009-03-10 Wzl adding some static functions to gradually get rid of the need for object factories
 2009-03-18 Wzl debug constants now have defaults
 2009-03-26 Wzl clsDataSet.Query() no longer fetches first row; this will require some rewriting
   NextRow() now returns TRUE if data was fetched; use if (data->NextRow()) {..} to loop through data.
 2009-05-02 Wzl undocumented changes -- looks like:
   assert-checks return ID of an insertion
   function ExecUpdate($iSet,$iWhere)
   function SQLValue($iVal)
 2009-05-03 Wzl more undocumented changes -- looks like mainly $iWhere is now optional in GetData()
 2009-07-05 Wzl DataSet->__get now returns NULL if no field found; DataSet->HasField()
 2009-07-18 Wzl clsTable::ExecUpdate() -> Update(); clsTable::Insert()
 2009-08-02 Wzl clsDatabase::RowsAffected()
 2009-10-07 Wzl minor: $dbg global added to clsTable Update() and Insert() methods
 2009-10-27 Wzl clsTableCache
 2009-11-23 Wzl clsDatabase.LogSQL(); some format-tidying
 2009-12-29 Wzl clsDataSet_bare
 2010-01-02 Wzl clsTable::DataSet()
 2010-01-08 Wzl ifEmpty()
 2010-01-09 Wzl fixed bug in clsDataSet_bare::Reload()
 2010-02-07 Wzl clsTable::LastID();
  • /

// Select which DB library to use -- // exactly one of the following must be true: define('KF_USE_MYSQL',TRUE); // in progress define('KF_USE_MYSQLI',FALSE); // complete & tested define('KF_USE_DBX',false); // not completely written; stalled

if (!defined('KDO_DEBUG')) { define('KDO_DEBUG',FALSE); } if (!defined('KDO_DEBUG_STACK')) { define('KDO_DEBUG_STACK',FALSE); } if (!defined('KDO_DEBUG_IMMED')) { define('KDO_DEBUG_IMMED',FALSE); } if (!defined('KS_DEBUG_HTML')) { define('KS_DEBUG_HTML',FALSE); } if (!defined('KDO_DEBUG_DARK')) { define('KDO_DEBUG_DARK',FALSE); }

class clsDatabase {

   private $cntOpen;	// count of requests to keep db open
   private $strType;	// type of db (MySQL etc.)
   private $strUser;	// database user
   private $strPass;	// password
   private $strHost;	// host (database server domain-name or IP address)
   private $strName;	// database (schema) name
   private $Conn;	// connection object
 // status
   private $strErr;	// latest error message
   public $sql;		// last SQL executed (or attempted)
   public $arSQL;	// array of all SQL statements attempted
   public $doAllowWrite;	// FALSE = don't execute UPDATE or INSERT commands, just log them
   public function __construct($iConn) {

$iConn: type:user:pass@server/dbname

   public function Init($iConn) {
     $this->doAllowWrite = TRUE;	// default
     $this->cntOpen = 0;
     list($part1,$part2) = split('@',$iConn);
     list($this->strType,$this->strUser,$this->strPass) = split(':',$part1);
     list($this->strHost,$this->strName) = explode('/',$part2);
     $this->strType = strtolower($this->strType);	// make sure it is lowercased, for comparison
     $this->strErr = NULL;
   public function Open() {
     if ($this->cntOpen == 0) {
 // then actually open the db
     if (KF_USE_MYSQL) {

$this->Conn = mysql_connect( $this->strHost, $this->strUser, $this->strPass, false ); assert('is_resource($this->Conn)'); $ok = mysql_select_db($this->strName, $this->Conn); if (!$ok) { $this->getError(); }

     if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) {

$this->Conn = new mysqli($this->strHost,$this->strUser,$this->strPass,$this->strName);

     if (KF_USE_DBX) {

$this->Conn = dbx_connect($this->strType,$this->strHost,$this->strName,$this->strUser,$this->strPass);

     if (!$this->isOk()) {


     CallExit('clsDatabase.Open() - '.$this->cntOpen.' lock'.Pluralize($this->cntOpen));
   public function Shut() {
     if ($this->cntOpen == 0) {
     if (KF_USE_MYSQL) {


     if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) {


     if (KF_USE_DBX) {


     CallExit('clsDatabase.Shut() - '.$this->cntOpen.' lock'.Pluralize($this->cntOpen));
   public function GetHost() {

return $this->strHost;

   public function GetUser() {

return $this->strUser;

     PURPOSE: For debugging, mainly
     RETURNS: TRUE if database connection is supposed to be open
   public function isOpened() {

return ($this->cntOpen > 0);

     PURPOSE: Checking status of a db operation
     RETURNS: TRUE if last operation was successful
   public function isOk() {

if (empty($this->strErr)) { return TRUE; } elseif ($this->Conn == FALSE) { return FALSE; } else { return FALSE; }

   public function getError() {
     if (is_null($this->strErr)) {
     // avoid having an ok status overwrite an actual error

if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { $this->strErr = mysql_error(); } if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) { $this->strErr = $this->Conn->error; }

     return $this->strErr;
   public function ClearError() {

$this->strErr = NULL;

   protected function LogSQL($iSQL) {

$this->sql = $iSQL; $this->arSQL[] = $iSQL;

   public function ListSQL($iPfx=NULL) {

$out = ; foreach ($this->arSQL as $sql) { $out .= $iPfx.$sql; } return $out;

   protected function OkToExecSQL($iSQL) {

if ($this->doAllowWrite) { return TRUE; } else { // this is a bit of a kluge... need to strip out comments and whitespace // but basically, if the SQL starts with UPDATE or INSERT, then it's a write command so forbid it if (strpos($iSQL,'UPDATE') === 0) return FALSE; if (strpos($iSQL,'INSERT') === 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; }

     FUTURE: Exec() and _api_query() perform almost identical functions. Do we really need them both?

When we rewrite these as a single function, perhaps include a $iIsWrite flag parameter so we can eliminate OkToExecSQL().

   public function Exec($iSQL) {

CallEnter($this,__LINE__,__CLASS__.'.'.__METHOD__.'('.$iSQL.')'); $this->LogSQL($iSQL); if ($this->OkToExecSQL($iSQL)) { if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { $ok = mysql_query($iSQL); } if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) { $objQry = $this->Conn->prepare($iSQL); if (is_object($objQry)) { $ok = $objQry->execute(); } else { $ok = false; //echo '
SQL error: '.$iSQL.'
'; } }

if (!$ok) { $this->getError(); }

if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { // no need to do anything; no resource allocated as long as query SQL was non-data-fetching } if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) { $objQry->close(); } } else { $ok = TRUE; } CallExit(__CLASS__.'.'.__METHOD__.'()'); return $ok;

   public function RowsAffected() {

if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { return mysql_affected_rows($this->Conn); }

   public function NewID($iDbg=NULL) {

if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { $id = mysql_insert_id($this->Conn); } if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) { $id = $this->Conn->insert_id; } if ($this->doAllowWrite) { assert('$id!=0 /*'.$iDbg.'// SQL was: [ '.$this->sql.' ] */'); } return $id;

   public function SafeParam($iString) {

CallEnter($this,__LINE__,__CLASS__.'.SafeParam("'.$iString.'")'); if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { if (is_resource($this->Conn)) { $out = mysql_real_escape_string($iString,$this->Conn); } else { $out = '
'.get_class($this).'.SafeParam("'.$iString.'") has no connection.'; } } if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) { $out = $this->Conn->escape_string($iString); } CallExit('SafeParam("'.$iString.'")'); return $out;

   public function ErrorText() {

if ($this->strErr == ) { $this->_api_getError(); } return $this->strErr;



 FUTURE: Create cls_db_api, which should encapsulate the different APIs of the different db libraries.
   On initialization, the clsDatabase can detect which one to use. This will eliminate the need for
   "if-then" statements based on pre-set constants.
  • /
   public function _api_query($iSQL) {

$this->LogSQL($iSQL); if ($this->OkToExecSQL($iSQL)) { if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { return mysql_query($iSQL,$this->Conn); } if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) { $this->Conn->real_query($iSQL); return $this->Conn->store_result(); } if (KF_USE_DBX) { return dbx_query($this->Conn,$iSQL,DBX_RESULT_ASSOC); } }

   public function _api_rows_rewind($iRes) {

if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { mysql_data_seek($iRes, 0); }

   public function _api_fetch_row($iRes) {
   // ACTION: Fetch the first/next row of data from a result set

if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { if (is_resource($iRes)) { return mysql_fetch_assoc($iRes); } else { return NULL; } } if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) { return $iRes->fetch_assoc(); }

     ACTION: Return the number of rows in the result set
   public function _api_count_rows($iRes) {

if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { if ($iRes === FALSE) { return NULL; } else { if (is_resource($iRes)) { return mysql_num_rows($iRes); } else { return NULL; } } } if (KF_USE_MYSQLI) { return $iRes->num_rows; }

   public function _api_row_filled($iRow) {

if (KF_USE_MYSQL) { return ($iRow !== FALSE) ; }



  • /
   public function DataSet($iSQL = NULL,$iClass = NULL) {

CallEnter($this,__LINE__,__CLASS__.'.DataSet("'.$iSQL.'","'.$iClass.'")'); if (is_string($iClass)) { $objData = new $iClass($this); assert('is_object($objData)'); if (!($objData instanceof clsDataSet)) { LogError($iClass.' is not a clsDataSet subclass.'); } } else { $objData = new clsDataSet($this); assert('is_object($objData)'); } if (!is_null($iSQL)) { if (is_object($objData)) { $objData->Query($iSQL); } } CallExit(__CLASS__.'.DataSet()'); return $objData;



/*============= | NAME: clsTable | PURPOSE: objects for operating on particular tables

  • /

class clsTable {

   protected $objDB;
   protected $vTblName;
   protected $vKeyName;
   protected $vSngClass;	// name of singular class
   public function __construct($iDB) {

$this->objDB = $iDB;

   public function DB() {

return $this->objDB;

   public function Name($iName=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iName)) { $this->vTblName = $iName; } return $this->vTblName;

   public function ClassSng($iName=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iName)) { $this->vSngClass = $iName; } return $this->vSngClass;

   public function KeyName($iName=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iName)) { $this->vKeyName = $iName; } return $this->vKeyName;

   // creates a new uninitialized singular object but sets the Table pointer back to self
   public function SpawnItem() {

$strCls = $this->ClassSng(); $objItem = new $strCls; $objItem->Table = $this; $objItem->objDB = $this->objDB; return $objItem;

   public function GetItem($iID,$iClass=NULL) {

$objItem = $this->GetData($this->vKeyName.'='.SQLValue($iID),$iClass); $objItem->NextRow(); return $objItem;

   public function GetData($iWhere=NULL,$iClass=NULL,$iSort=NULL) {

global $sql; // for debugging

CallEnter($this,__LINE__,__CLASS__.'.'.__METHOD__.'("'.$iWhere.'","'.$iClass.'")'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$this->vTblName.'`'; if (!is_null($iWhere)) { $sql .= ' WHERE '.$iWhere; } if (!is_null($iSort)) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$iSort; } if (is_null($iClass)) { $strCls = $this->vSngClass; } else { $strCls = $iClass; } CallExit('GetData() - SQL: '.$sql); $obj = $this->objDB->DataSet($sql,$strCls); $obj->Table = $this; return $obj;

   public function DataSet($iSQL=NULL) {

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$this->vTblName.'`'; if (!is_null($iSQL)) { $sql .= ' '.$iSQL; } $strCls = $this->vSngClass; $obj = $this->objDB->DataSet($sql,$strCls); $obj->Table = $this; return $obj;

   public function Update($iSet,$iWhere) {

global $sql;

if (is_array($iSet)) { $sqlSet = ; foreach($iSet as $key=>$val) { if ($sqlSet != ) { $sqlSet .= ','; } $sqlSet .= ' '.$key.'='.$val; } } else { $sqlSet = ' '.$iSet; }

$sql = 'UPDATE `'.$this->Name().'` SET'.$sqlSet.' WHERE '.$iWhere; $ok = $this->objDB->Exec($sql);

if ($ok) { // update this object's fields to the new values foreach ($iSet as $name=>$val) { $this->row[$name] = $val; } }

return $ok;

   public function Insert($iData) {

global $sql;

$sqlNames = ; $sqlVals = ; foreach($iData as $key=>$val) { if ($sqlNames != ) { $sqlNames .= ','; $sqlVals .= ','; } $sqlNames .= $key; $sqlVals .= $val; }

$sql = 'INSERT INTO `'.$this->Name().'` ('.$sqlNames.') VALUES('.$sqlVals.');'; return $this->objDB->Exec($sql);

   public function LastID() {

$strKey = $this->vKeyName; $sql = 'SELECT '.$strKey.' FROM `'.$this->Name().'` ORDER BY '.$strKey.' DESC LIMIT 1;'; $objRows = $this->objDB->DataSet($sql); if ($objRows->HasRows()) { $objRows->NextRow(); $intID = $objRows->$strKey; return $intID; } else { return 0; }


} class clsTableCache extends clsTable {

   private $arCache;
   public function GetItem($iID,$iClass=NULL) {

if (!isset($this->arCache[$iID])) { $objItem = $this->GetData($this->vKeyName.'='.SQLValue($iID),$iClass); $objItem->NextRow(); $this->arCache[$iID] = $objItem->RowCopy(); } return $this->arCache[$iID];



class clsDataSet_bare {

   public $objDB;	// ugh, I hate this; it should be just "DB".
   public $Res;		// native result set
   public $Row;		// data from the active row
   public $Table;	// optional: table object
   public function __construct(clsDatabase $iDB=NULL, $iRes=NULL, array $iRow=NULL) {

CallEnter($this,__LINE__,__CLASS__.'.'.__FUNCTION__.'(['.get_class($iDB).'])'); $this->objDB = $iDB; $this->Res = $iRes; $this->Row = $iRow; CallExit(__CLASS__.'.'.__FUNCTION__.'()');

     FUNCTION: KeyValue()
   public function KeyValue() {

$strKeyName = $this->Table->KeyName(); return $this->Row[$strKeyName];

     FUNCTION: SelfFilter()
     RETURNS: SQL for WHERE clause which will select only the current row, based on KeyValue()
     USED BY: Update(), Reload()
   public function SelfFilter() {

$strKeyName = $this->Table->KeyName(); //$sqlWhere = $strKeyName.'='.$this->$strKeyName; //$sqlWhere = $strKeyName.'='.$this->Row[$strKeyName]; $sqlWhere = $strKeyName.'='.$this->KeyValue(); return $sqlWhere;

   public function Query($iSQL) {

CallEnter($this,__LINE__,__CLASS__.'.'.__FUNCTION__.'('.$iSQL.')'); $this->Res = $this->objDB->_api_query($iSQL); assert('is_resource($this->Res) /* SQL='.$iSQL.' */'); CallExit(__CLASS__.'.'.__FUNCTION__.'()');

     ACTION: Reloads only the current row unless $iFilt is set
   public function Reload($iFilt=NULL) {

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$this->Table->Name().'` WHERE '; if (is_null($iFilt)) { $sql .= $this->SelfFilter(); } else { $sql .= $iFilt; } $this->Query($sql); $this->NextRow();

     ACTION: Saves the data in $iSet to the current record (or records filtered by $iWhere)
   public function Update($iarSet,$iWhere=NULL) {

$doIns = FALSE; if (is_null($iWhere)) { // default: modify the current record // build SQL filter for just the current record $sqlWhere = $this->SelfFilter(); } else { $sqlWhere = $iWhere; } return $this->Table->Update($iarSet,$sqlWhere);

     ACTION: Saves to the current record; creates a new record if ID is 0 or NULL
   public function Make(array $iarSet) {

$strKeyName = $this->Table->KeyName(); if (empty($this->Row[$strKeyName])) { return $this->Table->Insert($iarSet); } else { return $this->Update($iarSet); }

     RETURNS: # of rows iff result has rows, otherwise FALSE
   public function hasRows() {

$rows = $this->objDB->_api_count_rows($this->Res); if ($rows === FALSE) { return FALSE; } elseif ($rows == 0) { return FALSE; } else { return $rows; }

   public function hasRow() {

return $this->objDB->_api_row_filled($this->Row);

   public function RowCount() {

return $this->objDB->_api_count_rows($this->Res);

   public function StartRows() {

if ($this->hasRows()) { $this->objDB->_api_rows_rewind($this->Res); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }

   public function FirstRow() {

if ($this->StartRows()) { return $this->NextRow(); // get the first row of data } else { return FALSE; }

     ACTION: Fetch the next row of data into $this->Row.

If no data has been fetched yet, then fetch the first row.

     RETURN: TRUE if row was fetched; FALSE if there were no more rows

or the row could not be fetched.

   public function NextRow() {

$this->Row = $this->objDB->_api_fetch_row($this->Res); return $this->hasRow();

   public function HasField($iName) {

return isset($this->Row[$iName]);

   public function RowCopy() {

$strClass = get_class($this); if (is_array($this->Row)) { $objNew = new $strClass; // copy critical object fields so methods will work: $objNew->objDB = $this->objDB; $objNew->Table = $this->Table; // copy data fields: foreach ($this->Row AS $key=>$val) { $objNew->Row[$key] = $val; } return $objNew; } else { //echo 'RowCopy(): No data to copy in class '.$strClass; return NULL; }


} /*

PURPOSE: clsDataSet with overloaded field access methods
 This has turned out to be more problematic than useful, so I'm deprecating it.
 Retained only for compatibility with existing code; hope to eliminate eventually.
  • /

class clsDataSet extends clsDataSet_bare {

 // -- accessing individual fields
   public function __set($iName, $iValue) {

$this->Row[$iName] = $iValue;

   public function __get($iName) {

if (isset($this->Row[$iName])) { return $this->Row[$iName]; } else { return NULL; }

     FUNCTION: KeyValue()
   public function KeyValue() {

$strKeyName = $this->Table->KeyName(); return $this->$strKeyName;



class clsSQLFilt {

   private $arFilt;
   private $strConj;
   public function __construct($iConj) {

$this->strConj = $iConj;

     ACTION: Add a condition
   public function AddCond($iSQL) {

$this->arFilt[] = $iSQL;

   public function RenderFilter() {

$out = ; foreach ($this->arFilt as $sql) { if ($out != ) { $out .= ' '.$this->strConj.' '; } $out .= '('.$sql.')'; } return $out;


} /* ========================

  • /

if (!function_exists('Pluralize')) {

   function Pluralize($iQty,$iSingular=,$iPlural='s') {

if ($iQty == 1) { return $iSingular; } else { return $iPlural; }



function SQLValue($iVal) {

   if (is_null($iVal)) {

return 'NULL';

   } else if (is_bool($iVal)) {

return $iVal?'TRUE':'FALSE';

   } else if (is_string($iVal)) {

$oVal = '"'.mysql_real_escape_string($iVal).'"'; return $oVal;

   } else {

// numeric can be raw // all others, we don't know how to handle, so return raw as well return $iVal;



function nz(&$iVal,$default=NULL) {

   return empty($iVal)?$default:$iVal;

} function nzAdd(&$ioVal,&$iAmt=NULL) {

   $intAmt = empty($iAmt)?0:$iAmt;
   if (empty($ioVal)) {

$ioVal = $intAmt;

   } else {

$ioVal += $intAmt;

   return $ioVal;

} function ifEmpty(&$iVal,$iDefault) {

   if (empty($iVal)) {

return $iDefault;

   } else {

return $iVal;


} function FirstNonEmpty(array $iList) {

   foreach ($iList as $val) {

if (!empty($val)) { return $val; }


} /* ========================

  • /

// these could later be expanded to create a call-path for errors, etc.

function CallEnter($iObj,$iLine,$iName) {

 global $intCallDepth, $debug;
   $strDescr =  ' line '.$iLine.' ('.get_class($iObj).')'.$iName;

} function CallExit($iName) {

 global $intCallDepth, $debug;

} function CallStep($iDescr) {

 global $intCallDepth, $debug;

} function LogError($iDescr) {

 global $intCallDepth, $debug;

} function _debugLine($iType,$iSfx,$iText) {

   global $intCallDepth, $debug;
   if (KDO_DEBUG_HTML) {
     $debug .= ''.str_repeat('—',$intCallDepth).$iSfx.' '.$iText.'
'; } else { $debug .= str_repeat('*',$intCallDepth).'++ '.$iText."\n"; }

} function _debugDump() {

   global $debug;

DoDebugStyle(); echo $debug; $debug = ;


} function DumpArray($iArr) {

 global $intCallDepth, $debug;
 if (KDO_DEBUG) {
   while (list($key, $val) = each($iArr)) {
     if (KS_DEBUG_HTML) {
       $debug .= '
'.str_repeat('-- ',$intCallDepth+1).''; $debug .= " $key => $val"; $debug .= ''; } else { $debug .= "/ $key => $val /"; } if (KDO_DEBUG_IMMED) { DoDebugStyle(); echo $debug; $debug = ; } } }

} function DumpValue($iName,$iVal) {

 global $intCallDepth, $debug;
 if (KDO_DEBUG) {
   if (KS_DEBUG_HTML) {
     $debug .= '
'.str_repeat('-- ',$intCallDepth+1); $debug .= " $iName: [$iVal]"; $debug .= ''; } else { $debug .= "/ $iName => $iVal /"; } if (KDO_DEBUG_IMMED) { DoDebugStyle(); echo $debug; $debug = ; } }

} function DoDebugStyle() {

 static $isStyleDone = false;
 if (!$isStyleDone) {
   echo '<style type="text/css"></style>';
   $isStyleDone = true;

} </php>