VbzCart/docs/archive/code/pages: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 02:16, 19 December 2014


<php><?php /*

 FILE: store.php
 PURPOSE: VbzCart page-rendering classes
   2012-05-08 split off from store.php
  • /

if (!defined('LIBMGR')) {



clsLibMgr::Add('vbz.db', KFP_LIB_VBZ.'/store.php',__FILE__,__LINE__);


clsLibMgr::Add('rtext.html', KFP_LIB.'/rtext-html.php',__FILE__,__LINE__);



   2011-02-02 This could use some rewriting. A lot of it is kind of pointless,
     and other parts duplicate RichText objects.
  • /

class clsPageOutput_WHO_USES_THIS {

   public $out;
   private $isOdd;
   public $inTbl;
   private $fpTools;
   private $fsLogo;
   static public function SectionHeader($iTitle) {

return '



   function __construct($ifpTools,$iLogoRel) {

$this->out = ; $this->isOdd = false; $this->inTbl = 0; $this->fpTools = $ifpTools; $this->fsLogo = $this->ImageSpec($iLogoRel);



   function Clear() {
     $this->out = ;
  • /
   function AddText($iText) {
     $this->out .= $iText;
   function SectionHdr($iTitle) {	// this is specifically duplicated (where?)

$this->out .= '



     return $this->out;
   // eventually there needs to be a non-MediaWiki clsRichText, and these can go there


   public function TableOpen($iAttr=NULL) {
   public function TableShut() {
   public function TblRowOpen($iAttr=NULL,$iHdr=FALSE) {
   public function TblRowShut() {
   public function TblCell($iText,$iAttr=NULL) {
  • /

/* this duplicates RichText

 function StartTable($iTitle) {
   if ($iTitle) {

$this->out .= '

'; $this->inTbl++; } } function RowStart($iClass=) { if ($iClass) { $this->out .= ''; } else { $this->out .= ''; } } function RowStop() { $this->out .= ''; $this->isOdd = !$this->isOdd; } function ColAdd($iText) { if ($this->isOdd) { $cellOpen = ''; } function EndTable() { if ($this->inTbl) { $this->out .= '
   } else {
$cellOpen = '
$this->out .= $cellOpen.$iText.'


   return $this->out;
  • /
 function ShowImgUnavail() {

$this->out .= '

No Images
for this item


   return $this->out;

} /* ===================

 CLASS: clsVbzSkin
 PURPOSE: Abstract skin class
   Specifies all the bits that we'll want to have, but doesn't define them
   Provides some basic support services, but no actual content (text or formatting)
  • /

abstract class clsVbzSkin {

   protected $objDoc;
   public function __construct() {

$this->objDoc = new clsRTDoc_HTML();

   public function Doc() {

return $this->objDoc;

     USAGE: Normal main entry point -- should be called from index.php
   public function DoPage() {

try { $this->DoPreContent(); $this->DoContent(); $this->DoPostContent(); } catch(exception $e) { $this->DoEmailException($e); }


2011-03-31 added Page and Cookie to list of reported variables

   protected function DoEmailException(exception $e) {

$msg = $e->getMessage();

$arErr = array( 'descr' => $e->getMessage(), 'stack' => $e->getTraceAsString(), 'guest.addr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'guest.agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'guest.ref' => NzArray($_SERVER,'HTTP_REFERER'), 'guest.page' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'guest.ckie' => NzArray($_SERVER,'HTTP_COOKIE'), );

$out = $this->Message_toEmail_forException($arErr); // generate the message to email $subj = $this->Subject_toEmail_forException($arErr); $ok = mail(KS_TEXT_EMAIL_ADDR_ERROR,$subj,$out); // email the message

echo $this->Message_toShow_forException($msg); // display something for the guest

throw $e;

// FUTURE: log the error and whether the email was successful

   abstract protected function Message_toEmail_forException(array $arErr);
   abstract protected function Subject_toEmail_forException(array $arErr);
   abstract protected function Message_toShow_forException($iMsg);
     ACTION: Displays everything *before* the main page contents
   protected function DoPreContent() {

$this->ParseInput(); $this->HandleInput(); $this->RenderHdrBlocks();

     ACTION: Displays everything *after* the main page contents
   protected function DoPostContent() {



// ABSTRACT section //

     ACTION: Displays the main page contents
   protected abstract function DoContent();
     ACTION: Grab any expected input and interpret it
   protected abstract function ParseInput();
     ACTION: Take the parsed input and do any needed processing (e.g. looking up data)
   protected abstract function HandleInput();
     ACTION: Render any output that appears *before* the main content
   protected abstract function RenderHdrBlocks();
     ACTION: Render any output that appears *after* the main content
   protected abstract function RenderFtrBlocks();
     ACTION: Start a new section
   public abstract function NewSection($iName);
     ACTION: Open a table, with appropriate CSS class etc.
   public abstract function NewTable($iClass='content');

} /* ===================

 CLASS: clsVbzSkin_Standard
 PURPOSE: Standard skin class
   Will later be replaceable with other skins
  • /

abstract class clsVbzSkin_Standard extends clsVbzSkin {

   private $objApp;
   private $fpTools;
   private $fsLogo;
   public function __construct() {

parent::__construct(); $this->fpTools = KWP_TOOLS; $this->fsLogo = KWP_LOGO_HEADER;

   public function App(clsVbzApp $iApp=NULL) {

if (!is_null($iApp)) { $this->objApp = $iApp; } return $this->objApp;

   protected function Data() {

return $this->App()->Data();

   public function NewSection($iTitle) {

$obj = $this->Doc()->NewSection($iTitle,'hdr-sub');

   public function NewTable($iClass='content') {

$objDoc = $this->Doc(); $obj = $objDoc->NewTable(); $obj->ClassName($iClass); return $obj;

   protected function Message_toEmail_forException(array $arErr) {

$guest_ip = $arErr['guest.addr']; $guest_br = $arErr['guest.agent']; $guest_pg = $arErr['guest.page']; $guest_rf = $arErr['guest.ref']; $guest_ck = $arErr['guest.ckie'];

$out = 'Description: '.$arErr['descr']; $out .= "\nStack trace:\n".$arErr['stack']; $out .= <<<__END__

Client information:

- IP Addr : $guest_ip
- Browser : $guest_br
- Cur Page: $guest_pg
- Prv Page: $guest_rf
- Cookie  : $guest_ck


return $out;

   protected function Subject_toEmail_forException(array $arErr) {

return 'error in VBZ from IP '.$arErr['guest.addr'];

   protected function Message_toShow_forException($iMsg) {

$msg = $iMsg; $out = <<<__END__ Ack! We seem to have a small problem here. (If it was a large problem, you wouldn't be seeing this message.) The webmaster is being alerted about this.
Meanwhile, you might try reloading the page -- a lot of errors are transient, which makes them hard to fix, which is why there are more of them than the other kind.

We apologize for the nuisance.

Error Message: $msg

	return $out;

    protected function RenderHdrBlocks() {
    protected function RenderFtrBlocks() {
    protected function RenderContentFtr() {
	global $didPage,$fltStart;

	echo '
'; $this->DoSepBar(); echo '
'; $fltExecTime = microtime(true)-$fltStart; $dat = getrusage(); $fltUserTime = $dat["ru_utime.tv_usec"]/1000000; $strServer = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; echo $strServer.' .. '; echo 'PHP '.phpversion().' .. Generated in '.$fltUserTime.' seconds (script execution '.$fltExecTime.' sec.) .. '; $strWikiPg = $this->strWikiPg; if ($strWikiPg) { echo 'wiki: <a href="'.KWP_WIKI.kEmbeddedPagePrefix.$this->strWikiPg.'">'.$strWikiPg.'</a> .. '; } echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); echo '
'; echo '
'; $didPage = true; } protected function RenderHtmlStop() { echo "\n</body>\n</html>"; } // NEW METHODS for this class // protected function DoSidebar() { // $objCache = $this->CacheMgr(); // TO DO: these should be pulled from the [stats] table /* if ($objCache->dtNewest) { $timeSidebarBuild=$objCache->dtNewest; } else { $timeSidebarBuild = NULL; } */ $timeSidebarBuild = NULL; $statsQtyTitlesAvail = 2245; $statsQtyStockPieces = 1395; $statsQtyStockItems = 753; $statsQtyArtists = 136; $statsQtyTopics = 1048; //--------- echo '
'; echo '
'; } protected function DoSepBar() { echo $this->Render_HLine(); } protected function ImageSpec($iFileName) { return $this->fpTools.'/img'.$iFileName; } public function Render_HLine($iHeight=NULL) { $htHt = is_null($iHeight)?:('height='.$iHeight); return '<img src="'.$this->ImageSpec('/bg/hlines/').'"'.$htHt.' alt="-----" width="100%">'; } private function ToolbarItem($iURL,$iIcon,$iTitle,$iAlt) { return '<a href="'.$iURL.'"><img border=0 src="'.$this->ImageSpec('/icons/'.$iIcon.'.050pxh.png').'" title="'.$iTitle.'" alt="'.$iAlt.'"></a>'; } protected function DoToolbar() { global $fpPages,$fwpCart; echo $this->ToolbarItem($fpPages.'/','home',KS_STORE_NAME.' home page','home page'); echo $this->ToolbarItem($fpPages.'/search/','search','search page','search page'); echo $this->ToolbarItem($fwpCart,'cart','shopping cart','shopping cart'); echo $this->ToolbarItem(KWP_HELP_HOME,'help','help!','help'); } // NEW METHODS for this class // /*---- PURPOSE: Renders HTML inside <head></head> section HISTORY: 2011-01-11 Created */ protected function RenderHtmlHeaderSection() { $strTitle = KS_STORE_NAME.' - '.$this->strName; $out = "\n<title>$strTitle</title>"; $arVars = array('sheet' => $this->strSheet); $objStrTplt = new clsStringTemplate_array(NULL,NULL,$arVars); $objStrTplt->MarkedValue(KHT_PAGE_STYLE); $out .= $objStrTplt->Replace(); //$out .= KHT_PAGE_STYLE; if (!empty($this->strName)) { $ftName = ': '.htmlspecialchars($this->strName); } else { $ftName = ; } $strContent = KS_STORE_NAME_META.$ftName; $out .= "\n<meta name=description content=\"$strContent\">"; return $out; } /*---- PURPOSE: Renders HTML up to beginning of BODY. HISTORY: 2011-01-11 Extracted everything between <head> and </head> into RenderHtmlHeaderSection() */ protected function RenderHtmlStart() { //$this->strCalcTitle = KS_STORE_NAME.' - '.$this->strName; $out = KHT_PAGE_DOCTYPE; $out .= "\n<html>\n<head>"; $out .= $this->RenderHtmlHeaderSection(); $out .= "\n</head>"; $out .= KHT_PAGE_BODY_TAG; echo $out; } protected function RenderContentHdr() { //$strWikiPg = $this->strWikiPg; // begin content header echo '
'; echo ''; // === LEFT HEADER: Title === echo ''; // === END LEFT HEADER === // === RIGHT HEADER: nav icons === echo ''; // === END RIGHT HEADER === echo "\n
'; echo '<a href="'.KWP_HOME_ABS.'"><img align=left border=0 src="'.$this->fsLogo.'" title="'.KS_STORE_NAME.' home" alt="'.KS_SMALL_LOGO_ALT.'"></a>'; if ($this->strTitleContext) { echo '<a href="/">'.KS_STORE_NAME.'</a>: '.$this->strTitleContext.'
'; } echo ''.$this->strTitle.'
'; $this->DoToolbar(); echo '
"; } } /*%%%% CLASS: clsVbzApp PURPOSE: container for the chosen skin and database */ class clsVbzApp { private $objSkin; private $objData; public function __constructor(clsVbzSkin $iSkin, clsVbzData $iData) { $this->objSkin = $iSkin; $this->objData = $iData; } public function Skin() { return $this->objSkin; } public function Data() { return $this->objData; } } /* =================== CLASS: clsVbzPage_Cat PURPOSE: Handles display of catalog page types TO DO: These classes still need more tidying -- see clsPageCat -- and still need a bit of work to allow user-choosable skins. */ abstract class clsVbzPage_Cat extends clsVbzSkin_Standard { // helper objects protected $db; // database - CHANGE TO PRIVATE // query protected $strReq; // requested page // page definition protected $strName; // short title: {item name} (goes into html title, prefixed with store name) protected $strTitle; // longer, descriptive title: {"item name" by Supplier} (goes at top of page) protected $strSheet; // name of style sheet to use (without the .css) protected $strWikiPg; // name of wiki page to embed, if any (blank = suppress embedding) protected $strTitleContext; // context of short title, in HTML: {Supplier: Department:} (goes above title, in small print) protected $strHdrXtra; // any extra stuff (HTML) for the header protected $strSideXtra; // any extra stuff for the sidebar protected $lstTop; // stuff listed at the top of the sidebar // calculated fields // protected $strCalcTitle; protected $strContText; // flags set by wiki contents protected $hideImgs; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->lstTop = new clsNavList(); } protected function HandleInput() { $this->strSheet = 'browse'; // default } /*----- IMPLEMENTATION: Retrieves request from URL and parses it URL data identifies page, keyed to cat_pages data */ protected function ParseInput() { if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { $strReq = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; } else { $strReq = ; } $this->strReq = $strReq; if (strrpos($strReq,'/')+1 < strlen($strReq)) { $strRedir = KWP_CAT_REL.substr($strReq,1).'/'; header('Location: '.$strRedir); exit; // retry with new URL } } // DIFFERENT TYPES OF PAGES protected function DoNotFound() { $this->strWikiPg = ; $this->strTitle = 'Unknown Page'; $this->strName = 'unknown title in catalog'; $this->strTitleContext = 'Tomb of the...'; $this->strHdrXtra = ; $this->strSideXtra = '
Cat #: '.$this->strReq; } // UTILITY protected function AddText($iText) { $this->strContText .= $iText; } private function DoWikiContent() { # WIKI CONTENTS # $txtPage = GetEmbedPage('cat'); if (KF_USE_WIKI) { $txtWiki = GetWikiPage($this->strWikiPg); if ($txtWiki) { if (strpos($txtWiki,'__NOIMG__') != -1) { $txtWiki = str_replace('__NOIMG__',,$txtWiki); $this->hideImgs = true; } } if ($txtWiki) { echo '
'; } } } } /*%%%% TODO: * figure out why we need to have this as a separate class from clsVbzPage_Cat * give it a better name */ class clsPageCat extends clsVbzPage_Cat { private $objCatPage; // object for identifying page to display private function Suppliers($id=NULL) { $tbl = $this->Data()->Suppliers(); $tbl->Page($this); if (is_null($id)) { return $tbl; } else { $rc = $tbl->GetItem($id); return $rc; } } protected function RenderHdrBlocks() { if ($this->useSkin) { parent::RenderHdrBlocks(); } } protected function RenderFtrBlocks() { if ($this->useSkin) { parent::RenderFtrBlocks(); } } protected function HandleInput() { parent::HandleInput(); $strReq = $this->strReq; $this->objCatPage = $this->Data()->Pages()->GetItem_byKey($strReq); $objPage = $this->objCatPage; $this->useSkin = TRUE; if ($this->strReq) { if (is_object($objPage)) { switch ($objPage->Type) { case 'S': $this->DoCatSupp(); break; case 'D': $this->DoCatDept(); break; case 'T': $this->DoCatTitle(); break; case 'I': $this->useSkin = FALSE; $this->DoCatImage(); break; } } else { $this->DoNotFound(); } } else { $this->DoCatHome(); } } public function DoContent() { echo $this->Doc()->Render(); } // SIDEBAR INFO for different types of pages private function DoCatIndicia() { $this->lstTop->Add('Section','<a href="'.KWP_CAT_REL.'">by supplier</a>'); } private function DoSuppIndicia($iSupp,$isFinal=true) { $this->DoCatIndicia(); if ($isFinal) { $this->lstTop->Add('Supplier',$iSupp->Name); $this->lstTop->Add('<a href="'.KWP_WIKI.$iSupp->Name.'">more info</a>'); } else { $this->lstTop->Add('Supplier',$iSupp->Link()); } } private function DoDeptIndicia($iDept,$isFinal=true) { $this->DoSuppIndicia($iDept->Supplier(),false); if ($isFinal) { $this->lstTop->Add('Dept.',$iDept->Name); } else { $this->lstTop->Add('Dept.',$iDept->LinkName()); } } private function DoTitleIndicia($iTitle) { $this->DoDeptIndicia($iTitle->Dept(),false); $this->lstTop->Add('Title',$iTitle->Name); $this->lstTop->Add(' - catalog #',$iTitle->CatNum()); } private function DoCatHome() { $this->DoCatIndicia(); $this->strWikiPg = 'cat'; $this->strTitle = 'Catalog Home'; $this->strName = 'Catalog main page'; $this->strTitleContext = 'hello and welcome to the...'; $this->Suppliers()->DoHomePage(); $this->AddText($this->Doc()->Render()); } private function DoCatSupp() { $idRow = $this->objCatPage->Value('ID_Row'); $rcSupp = $this->Suppliers($idRow); assert('is_object($rcSupp)'); $strSuppName = $rcSupp->Value('Name'); $this->DoSuppIndicia($rcSupp); $this->strWikiPg = 'supp:'.strtoupper($rcSupp->Value('CatKey')); $this->strTitle = $strSuppName; $this->strName = 'listing for '.$strSuppName; $this->strTitleContext = '<a href="'.KWP_CAT_REL.'">Suppliers</a>: '.$strSuppName.':'; $rcSupp->DoDeptsPage(); $this->AddText($this->Doc()->Render()); } private function DoCatDept() { CallEnter($this,__LINE__,'clsPage.DoCatDept()'); // $objDeptTbl = VbzClasses::Depts(); $objDeptTbl = $this->Depts(); $objDept = $objDeptTbl->GetItem($this->objCatPage->ID_Row); assert('is_object($objDept)'); $objSupp = $objDept->Supplier(); assert('is_object($objSupp)'); $strDeptName = $objDept->Name; $strSuppName = $objSupp->Name; $strDeptLink = $objDept->LinkName(); $strSuppLink = $objSupp->Link(); $this->DoDeptIndicia($objDept); $this->strWikiPg = 'dept:'.strtoupper($objDept->PageKey); $this->strTitle = $strSuppName; $this->strName = $strDeptName.' dept. of '.$strSuppName; $this->strTitleContext = 'items <a href="'.KWP_CAT_REL.'">supplied</a> by '.$strSuppLink.'\'s '.$strDeptName.' department:'; $this->AddText($objDept->DoPage()); CallExit('clsPage.DoCatDept()'); } private function DoCatTitle() { CallEnter($this,__LINE__,'clsPage.DoCatTitle()'); $strPageKey = $this->objCatPage->Path; // $objTitleTbl = VbzClasses::Titles(); $objTitleTbl = $this->Titles(); $idRow = $this->objCatPage->ID_Row; $objTitle = $objTitleTbl->GetItem($idRow); assert('is_object($objTitle)'); $objDept = $objTitle->Dept(); assert('is_object($objDept)'); $objSupp = $objDept->Supplier(); assert('is_object($objSupp)'); $strTitleName = $objTitle->Name; $this->DoTitleIndicia($objTitle); // $this->strAbbr = 'title:'.strtoupper($strCatNum); $this->strWikiPg = 'title:'.$objTitle->CatNum(); //print 'ABBR='.$this->strAbbr; $this->strTitle = $strTitleName; $this->strName = $strPageKey.' "'.$strTitleName.'" from '.$objSupp->Name; $this->strTitleContext = 'items <a href="'.KWP_CAT_REL. '">supplied</a> by '.$objSupp->Link().'\'s '. $objDept->LinkName().' department:'; $objTitle->hideImgs = $this->hideImgs; $this->AddText($objTitle->DoPage()); CallExit('clsPage.DoCatTitle()'); } private function DoCatImage() { CallEnter($this,__LINE__,'clsPage.DoCatImage()'); // $objImageTbl = VbzClasses::Images(); $objImageTbl = $this->Images(); $objImage = $objImageTbl->GetItem($this->objCatPage->ID_Row); $objImage->DoPage(); CallExit('clsPage.DoCatImage()'); } }</php>