< Ferreteria | v0.3 | class(Redirected from Ferreteria/v3/class/tInternalStorage)
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CEMENTS: tSequentialAccess
NOTE: should probably be named tInternalSequentialStorage or similar
trait tInternalStorage {
use tSequentialAccess;
private $arRows = array();
private $idxData = -1;
// ++ DATA STATUS ++ //
RETURNS: number of rows in the resultset
public function GetRowCount() {
return count($this->arRows);
// -- DATA STATUS -- //
// ++ DATA CONTROL ++ //
ACTION: sets the row pointer to just before the first row
public function RewindRows() {
$this->idxData = -1;
// -- DATA CONTROL -- //
// ++ DATA READ ++ //
// ++ single row
protected function GetRow($key) {
return $this->arRows[$key];
ACTION: Retrieves the current row data and advances to the next
RETURNS: row data as an array, or NULL if no more rows
public function NextRow() {
$idx = $this->idxData;
if (array_key_exists($idx,$this->arData)) {
$arRow = $this->GetRow($idx);
} else {
$arRow = NULL; // no more rows
return $arRow;
// ++ all rows
protected function GetAllRows() {
return $this->arRows;
2018-08-05 Empty recordset no longer throws exception
2018-11-09 Adapting for Ferreteria v3
public function GetRows_forAll() {
$rs = $this->SpawnRows();
$ar = $this->GetAllRows();
if (is_array($ar)) {
} else {
//throw new exception('Ferreteria usage error: attempting to GetAllRecords() when there aren\'t any.');
return $rs;
// -- DATA READ -- //
// ++ DATA WRITE ++ //
// ++ single row
protected function AddRow(cFieldRow $rc) {
$this->arRows[] = $rc;
public function SetRow($key,cFieldRow $rc) {
$this->arRows[$key] = $rc;
// ++ all rows
2018-11-09 disabled in tIOSource_internal because not sure if it was needed
2018-11-24 moved from tIOSource_internal to cFieldRow_internal because fcStackTrace needs it
protected function SetAllRows(array $ar) {
$this->arRows = $ar;
// -- DATA WRITE -- //
- file: Template:L/ferreteria/file
- uses: Template:L/ferreteria/class
- used by: Template:L/ferreteria/class